Keeping your eyes open

a good alarm app for the ipod/iphone. . It has an auto-snooze so the alarm plays for a certain time and then you don’t have to look at the screen to turn it off. it does it itself. I got it free cause my ipod is jailbroken but it cost money.

It’s called:

12,24 alarm clock

I’m actually going to try to keep my eyes open and FILD at the same time. Who knows? :smile: Maybe i’ll end up lucid

This is cool.

I remember getting lucid like this a long time ago.

I will have to try it when I am very very sleepy like at 6 in the morning.

cool :happy: do you remember if it was a WILD or if it simply let you carry a bit more awareness into the dream, helping you get lucid?

Tried it this morning. Not so easy when the sun is up less than 5 hours after u go to bed :tongue:. Even still, it helped quite a bit I think. I was having a hard time going back to sleep but I think it made me tired enough to go under. Good LD followed, which will be in my journal shortly.

Edit: and yes, mattias, it was a WILD, which I am rarely able to do.

It was clearly a WILD but truthfully it was first an OBE . I was keeping my eyes open staring at the upper corner of my ceiling and wall for a long time. Then I Was up in the corner, and could turn around and see my body sleeping in the bed.

What’s weird is that I can sometimes visualize other places better when my eyes are open as opposed to visualizing with eyes closed.

-hey Rhewin,
I highly suggest getting some dark curtains to put up. When we are exposed to complete darkness, the more Melatonin our brain will secrete, there fore deeper sleep and more vivid dreams. :wink:

Watch this. I think that is a good way to enter sleep paralysis and enter a dream

and keeping your eyes open to not roll over from the urge will help i think i’m going to try it. Once i enter sleep paralysis i’m going to fall asleep WILDing or MILDing

uhm, answer what? :tongue: Stop, drop and roll? I’ve had a few LD’s with it, you should try it out.

I’ve been thinking how to use the eyes open and roll over together somehow… :hmmm: For me, maybe, staying on my back until I get the signal, roll over and keep eyes open. but if that works, it might be just for me… haven’t remembered to try it out…

Hmm… Would it work to not move when i’m awake in the middle of the night, enter sleep paralysis. and then would it be easy to enter a dream?

yeah, if you wake up in the middle of the night and are able to stay completely still you should be able to enter SP a lot easier. And, although SP isn’t always noticed when WILD’ing, it’s half way there!

Mmmmm…k :wink: