Key to our brain?

I’m no science guy or anything so this might come out abit dumb… However I’ve been thinking for quite some time now about our brain’s capacity and what it might have in store for us.
It is said that we only use 10% of our brain, correct? and noone knows exactly everything about it’s total capacity?
What if there is a way to find out for yourself and unlock our brain somehow and get access to things not really thought possible. Psychic abilities perhaps I don’t know.
Would it be even physical possible to be able to use more of yer brain?

May it be that perhaps the key to get there is through our dreams… through lucid dreaming? I am always amazed by dreams and always wondering why they really are there… Like there would be some hidden agenda behind it perhaps from “the maker” for those who believs such things.

I’m not really sure what I’m aiming at here but this is something I’m vaguely pondering from time to time… That there is something more to it.

No, I don’t think that it’s we only use 10% of our brain. I think it’s that we only use 10% at a given time. That is, when I’m playing tennis, I’m not using the same part of the brain as I would if I were reading a book or playing chess.

I think that what is meant by ‘using only 10% of your brain’ is using 10% of the mass of the brain for conscious thought. Most of the brain is used for all the other functions of the body like sight, cardiovascular system, muscular control, ect. But I do think that if there’s any way to access the subconscious, it would probably be during a dream. I have been wrong before though… :content:

when people say that we only use 10% of our brains what that refers to is that at any given instant only around 10% of our neurons are currently firing (when they send the electrical charge down their axon). when people think of the 10% quote they usually think back to all the sci fi movies they saw that used it incorrectly; we do use 100% of our brain just not all at once.
(this info was from Psychology sixth edition by David G. Myers if you want to check up on my facts.)
like a computer, assuming that you will use all the programs on your computer at least once; you probably wont ever use every single program at the same time, it would cause too much confusion; but you do use single programs all the time, it’s using a small percentage of the computer but the computer works best at that low amount.

as for psychic abilities and dreams being from “the maker” I’m just going to say that it’s not really my place to tell you what to believe about that, and that people tend to keep believing what they believe no matter what other people say.

How about using more of our brains at a given time? I heard about Buddhist monks having high brain activity. No wonder considering all the meditation they do. That I’d say would be the key if there is such a thing.

The ten percent actually refers to the small cortexes of the brain that take in sensory data, or direct muscular responses. The rest of the brain is association area, that was thought to be dormant.

However Association areas are used for things like, learning, thinking, talking and remembering. That’s how the myth that we just use 10% of our brains arose. So in fact, we do use all of our brain.

I also got this from a David G. Myers, psychology book, seventh edition.

Man I love the people on this forum :content:
Everytime I go here I’m amazed by the intelligence provided on every forum post.

However now I didn’t actually mean just that were using 10% of our brains. I was more aiming for that there has to be more in store for our brains and that we might learn to access alot more stuff than we think…
I have had lots of experiences where I couldn’t remember something in waking life and once in my dreams I play out the same scenario and bang it’s there right away… I’ve had memories from my childhood that has showed up into the smallest details with names and things that you would’nt think possible to remember… Dreams that has somehow predicted a waking life scenario… Also I have had dreams from long before that I haven’t at all remembered and then suddenly I dream about that dream, or that dream continues, and I remember it… Just so many thing’s that the brain must be able to keep in store and we just don’t have any access to it unless it randomly comes to us… Couldn’t we just be able to dream away and access what we want at wish? There’s surely scientific explinations to lots of stuff… I just get a feeling sometimes that there is something more to it, something we might not yet have discovered.
Hope you understand where I’m going cause im not really sure meself :tongue:… Allthough main issue wasn’t really the using of our brains capacity in general. Thanks

I believe we are using all the parts of our brain (maybe not to their fullest extent) but I also think its got more to do with DNA/chakra/third-eye activation to develop psychic abilities.

The purpose of dreaming is so your mind can rest and unwind.
It is a way for the mind to assess everything that has occured recently and devise a scenario that will enable you to make sense of it all.
Dreams really do open doors, you can experience many things you would not experience in waking life which changes your perspective. For example you can live out a lifetime in a matter of seconds, you can get idea’s from dream characters that aren’t even your own i.e. you wouldn’t have come up with such a bright idea yet it is your dream which makes it your idea, you can experience sensations and situations which have never happened in waking life, etc, etc.

As for the purpose of lucid dreaming, who knows…

I once tried to reprogram my subconscious in a lucid dream by using a computer program on a computer but my attempts were unsuccessfull e.g. i look on the desktop and can’t find the program, or i open the program and there’s no options. I have also used voice commands (said out loud when you first become lucid) to influence my subconscious, which are actually more effective in waking life under self-hypnosis.

If you really want to stretch the potential of your brain then lucid dreaming is a good start, as is meditation.

Just keep in mind, we are still evolving, so who knows what might be in store for us later down the track.

Good luck on your search for the san graal, hope this helps.

About the 10%, many people have already replied. :content: I’ll give my two cents about the remaining. I’ve the feeling that psychic abilities are as common in LD’s than in waking life. It’s perhaps because our brain is functioning in quite the same way, cause our LD’ing consciousness is not so far from the waking consciousness.

OBE’ists/astralists for instance are far less good in remote viewing and telepathy than they claim it. Such experiences are very rare.

Now parapsychologists think that psychic abilities are more common during the hypnagogic state (that’s why they developped the Ganzfeld procedure). And it seems that it’s more common to have them during normal dreams too (for instance precog dreams, which are rather common on the forum).

Actualy, they say that we have more abilities than we have discovered. Some people can move things with their brain, levitate or even breathe just from their finger for a whole week!! I think there may be a part of our brain that we don’t really use, or have discovered.

Psychic abilities may only have to do with one percent of our brain. Think of it like this: A car that has a nitrous oxide booster only gets the nitrous oxide from a small tank in the back. The equipment to handle the nitrous is really a small percentage by weight of the car, yet it gives such a boost of performance. Or look at the way a bluetooth chip in your phone gives you a wireless connectivity option.

Well I can comment on the 10% idea that is present in this forum. Ive currently been reading a book that states that the 10% is tied to the power and percentage of the brain that deals with your conscious mind. the other 90% is the power and percentaged displayed by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind has no knowledge of right and wrong and believes anything the conscious tells it. The subconscious’ power is also limitless and has the ability to bring the things about in your life that you want - IF - you learn how to train your subconscious. The subconscious not only is capable of keeping track of the systems of your body (circulatory, endocrine system, nervous system, etc etc), it also dictates the circumstances and destiny of your life. If you learn to train n control your subconscious you can achieve ANYTHING you ever wanted and dreamed of.


i’ll bet that if we use 11% of our brains, we would be able to fly

That would be cool but how can we learn to use our brain more?! :eh:

The way I thought it worked was that we use 10% of our brain at anyone time. The 10% represents how much of each part of the brain we use at once, depending on the activity we’re doing. So whilst doing math, your logic will kick in and your creative side will subside. The brain doesnt shut these areas off; it simply just decreases the activity. If it didnt, you’re brain would be jumbled and you would have hardly no concentration nor coordination. So in reality, we can use 100% of our brains (or so we think) but just not all at once. At least thats the way I thought it worked… :eek:

Ya that’s pretty much it, but think, if we could increase our ability to keep our thoughts orginized so we could use more then 10% at a time. You could do math with logic and creativity. (Which is good. You could discover new things)

Just wanted to share a lucid dream I had long ago that affected me very much and gave birth to some ponderings about that there probably is “something more to it”.
Copying from an old dream diary.

I got such a strong feeling about this dream that I felt like I had discovered something important, don’t know what. I haven’t got back into the hallway again and I don’t know how… But I believe that in and beyond that lies something of great value to me waiting to be discovered :content:.
Sound goofy? Maybe, however because of the feelings I recieved I believe that in that hallway might my key to the brain lie… Whatever that means hrhr.
Perhaps it’s a different thing for everyone. My subconsious picking elfs and a great hallway for something like that doesen’t surprise me.

To clear something up… yes, only 10% of your brains neurons are firing at once. These neurons are throughout your brain, however. If your neurons were to fire 100% of the time, then you would go into seizures.

And intelligent people have been shown to actually have less neurons firing at any given time. Thus, it would be better to use LESS of your brain, rather than more.

[url=N,N-Dimethyltryptamine - Wikipedia]Several speculative and as yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT, produced in the human brain, is involved in certain psychological and neurological states. As DMT is naturally produced in small amounts in the brains and other tissues of humans, and other mammals[4], some believe it plays a role in promoting the visual effects of natural dreaming, near-death experiences and other mystical states. A biochemical mechanism for this was proposed by the medical researcher JC Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena, where brain DMT levels are periodically elevated to induce visual dreaming and possibly other natural states of mind.[3]

Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting DMT research in the 1990’s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the theory that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience phenomenon. Only two of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or video hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases.[/url]

the pineal gland is said to correspond to the third eye chakra

Meditation, mantra/sound yoga, brainwave entrainment, and self-hypnosis are all very useful tools for the potentiation of human consciousness in regards to psychic abilities.

The goal should be the attainment of enlightenment, eternal life, perpetual bliss, freedom from suffering, though.

For the record, everyone can become a psychic, not just some people like they say in the movies…the people with the “gift” as everyone has the “gift”