I hear you there loud and clear. My friend’s mom is even worse. There are a few things I use for digital security and privacy. First is encrypted AIM conversations (aimencrypt.com). I use Cix to encrypt my dream journal and other personal documents. (spyarsenal.com/spy-software.html) The way I do it is password protect my user account, set it to show the welcome screen when the screen saver is disengaged (same as password protecting the screen saver on win 98 etc.) and then unencrypt the dream journal at night. In the morning when I am done, I reencrypt it and completely overwrite the text file. If you have wireless internet access make sure it is encrypted…what else…yes…trust no one. PM me if you need to.
Maybe we need a new form of “parent control” software, i.e ways to control your parents instead of parents controlling you
i have wireless internet… is that bad?
(i dont’ really have DJs on my comp though, they are online for all to see, lol)
but umm… ever since I realized that for some reason I now have McAffee firewall (i remember trying to use it at first and it said i needed to buy it, which is a bit odd)
it’s been saying i’ve been getting port scan attacks, from a server that this forum is located on, no less… and occasionally from other forums too… I’m not really sure what it means at all… but if I block the IP I can’t post here.
Maybe they are just sending a lot of information to me, or some sort of bug, or something.
Not everything that triggers your firewall is an attack. From what I understand you get a lot of false alarms. Though I never got a port scan from this forum. Just because you get a port scan while on the forum does not mean that the server the forum is on is the perpetrator. Also, I suggest that you configure your firewall so that the ports are stealthed .
Wireless is not inherently secure; there is a community of people called “war drivers” who drive around with wireless laptops and look for open wireless networks to snoop/damage. If you have Wired Equivalant Privacy (WEP) enabled, you should be fine from casual and amatuer snoopers. WEP isn’t rock hard, and wired networks are still more secure but make sure you have WEP enabled. (I have 802.11g) Enable WEP by clicking the internet icon in the systray → properties → wireless networks → configure. Look it up online too
I so agree with this. It pisses me off that people write entire books on what means what in your dreams. Dreams are extremely personal, and anyone elses interpretation of it is completely worthless. Even your own interpretation is probably not the “purpose” of the dream, but at least that can be somewhat insightful.
- feed_my_BRAIN
Choose Your journal not too big in size and just carry it everywhere with You. Make it a part of your “equipment” (like Your wallet or mobile phone)… I think it’s safer than writing Your DJ in the computer. (for example, my whole DJ got deleted when my computer got a serious virus infection couple of months ago).
[color=indigo]My suggestion is writing in a school type book, that looks just like every other school excercise book in the world, and put “science” on it or something similar. If she reads that, she’s a very boring woman!
I don’t like the lockable diary idea cos the keys are so easy to lose, but other than that, yeah theyre ok. Or just hide your DD in a safe place, under ur matress or something.
Hope someone gives you an idea that works![/color]
A few good places to hide things:
- In the cushion of a chair or inside another cushion (good for slim objects, idk about dream diaries)
- If you have a dresser or desk with drawers, there is usually space between the bottom drawer and the floor. Take out the bottom drawer and hide things there. (Good all around, good room)
- Under mattress, also in some beds there is space between the springs of the mattress. These are sometimes covered by mesh. You can make a small tear in the mesh and hide things there. Quite a bit of room.
- You can hide papers and some other slim objects in picture frames
- Inside your computer. In my family this doesn’t work because we are all tech-savvy and most of the time my computer is open anyway. But depending on what size comp you have, there is usually quite a bit of open space for hiding things. If you have a lot of 1337 hardware in your computer you might not want to do this but if your systems temperature is stable and you have space, go ahead.
- In the pockets of some shirt/jacket/coat/pants that no one ever touches in your closet (a little risky)
- In the battery compartments of electronics (CD Players, Game Boy, flashlights etc.)
Hope these help!
I just use a standard LiveJournal.com account for my DJ. That way, I can make an entry practically anytime I want. It’s secure because I don’t tell people about it and I don’t care if a stranger reads it.
Still more good replies.
After my last post, I had a bad dream about my mom spying on me X_x I ran away, and she just chased me. Beh. I guess it worries me more than I thought
Also…Ivi-that is a NICE dream journal. I wish I had something like that
It’s not mine. I just googled for a picture which looks as similar to mine as possible… But it’s quite close. I find it important to like my dream journal. Kind of a fetish - helps one to want to write something in it
moogle: Aha! I think I know exactly how to find your DD now
On topic: First of all I’m too lazy. Secondly I’m way way too lazy. And thirdly I’m not that good at writing narrative texts. And i also think that whenever I write a dream down, the text has nothing of the special logic and wierdness that made the dream special. I don’t know if it is because i suck at writing, or if it is impossible to put a dream into everyday language.
I believe i had some dream diary files encrypted on my computer. I can’t picture anyone’s sister breaking that 128-bit encryption
It’s very easy to find … it’s in the dream journal section at ld4all.
My family doesnt try reading through my stuff because, well, they cant! My handwriting is horrible. If you decide to keep it in a notebook buy one of those 5 subject notebooks and keep it in one of the middle subjects and just use the other subjects for school. Trust me, its a pain in the ass if you wake up in the middle of the night to go turn on the computer, wait for a word processor to load, then to type your dream.
Why not just write it on a pc, and then password protect the document/file?
You could get one of those new mice that have a biometric fingerprint scanner. Then logging on to your computer would need a password and a fingerprint. I think it’s only about 90 dollars.
Just learn one of this: Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Hebrew (strike out lng which she knows) and write down your dreams in the chosen language. Then you can say her that she is free to read if she wants .
Im learning chinese right now, dont know enough to write down my dreams or I would.
i am learning japanese, though for other reasons than dream jounals. i find the idea so constraining, as i never have time in the morning for such things, but i do see the point…
there are an almost infinite number of ways to make sure no one reads your journals. the best choice would be to get a book to write it in, and hide it somewhere. but a fingerprint scanner seems like a good idea…
oh jeez… i need sleep… i’l be seing things up side down soon…