I was low lucid last night and I stood in front of a large legged monster and I wanted to pass him so I turned myself into sand and I flew with the wind under his belly, past his legs and when I got to the other side of him I wanted to do it again because it was pretty cool. So I tried it again but this time my sand trick didn’t work and the monster got hold of me and started tickling me which made me wake up. I laughed so hard, didn’t expect him to do that!
I remember other people talking about DC waking them up by tickling them. This was my first time.
Wow, your dream monsters seem pretty nice. All the evil things in my dreams happen to beat the crap out of me. For instance, I had this one dream where my brother got possessed by a demon and burned me at stake, one where this robber broke in and stabbed me, another where this evil dude had this lottery which I won; winning meant getting hanged, so thats what happened to me, and of course, there was my favorite dream, in which Osama bin Laden kidnapped me and attempted to cut my fingers off. All seem terrifying at the time, but I actually found them pretty funny when I woke up.
I guess being sand carried by the wind must feel awesome. It seems like a nice dream after all… And I never heard of monsters that wake you up by tickling… Just awesome!
LOL! Sand technique…dude, that ingenious Nice flexibility, my friend.
Yeah, have had many many critters and beasties go after me with the tickling. Sometimes its been excruciating, but often with an affectionate tone as well…like a puppy snuffling in your ear.
So strange, these different sensations in dreaming! Some are literally out of this world
Funny to hear you have some ticklers as DC too! The monster tickled me like I was a little child, on my belly. Like you say, with an affectionate tone to it as well.
You should try the sand technique! I don’t know why I thought of it, it was just the first thing that popped in my head. It felt like I was really big and flat, literally as a scattered rug of sand… and I sort of surfed the wind. Best way to describe it.
Had small lucid dreamlet just now (not stable or long enough to add to my LD count) after WBTB session. I emerged lucid in a dream (WILD dreamlet) standing in front of a mirror in a wardrobe room which had a Persian prince motif…lots of flowing draped fabric and beautiful rugs everywhere. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was playing the part as well…doning a loosely wrapped cream colored bisht with dark red turban. In a flash, I remembered the possibility of becoming sand in the lucid state (amazing how fast thought translates to action in dreaming…not like waking thought at all…much more immediate…instantaneous) and !Alacazam! I became a man-shaped boiling fountain of sand. The sand was gushing up from the floor somehow, and somehow I maintained the my shape. I could actual feel every detail of the fluid-particle nature of the flowing sand for those couple seconds I remained in the dream. Observed the strange reflection of myself for a couple moments and then woke back up.
wow that is awesome glypheye! You’ve been the sand and seen yourself as sand, that is amazing, I wish I had seen myself as sand instead of just feeling like sand. Awesome how the sand gushed up and you were able to maintain your shape. Are you going to try to become a different shape next time?
I really want to experiment some more with this, you can actually do anything with sand! ha very cool
Great questions…hmmmm. How about finding myself in this marvelous panoramic desert with crystal clear blue sky and becoming a massive writhing sand snake…something that propels itself forward at incredible speeds with gushing fluidity like a rushing sand river winding through the dunes? That would be cool, methinks
LOL…it’ll be interesting to see how this intention plays out…never rolls the way I anticipate…to my great good fortune and ever emerging surprise