I had a lucid dream, and before I was lucid I was telling my dad that we were in a dream. He denied it. After a little bit of trying to convince him I finally said to myself, “Hey, THIS IS A DREAM!” and I went lucid. Is it possible to know its a dream but not be lucid?
To my knowledge there are certain levels of lucidity, you can have a very low level LD, like you know its a dream and can maybe do what you want but you dont realy realise it like HEY THIS IS A LD! I still think this is a good thing to have because it might start a higher level LD very easy, like in your case. I often do all kinds of hilarious things (which i wouldnt do IRL) in my dreams even when im not lucid, I think that is because i have some kind of “feeling” that this isnt real in the back of my brain… if u know what i mean.
No i dont think it is. If one knows that they are dreaming, then they have to be lucid to realise this. You should wait and see what other ppl say about this…like a more experienced person.
Yeah, I think this is possible (in fact, I get it fairly often). You can know it’s a dream, but still not have the freedom of thought to try anything fun like you normally would.
Those are still lucid dreams, they are just very very low level ones.
These are the kinds they show in TV shows where the charecter’s dream provides advice pivital to the plot, and at some point they realise they are dreaming, but dont play up on it, they just wake themselves up and put the advice aquired in the dream to work.
Remember, in Dream terminology, all Lucid means is the knowledge that it is a dream while the dream is happening. There are varying degrees of lucidity.
Id say Subconcious started out with a very low level lucid dream, then it sunk in a bit, and his degree of lucidity went up, like, “Oh, I’m dreaming…wait…IM DREAMING!!!”
I have it quite often. Based on previous experience I would say it is much like a dream you control in terms of acts but at some point your control of the dreamscape itself vanishes (to a certain level).
Moreover, I would argue that the level of lucidity is often inversly proportional to the dream lenght, i.e. the chances of you awakening yourself in a low level of lucidity is low aswell. This is not so bad at all! (especially if you are already having a good time)
Best Wishes
Yes, definately.
There are pre-lucid dreams, in which you somehow know you are dreaming but don´t really get lucid for some reason.That could be considered as a very low-level LD.
The other thing are false LD, in which you dream that you are lucid dreaming.It probably sounds kinda weird if you haven´t experienced it yourself.IMHO these can´t even be considered as low-level lucidity
That dreaming of lucid dreaming things, thats like some paradox or something if you think about it.
And pre lucid dreams, I have dreams where I almost realize I’m dreaming, but dont, but any knowledge of the fact that Im dreaming, no matter if it clicks or not, I consider lucidity, because it is the knowledge that you’re dreaming, thats what lucidity in this sense is, but like a bunch of us said, there are varying degrees of lucidity too.
I had that kind of dream last night, kind of pre-lucid/low lucid. In my dream I was planning things to do in a lucid dream, which apparently I thought was going to happen pretty soon. After a while I said, “ok, I’m dreaming now!” but it didn’t really hit me, and I just walked around following the dream’s course.
I was really confused when I woke up, I couldn’t decide whether it was real or false lucidity.
I’m kind of disappointed that I didn’t go full-blown lucid, but kind of happy because that has been the only semi-lucid dream this whole month.
Of course. Everything is possible in your dreams. So, why can’t you dream that you have a lucid dream?
Most of us here agree that there are many levels of lucid dreaming. Yes, I have had, in my earlier days of lucid dreaming, known I was dreaming and yet wasn’t lucid, meaning, I didn’t realize that I had the power to influence the dreamscape in any way I desired. I know many people who have dreams like this where they know they are dreaming and don’t realize their own power to change the dreamscape. It takes a certain awareness that you can do whatever you want to if you are dreaming. Meditation while in waking states helps to recognize your power in the dreamstate. It also helps to focus on what you want to manifest.
Maya is very tricky. Our subconsciouness loves to play games with us, to pretend something is real and it is just a dream, or to pretend like you are stuck when you are truly free to make or do or be whatever you like. We are only limited by our selves, and our own imaginations.
Allow yourself to be free, and you are free.
I think is, i agree with madhuri.
It levels of lucid. You can be aware that your dreaming, just that thought doesnt make it lucid, it helps open the idea that you can go lucid and that your dreaming(its like the glitch you have been waiting for in a dream). Eveeryone has there own case, of realizing that they are dreaming. But some ignore it, just go owith the dream, or some notice it and get nervous and wake up.(thats me) So i think there are levels.[/b]
Just thought I’d quote that since everyone else is.
Ditto to madhuri’s theory’s !!! You can know you are in a dream - yet not be aware enough to rationalize it to the point of controlling it. Even when I am fully aware - I often like to follow the dream anyway as I think it is my subconcious talking - and well …I want to see what it has to show me. Some may call that a low level LD - but if you are aware of what it is and can change it if you choose - that would be to me a high level LD which you did not bother to influence.