Knowing its a dream but not being able to control anything

Anyone have any tips for this?

In a recent dream I knew I was dreaming…

Actually I think i couldnt control anything was because it wasnt actually me in the dream it was more like a ‘camera angle’ of observing things then an actual person.

Is it possible to control dreams such as these?

Know that you can control it with all your mind, and you’ll be able to :smile:

This is quite common. expecially for those just starting out. eventually you develop skills and control your lucid dreams better. its quite easy todo.

If you are lucid then command your dream to make yourself in the dream first person. Or even better take control of the person the camera is observing, it is afterall your dream, you are in control. you steer the dream, not the other way around. its quite easy let us know your progress

I found a way to get over that problem (I use to have no control at all…)

Don’t believe you can control something. Know it.

Also, don’t try to over compllecate things. Don’t think ‘How do I fly? Do I have to somethign special?’
So try to keep it simple.