This is my first post, hopefully it is in the right place!
Anyway…I just wanted to see what people thought about the effectiveness of certain aids/supplements. I have been experimenting with lucid dreaming for many years, with limited success. I have tried many techniques and supplements.
The only supplements that I have found to have a strong effect on my dreams are:
- Galantamine: a low dose will give you vivid dreams, higher doses take you to a lucid-like state.
- Iron supplements: I wasn’t taking these with any intention of using them for dreams, but I found they gave me very vivid dreams, however, the tablets can make you feel unwell so I stopped.
Then more recently I saw a TV show that was explaining how kiwi fruit has been discovered to aid sleep quality. There has been some promising scientific research into this, the results of which can be found online:
What this study fails to mention is that kiwi fruits also, for me anyway, have a dramatic effect on dreams - I would say at least as strong as a low dose of galantamine, but as it is fruit it is far safer.
As mentioned in the study you need to consume 2 kiwi fruit an hour before laying down to sleep. I then found I was getting to sleep quicker, having a better nights rest, but having vivid dreams - so much so that I was being woken up by them occasionally. I hadn’t expected the fruit to have this effect on dreams, I had certainly not read about it anywhere - I have compared my sleep whilst eating the fruit and not eating it and always when I start eating the fruit at night the dreams are back again.
I did find that after 2 or 3 weeks the effect on dreams starts to wear off, so at that point you may need to stop eating the fruit for a few days so as to prevent your body getting resistant to it.
I have no idea what is in a kiwi fruit to have this effect, serotonin possibly?
But give that some lucid aids are possibly illegal or even harmful I thought this might be something useful, the fruit is cheap, readily available and very healthy for you.
Has anyone else tried it?