Keep doing RCs while getting firmer with LD?

hi everyone,

so far i have just had come close to LD (like asking myself hey, why is this and that so weird…)
but I want to know from you more experienced LD’ers
Do you have to keep up RCs as you get better at LD ing?
If not, will LDs decrease or will you even lose that ability again?

Thanks for your input and sweet dreams.

^^ Well-- reality checks are a useful habit, as if you continue, you have a better chance of getting a DILD from the habit of doing them-- perhaps in dreams (like me…). You don’t nessicarily NEED to do RCs, but it is encouraged since it reminds your brain you want a lucid…

But if you stop doing rcs, it won’t kill your abilities to LD, and you can always start up the habit again… ^^ Your lucid dream frequency should’nt change, unless you stop your habit of RCs, and thats how you’ve been going lucid all this time–

Hope that helped! ^^~

Well, it depends on what kind of LD you use. I use WILD, for example, so I don’t have to do RCs at all in order to stay successful with WILD.

Of course, RCs are never a bad habit anyway…

I highly agree with both of the above.
RC’s really are a good habit, especially in the start when you start to train your Dream Recall. I, myself, had many LD’s when I started without doing nothing but training my Recall and doing RC’s. Anyway, it’s like smoking: Once you get used to it, it is hard to stop. It would be an effort for me to stop doing it now, and it wont hurt anyway. All that can come from it is good, mainly Lucid Dreams.

thanks alot for your insights…

I stopped with RC’s perhaps a month ago. When I stopped, my LD’s came on lower frequency until they stopped coming. But it still didn’t kill my LD ability, and it’s coming back now. It was a break. The point is: Don’t be afraid to take a break for a while, you can always develop the ability again.
Hope I helped!

RC’s become easier as you go along. You’ll get used to it and I guess you could say you do MORE RC’s if you have success, at least if they are effective for you. Supposedly the need would decrease when you get better at lucid dreaming, but one always wants to maximise one’s success right?

I never really do RC’s… I never felt the need to and it’s not as if I only use the WILD method either :X

Do you guys think it would be a good idea to start doing them? I already have 10-20 LD’s a month, without doing anything special.

Are you talking about doing RC in dreams or in the waking life?

Recently, I had spontaneous LD without doing checks in real life. Now whenever I get lucid, I just know I’m in a dream and don’t perform any RC. Since I want to increase my LD rate, I got back to DJing and reality testing to improve my chances.