Just "sleep on it"

I’ve been having major life troubles lately…not your problem but I have been trying the “just sleep on it” method. This is the same method I’ve heard others use to initiate a specific LD but I’m trying to work out my problems BEFORE the actual lucid dream state - perhaps during - mostly as I wake up. I think of my problem then relax and let my mind wander but still on track with my problems. What techniques do you use? Do ya’ll just prepare for LDing or have you tried to work out problems in different states then REM? Try it and maybe help me.

Hi Sandy,
I strongly believe that “sleep on it” is a very wise legacy.
I have been rescued many times in distressed conditions.
My only armor was: TRUST !
By that I mean that I do not feel isolated but united with everything that IS.
So sleaping on it I rely on inner guidance beyond RD and LD, and I admit I have been repeatedly rewarded beyond expectations in a subtle and deep way.
Dont worry, you are never alone.
Just turn your gaze inward and Trust…