Keep trying, Help please

Well to start off im 13 and ive been trying to become lucid for about a month now…and ive tried before going to bed say to yourself I am going to lucid dream, and those alarm ones, I reallymdont prefer because i have school, so anyother techniques?

Also will melatonin help achieve lucidity?

also yesterday i was trying and it felt as if i was floating out of my body and i kept seeing like flashing light pictures of shapes

Floating feeling and flashing light shapes = movement of the “dream body” and hypnagogic imagery. KEEP TRYING!

As for tecniques… read up on sleep and the brain (or hit the youtube). I’m the same age as you and my insomnia has been cured so that I can use those “alarm ones”. It helps a lot.

Melatonin helps you sleep, and has not been proven to help with achieving Lucidity. Ummm if your looking for herbal supplements, Lemon balm and Chamomile tea Is said and personally helps me with dream recall, and vividness. Also I hear there is an experiment with Mugwort tea that helps with vividness and lucidity. If your looking for techs, Look around at the Lucid lab or the FAQ and Tutorials for ideas and techs that will help you. You sound close, so Keep up the good work:)

Good luck,

this might sound stupid, but i just drink the tea lol?


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JeffreyD, start out by increasing your dream recall by keeping a dream journal. Try and remember every detail that you can when you first wake up, so you can copy more down. While you record your dreams, go over them and you will start recognizing your dream signs… these are things that your dreams have in common that all point to the fact that you are dreaming. That’s the best way to start out and it’s awfully underrated by people who try to jump right in to lucidity and expect quick results. Work on increasing dream vividness, increase your level of awareness in the day and perform frequent reality checks. look around on the good old forums for advice on techniques, and read in the article section. There are many well written articles there written by experienced lucid dreamers that contain a lot of useful advice :smile:

First you need to have a good foundation, and the right attitude;
make sure to have these points marked off before you really start out:

1. Self-confidence
Do you believe that you can do this?
You need to be able to trust that you will eventually succeed.

2. Patience
Practising Lucid Dreaming will take a while for most people, you should expect it to take a few months before you get your first true LD.
Way too many beginners give up too quickly because they expect instant results or aren’t patient enough; don’t make that mistake.

3. Goals
Why do you want to have lucid dreams?
Do you have any specific desire for something?
Do you feel excited from thinking of that experience?
Remember, “a lucid dream” is not any specific goal, it’s just the thing that will make it possible for you to experience something - but what?

4. Dream Recall
Can you remember most of your dreams?
Do you remember a lot of details?
This is extremely important, because you will obviously need to be able to remember your dreams if you want to remember your lucid dreams.

It is very important that you pay close attention to these points if you want the best success.