Ok, I wanted to try a WILD, so I decided to lay down for an afternoon nap.
I relaxed, and after awhile, I could feel my body tingling, and entering sleep paralysis. (I was following the article at:) en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lucid_Drea … iques#WILD
I guess you could say I had a lucid daydream… I was never able to completely ‘forget’ that my body was laying in bed… I was able to fly around and stuff, but I never completely entered a dream state - everything just seemed like a daydream, like I was looking through a screen door.
What can I do to ‘break’ the connection; to actually be dreaming, and not just ‘half asleep’, not be aware of my physical surroundings (I could hear my neighbor’s lawn mower, and feel myself breathing, etc.)
This was my first actual attempt, I will definitely try again tonight.
The exact same thing happened to me this morning. Sometimes it has worked to “drag” myself into the dream scene, one sense at the time. First, I can see the scene. Then I make an effort to feel things, hear sounds etc. If it looks like a two-dimentional image, you could try to imagine the scene all around you.
once you feel the tingling try and be aware completley of whats happening, form here you see the dream start to develop which should allow you to control your LD.
What you can try to do is, when you are in this 1/2 sleep stage, to try and force a dream to shape itself. I have been experimenting with this (see thread in this forum “a wild variation’”). Another thing you could do is to imagine a door or a mirror somewhere while you are floating around and pass through it so you will end up wherever in a (stable) LD.