well i’m pretty sure they aren’t here because that was 2 years ago, on a different PC that has been formatted twice, I knew about it right away, they eventually admitted to it, and showed me how to use it, then removed it
i then found a bunch of the old logs and reinstalled the program (zip file was still there) and dicked around with it (and was thoroughly pissed off whiel reading the logs)… and well … that was a format or two ago.
My comp is password protected now, not that my passwords are very creative, and well, if you have a network spreadable spy thingy on here I’m sure you can get it too, since we are on a network, but I do have spybot and adaware and use them fairly regularly.
The only thing they probably do unless they suspect me of doing something is look a tthe website logs that go through the network, as my dad once told me not to look at porn on my brother’s computer, which I hadn’t been doing (thankfully he wasn’t looking at hardcore mind warping stuff though, he’s way too young (11)… or it could have been someone else, he thought it was the cleaning lady)
so but I mean all they have to do is go to these forums to know way too much about me than I’d ever want them to know, and I am sure they are more than willing to do that, or do do it, when they feel suspicious about me.
I’m sure it’s something I could probably sue them for, being 18, it’s probably a form of stalking or something.
I don’t care though really, not at all anymore… and well I’ve written essays that it is possible they could find detailing how much they screwed my mind up by doing this stuff to me, and how paranoid they have made me.
I certainly don’t want them reading them, either, but they are in fairly easy to find normal places… and should be destroyed… but then again they took so long to write (psychology project) that I"d like to have a paper back up to reminsice upon.
(sorry for the bad spelling)