Know ANY daytime exercises to trigger LDs????

Hey ya’ll! My title says it all! :content: RC s don’t work all that great for me and I want LD s during the week (I DO have them on weekends, though :grin: ). Stephen LaBerge had a small ETWLD version with a CD and it has those 2 exercises on it…if any of ya’ll know 'em, please, let me know! You’ll be my HERO! :happy:


try checking out the lucid living thread

Maybe autosuggestion would work if RC doesnt work for you.

ConstantDreamer :grin:

I read in a thread (can’t remember which :content:), and someone said that autosuggestion worked great for them. All they did was say MENTALLY 20x: “This night, I’ll have an LD OR This night I’ll realize I’m dreaming.” I just wonder, would this work for me on school nights??? It might take awhile, but I’m pretty experienced…but, would this really work? :help:

aka Jaclyn

just read and learn about lucid dreaming and think about it all the time :razz: it will work

Just be aware what you are doing and of your environment, then u will most likely do the same in your dreams and notice that the scenery has changed and become lucid :wink:

I was just reading about AS in ETWLD and LaBerge says that it didn’t work that great for him cuz he was not THAT hypnotizable. How do I know if I am? Hmmmm… I just wonder if AS would work…since it didn’t work 4 LaBerge, would it work for me??? I mean, does it just depend on the person? I also read stuff about Posthypnotic Suggestion…how on God’s green earth do ya do that? Do you need a pro hypnotizer, or what? :tongue: :eek: :content: Please give me your comments/suggestions…thanks!

the smarter you are the easyer hyponizable you are. :razz:

LDgirl, Laberge’s MILD is based upon autosuggestion. Autosuggestion works with most of us. Just try the technique you said, repeating mentally 20x “Tonight, I will realize I’m dreaming” before you go to sleep. I’ve had up to 8 dreams per month with this only technique and I’m sure I’m not that hypnotizable. But don’t imagine it will work immediatly: you generally have to do this during two of three weeks before it works. For some people, it works much faster.

could i ask please what RC’s are you using and how they are not working? pinching your nose and breathing in does not work in real life. in a dream, i can ALWAYS breathe in. this is the only RC i use in a dream if i am not sure.

do you remember all your dreams? remember the similarities that also happen in real life. when they happen in real life, do your RC. then after a while when they happen in your dreams you will automatically do an RC.

i know that you are looking for other ways not RC’s, but i am VERY supprised if this RC does not work for you. sorry if this is of no help to you whatsoever.

sweet dreams,


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your comments and suggestions…it helped heaps! BTW, clown, I have used RCs before, but I have to do them ALL DAY…let me emphasize ALL DAY :content: . It’s very annoying to have to do the dang RCs ALL THE TIME. Also, I’d have to do it my whole life in order to keep the LDs coming. I’m too scared to do them also b/c I don’t want someone to see me doing 4 DOUBLE TAKES when I’m looking at a book. They’d think I’m having a SEIZURE :content: :cool_laugh: !!!LOL! I can’t stop laughing just thinking about that!!! HarHarHar!!! :cry: :cool_laugh: I’m gonna use autosuggestion…I’m sure it’ll work soon enough…I’m SURE of it! :wiske:

Jaclyn (LDGirl)

subliminal messaging /concious autosuggestion / anchoring (selective autosuggestion relating ld’s to objects/colors/names/etc)

Doing meditation or any type of dead-stillness exercise can help I’ve found. Sitting or lying down and keeping the body still while the mind is active…much like in LDs. I’ve also found that doing lots of reading and writing seems to help.