Knowing the real time during your dreams method

I was thinking about a method to know how long you have been dreaming for in your dreams.

It works around a voice loudly telling you the current time in the real word. Say you have headphones hooked into a computer which has a program running which announces the current time (reading the computer time (little clock down there)) say every 15 minutes.

So say you are in your dream, preferably lucid, and every 15 minutes you here the new time through a voice from the sky (really your headphones)

The time is 2:00am…
The time is 2:15am…
The time is 2:30am…

I think this could be a good way to actually track how much time you are spending dreaming. If dreams seem to occur in real time, eg second after second, then really they should right? I am not too sure if I believe the old "did you know your dreams are only a few seconds?”

If this actually worked an ipod plug-in could be made, so the program can be run from an ipod reading the ipods current time/clock…

Just an idea.

Maybe you wake up if you have loud messages like that…I think there has been some experimentation like this before though, by mr LaBerge himself I think. :smile:
Anyway, I don’t think dreams are seconds long either, but time seems to pass differently… :neutral: