I’m having a strange problem (?). I frequently have dreams where, without doing any sort of reality check, I know I’m dreaming. This would normally be excellent, but the problem is, even though I know I’m dreaming, the dreams are not any more clear than completely non-lucid dreams. I don’t remember having any sense of being conscious or even having control over my actions- these are basically completely normal dreams, except I somehow “know” I’m dreaming.
One recent example:
I dreamt that my uncle Ron gave me this birthday present (even though it wasn’t my birthday), that was a tiny microchip. He said it was an invention by the great German scientist Ome Henk. (By the way, in real life Ome Henk is actually a Dutch singer.) He said that if I implanted it in my brain, I could make anything or anyone appear in virtual reality by molding it in the air with my hands.
So I stuffed it through my skin and then through my skull. I molded a mouse in the air, and sure enough, a mouse appeared. (At this point, I wasn’t actually aware of it being a dream.) Then I went to my basement so I could do secret things.
The only thing I remember from that point is trying to make a girl I know. Unfortunately, for some reason, I couldn’t actually make her. First I got some weird two-dimensional Japanese Anime girl, and she immediately disappeared. Then I tried again and I got a shapeless blob with a mouth, and then it disappeared also.
Then I though to myself, “This is a dream, why isn’t it working? I should be able to do anything.” I definitely wasn’t conscious or in any sort of control, but somehow I did know it was a dream.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it possible to turn these into lucid dreams?
Like a false LD? I am wondering if it is common to have a dream about knowing that you are dreaming. Not that I would want those… I want to control the dreams for sure…
i have had this happen to me many times. I am always too dumbfound to take the “im dreaming” and take it into action. I always, in my dream, tell myself that im dreaming at some point, or mention something happened in a dream wich i was still in, but i didnt acknoledge it. It is kind of umm… odd and… it sucks… Just arnt aware enough to know what we was saying i guess
in the dreams i had, i knew i wsa in a dream, i just didnt know i was dreaming… yeah there ya go… Thats how to say it. We knew we were in a dream, we just didnt know we were dreaming! Well, atleast that sums up my experiences with those
Yeah, this happens to me a lot. Sometimes I’ll even do stuff that I had planned to do in LD’s, even though I’m not lucid! As far as I know, there is no way to make yourself become lucid during these dreams, but if the dream lasts long enough, sometimes you will become lucid.
Im not sure but id call them very low level lds.It happened to me few times before-realized it might be a dream but somehow i was powerless to do something about it.Dont know why,maybe i was sleeping too deep…but i assume those are signs we are on good way towards “proper” ld.
well, i dont think im jsut having a ND, thinking that its a dream… Its just out of the blue, i tell myself im dreaming, i just dont realise it, i dont realise im dreaming, i jsut know im in a dream… So yeah, i agree wit hya jack
Also, the main reason i am replying is to say that only guys have posted in this topic so far, im not being sexist, i jsut wanna say woo!
probably 75%male, im not sure thoguh, becuase i belive pasquale IS a female, so she counts for about 80% of this forum (jsut because she created it in all)… so about 85% female and 15% male… unkess you dont cccount pasquale, then its about 75% male and 25% female… jsut my guess, lets keep on subject now