Just rambling about the future

Ive done some research on Freemasons, and there are alot of Masionic lodges in O.K. which is probley why I feel this state is evil. Alot of presidents are Freemasons. Have you ever reallly study papper currencey? There are alot of mysterious symbols on it. You know the words that are below the pryamid with the all seeing eye on top of it. Those words translate to “New world ordor”, and I feel we will see a NWO in the next few years before 2012. Im still having secound thoughts on Obama being the Antichrist. Which dosnt bother. I think its kind of cool, and makes life very intersting.
Did you know that the Illinois lottery numbers on the day he was elected president was… The pick three was 666, and the pick 4 was 7779. Allso the zipcode of Chicago is 60606. So what is going on here? Something is deffintly going to happen, and I know Im a conspiracey theorist, but its just a hobby I guess. I just dont know what to think about the Freemasons, and I do not trust them. Do you realize that Oklahoma was the only state in the nation where all the countys were red, not one county was blue. Its a uptight republican state. I know I bitch alot about this state, but you would have to live here to understand where Im coming from. Ive seen three Mason lodges here. In my opinion Republicans do not like free thinkers. They just want you to show there authourity, and controll the public. Go to work, go to church, and be good little boys, and girls. Im deffintly democrate, and dont get me wrong I love Obama, atleast things are entersting now that he is president, and he will not be assassanated, because if he is truly the antichrist he will show his true colors in his third year in office, and I allso find it entersting that he will be president in 2012 when the shit is supose to hit the fan.
I know Im rambling, but to be honest with you, Im excited about the next three years. Im preparing spiritualy, and trying to get others prepaired.
Just think about our excistence on this planet that in itself is huge. Its all a dream people, and we are fixing to wake up from it. Its up to us as humans to eather wake up from this dream with tears in our eyes from it being a beautyfull dream, or wake up in a cold sweat, because we made it into a nightmare.
We create our own reality. God put us here(on ld4all) for a reason, and that reason is, is to simply hack into our dreams to learn, and grow. Everything happens for a reason. Trust me there will be something happning… something huge that will take place very soon, so be prepared. The signs are there. We dont have to much longer to go. Now is the time to wake up, and live. :woo: Do you feel the love? God has an amazing expirance for us. The past is an illusion, life is a dream, and i am me, and you are you.


he seems to simply be transparency, in that revelation can happen smoothly and we can transition into a new evolution, he is an inversion of what leadership has been

there is not any future, at all,
there is only reality tunnels , dreams created by strings of beliefs ,
immerse yourself in streams of information and it changes your experience of being alive ,

this is why to be now, and to be clear, and to hold fast to that which is good, is the only proper use of mind ,

cause any series of stories, at all, mythologies about the future, profit-sees, see-sawing up and down, they do not lead anywhere ,
but the ride costs a few quarters each time you spin ,
and then you loose your sense

and your two cents becomes a parroty

the future makes no difference, because it is about us, the ones who are rising and identifying with what is good,
truthfully it is very plausible for this mode of Earth to sustain itself for our generation and then-some

the question is,
people like us , that write , right now, and read ,
what do our words and beliefs do to the world ?

focusing upon thoughts and theories of this kind,
can only cause exhilaration, or fear,
“the goal is to be unified, take my hand, be my brother”

maybe the freemasons got really bored making roads and invented stories about them being an evil occult group for fun? :smile:

lol they’re taking over.
There’s a spongebob episode about freemasonry.

But really, I’ve watched a documentary, and it said they weren’t evil.
But maybe the documentary was directed by Freemasons, who knows?

I’m sure the floating eye pyramid was George Washington’s idea, he was always the creepy one of the group.

Have you heard of the Web bot…

Its been accrent so far.
youtube.com/watch?v=GBNE_kje … re=related

youtube.com/watch?v=GBNE_kje … re=related

If so could we somehow change the future in a more posotive direction?

According from what I understand from the first video, we cant change a huge event that is predicted, but we can change for the better. We all know the power of words. So come lets start pumping out some love. No more fear people the time is here this is what life is about. LOve Love Love LoveLove. Love Love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love lovel love love love love love love love love love. Scan that chatbot.

I would allso like to know if there is away we can somehow scan LD4all sence there are alot of dreams about the future in here, and a date? Like our own little web bot. Do you think its possible? We would probley be more accuret then the bot. Im still looking for something to happen in October acording to one of my dreams.