Keep on losing lucidy!! advice?

my lucid dreams only last seconds. i hate it. Im not excited or anything. At least i dont think i am… I have had 5 LD since i have started. All very short
Anyway last night i turned lucid and the 1st thing i did was fly. Then i realized i better do something so i wont be short like last time.
I span around in a circle(which forced me to fly upwards in a strait line) the scene faded away(which i expected) but after that i lost lucidity and returned to me trying to fall asleep again…
What can i do?
they are not getting any longer

try other techniques for keeping lucidity. spinning never worked for me because once I lost concrete images, and go the blur of a spin, I lost the dream. One of the most amazing things I have felt in LD’s is how the physical senses feel so real while you know you’re just laying in bed. That’s why rubbing your hands together can really stablize a dream.

Just keep with it, and next lucid dream you have, try to keep yourself in some form of stimulation, like talking to somebody, touching something, flying… that type of stuff. if flying is what you want to do for instance, stop on rooftops or talk to birds, feel the textures of your dream world, until you get the hang of keeping lucidity for longer times.

good luck exidez!

i will try thats… it annoys me that i cant keep a long ld
i want to do so many things but only have seconds to do them

but will try what you said
thanks again

Spinning, rubbing hands together and focusing on the friction. Those are a few meathods.

How long do these LD’s last for?

Hi exidez !
Do you lose lucidity and go back to a ND or do you wake up ? It’s not the same problem… and not the same solution !

I’m experiencing the same thing since I started getting dream-initiated LD’s. The first LDs I had were WILD, and they seemed to last longer.

Usually with my DILD, I attain lucidity right at the end, and as soon as I do, the dream fades. It’s really frustrating.

The last dream I had, something didn’t add up and I said to myself, “oh, that must mean I am dreaming…” oops too late, everything goes black and I am in my bed. :sad:

The thing is, a lot of times when that happens, and I wake up in my bed, I feel a floating sensation…and I can’t tell if it is a FA or I am really in bed. :confused:

I guess I am just thankful that at least I can get to the point where I know I am dreaming, even it is too late. :happy:

Its a common thing this, that when you become lucid, things start to fade around you, or you lose lucidity easy,

as the other dudes said, try somehting new, rubbing hands etc.

something though that sometimes works for me, it has given me some pretty cool experiences, just close your eyes and think of a door, or a window… then slowly merge towards it… finally go through the window, or open the door,
you might be suprised to see whats on the other side… :smile:


i wake up in my bed with my eyes closed. My body is always in SP. I have tried taking advanage of this but nothing works.
I WILD btw.

I used to have the same problem, only worse. I never got to do anything at all, I just immediatly woke up after becoming lucid. It wasn’t until my 6th LD that it actually lasted and I got to do things. I have had bad luck getting any LDs whatsoever since then. I tried the spinning technique too, but all it did was wake me up. If you just keep having LDs they will get longer. At least they did for me…

I still keep waking up from my LDs after anywhere from 20 seconds to 1 minute usually. And I usually don’t have time to do any hand rubbing or spinning since my LDs tend to fade very fast and when I notice that it’s fading I’m already out of the dream :bored: But atleast sometimes I manage to go back into the LD if I don’t move or open my eyes when I wake up from the LD but that usually only give me 10-20 seconds more each time though :sad:

exidez, JaRod,
I had the same problem a month ago. Flo told me that dreams fade when there is too much waking consciousness in it. She gave the advice to stare at something in my dreams, as staring make dreams more solid.
For instance remember to look at your hands immediatly at the beginning of a LD, and then stare at them from times to times.
It worked for me. I would like to know if it works for you, too.

I think I’ve tried staring at something in a few LDs when I notice that the dream is fading. But the problem is that after a short while I can’t keep my eyes open when I’m staring at something and when I can’t hold them open anymore I wake up :cry: Or I might suddenly notice that the dream has gotten blurry and suddenly I’m awake before I have a chance to react to it :sad:

It does not sound like you are losing lucidity. It sounds like you keep waking up. When you first become lucid stay calm. Then use a prolonging techniques before you do anything else. Then carry on with your dream but, periodically use a prolonging technique. I suggest rubbing your hands together over spinning for people new to lucid dreaming.

Anyway, none of this is anything to worry about. Everyone who first learns lucid dreaming goes through the same thing. Being lucid takes some getting used to. As you gain more experience your lucid dreams will get longer.

I just took the step (or should I say leap) from short Lds to long ones.

Just about everytime I’ve become lucid it’s been through the “hands” RC. But everytime when I found I had 7 fingers or something on each hand, I would become so excited that I woke up.

I then started telling my self “If this is a dream, you’ll stay very calm” while doing RCs, and after that every LD I’ve had has been much longer than those before. I also rub my hands if a RC shows I’m dreaming.

Yes getting excited will wake you up. Keep practicing and don’t feel frustrated by this. Lots of people have the same problem in the beginning. The more you experience lucidity you will learn to keep yourself calm. Practice and experience is the key here as it sounds like you are doing everything else right. You just have to learn not to get so excited when you become lucid. Next time you become lucid do nothing and just concentrate on keeping yourself calm . Once you are calm then try rubbing your hands, spinning, or whatever works for you. This will help anchor your self to the dream. Really expect that it will work.

Happy Dreaming