Keeping your eyes open

I’ve mentioned this in a post but I think I should make a topic as well.

When you wake up in the middle of the night, stay in a comfortable position and keep your eyes open. They should close by themselves. Every time they do, open them again. Keep repeating for as long as possible. This has helped me carry some awareness into my dreams and has resulted in lucidity many times!

If your eyes don’t close by themselves you’re probably too awake so this might not work.

Let me know how it works! :smile:

Will this help me acheive lucidty? Should I do that after i have gotten good at lucid dreams or before?

If you have had little experiance of ld’s before then you may have trouble stabalizing it and may lose it quickly. However it would work no matter what your experiance is.

I’m confused though cause when my eyes are closing and stuff how will achieve lucidity?

What happens with me is I end up realizing I’m dreaming once I do fall back asleep.

When you’re trying to WILD and you’re counting, for example, you’re trying to keep your mind awake untill you enter the dream. This is a bit like that. You can’t fall asleep with your eyes open :tongue: so that helps in the same way: increasing awareness

Oh ok:) I will try that after i get one successful C-WILD and FILD

yes this is a good idea

i am working out a few key ideas that when practiced will bring radical lucidity, this is similar.

Something to try tonight, I think. Great contribution, mattias :content:


Actually I got this from Erin Pavlina, who seems to be a great LD’er. I read this tip some time ago, but just tried it “recently”. The first time I tried it I had a LD on a week night! And that’s usually rare for me, so I thought it’s worth trying out. Possibly, the only times when I try this and don’t get lucid is when I don’t really try hard enough. :tongue: you know how that goes :lol:

How long was your LD on the weeknight?

Can’t remember, sorry :neutral: I was just happy to get lucid at all :tongue: But I’m sure it wasn’t just a few seconds. It was medium/low lucidity, though, if I’m not mistaken. But I believe it’s just a matter of practice… and it’s possible to carry in more and more consiousness into the dream.

So should i try that tonight. Would it work after 3.5 hours of sleep?


the transition into dreaming is veiled by the semi unconscio9usness of sleep and a general inactivity in the mind, any vigilance , in any way , including saying I WILL NOT ROLL OVER UNTIL I AM DREAMING works,

the transition OUT of dreaming is also the way back in which is easier to notice but then you’ve had, who knows how long of dream that may not have been lucid.

is this a dream ? yes it is, followed by thinking about the RC and saying “If i am dreaming, the RC will do…” then TRYING to see if your RC shows that you are lucid, it really requires a to of awareness of the RC.

i still do the plug your nose and breathe through it and i am still often surprised when i am dreaming and do it, that i can breathe through my plugged nose, and the thought processes are crucial, i am wondering “wait, , does that mean i am dreaming? oh yes it does.”

Last night i tried to keep my eyes open, i did that for 2 minutes. and then fell back asleep…

Great :smile: Did your eyelids feel really heavy? Did you feel you were a bit more aware in your following dreams?

I’m not sure, it might help to have some LD’ing experience, to help recognize the dreamstate… anyway… :happy:

I´m gonna try this for sure, only one question; must you awake by your self or is it okey to set an alarm? :smile:

I did by alarm. But yeah my eyelids felt heavy. Ha i don’t know if this one will be good for me but it will be a great technique to try after i get more experienced at lucid dreams!! :tongue:

I’m trying this tonight! Wish me luck!

Good luck! :tongue:

alarm is fine, unless it wakes you up too much. Good luck everyone! I’ll see if I can try it some more myself if I wake up in the middle of the night… :wink: