Killers, stalkers...the usual :D

I’ve been having dreams about being stalked. Like I’m walking in my neighbourhood (a lot of houses and small streets) and I feel somebody is behind me. Sometimes when I look back there’s no one but other times I see a man, someone like a ‘typical killer/stalker’ so to say. And I try to run or hide or lose him. I don’t usually get killed. I wake up or the dream scenario changes somehow.

These dreams aren’t scary to me, but in the dream I feel anxious (if that’s the best way to describe it)

I find these dreams very very interesting. They must mean SOMETHING, right?

I posted this to hear about similar dreams you have had. Please share :content:

Considering a psychological side of it… That could be that you may be feeling uneasiness or any kind, maybe you’re worried about something or anything like that.

On another perspective, if you believe it, it could really be pointing towards being careful with strangers or situations like that. If you did feel anxious it’s a reason for you to be careful

oh nvm i thought this post was going to be about me :razz: :razz: (jp)

Well, i am also having a slight increase in nightmares… i just couldn’t remember last nights…

thats wierd.
i had one just last night where a vidio game character with a severly mutated face was always appearing at the end of the street behind me…never moving but teleporting whenever i changed street name.
i just can never be ***ed to update my DJ

Hmm…sounds interesting. Perhaps if you used that as a dream sign of your own, you could use that to become lucid. You then could just ask the guy who he is or what he wants to get an answer.:hmmm:

i dont ant to hijack the thread…but i’ll just say
it was one of those lucid but non lucid dream i have a lot of.
i walked up to him and said something and all that happened was his head went blurry and a screaming sound came out.
then i ran like hell :razz: