Just Curious

Last night I was laying in bed at about 3 a.m. I watched some tv then tryed to sleep. As i was laying still I started feeling some crazy things then slowly going numb to the point where I couldent feel myself breathing I was wierded out so I moved and got some water. I was just curious if that is what i feels like when the body begins to fall asleep but you are still awake. I was focusing on one thing in my mind trying to see if i could enter a dream.

I experiance that too… And it feels like im moving. sometimes i get scared but all i have to do is before i get to this state just remind myself “Im sleeping… im just laying still how can i get hurt from laying down”

That’s sleep paralysis and you can get a WILD (wake induced lucid dream) from it. Read this at the wikibook for more info.

in deeper trance you can lose total awareness of your breathing
it must be past the point where it becomes automatic, which when conscoiusly experienced feels like you’re choking and can get frightening quickly. just let go, know that your body does this every night.

Thanks alot guys i will keep trying it, last night i tryed getting up after laying still for a long period of time and losing feeling in attempt to enter dream but that just woke me up. Ill try different things thanks again.

.:Illusion:. and Shadyk

You were both very close to WILD so keep practicing.


The key for me has been to just let things happen. If I stay passive and try not to do anything to enter a dream it just happens. But if I actively do anything to enter the dream I find that I will wake up or get stuck in the hypnogia.

I got even closer last night i could hear sounds in my ears and things were getting bright with my eyes closed, but i couldent convince myself to let the breathing go. I think that is why i was laying there for about 40 min befor i gave up. Everything i would lose the feeling of breathing i felt like a fish out of water and i would start controling the breathing. I need to practice that. Any suggestions? :confused:

You are definitely getting closer so keep practicing. I understand what you are going through and in time you will get used to it and be able to let yourself go more. What do you focus on while doing WILD?

First time i was thinking about space travel and that kept my mind going, but last night when i got the closest i was singing/raping in my head just making up lyrics as i went along but i thought of many other things too. I was trying to tell myself not to worry about not feeling the air this happens every night.