Large WBTB Wierdness

Last night I woke at 4am to do a little 5 min WBTB but I found that I was horribly discomfortable, a mixture of nasuia and dizziness and I felt very warm. It usually is a battle to keep myself awake for those 5mins; but this time it took me an hour to decide to get up because I just wans’t falling assleep. After a quick morning shower a massive wave of sleepyness hits me and I collapse into bed, and into sleep.
I also did many RCs because of the general wierdness of the situation.

Then at lunch today I remembered (triggered by a pepper shaker) that I had an low vividiy LD during the night as well; one where I was flying and spinning.

Question: Could the WBTB wierdness have been brought on the LD?

Some of us have been discussion how waking for less that 10 minutes for WBTB is not a proper WBTB.
WBTB is best when performed with at least 1 hour of wakefullness.
[Sleep/back to bed is not the same as MILD or WILD!)

Do you know if you had your LD before you woke for the shower? or afterwards?
It sounds like it’s possible waking up long enough to take a shower helped you LD. You got out of bed and done something active to increase your “awakefullness.”

The “weirdness” might be due to your body tiredness, or maybe nutrition or your health played a role. Or perhaps you woke up too fast. I have experienced dizzy or short nausea during some WILD attempts, but I’m not really sure of the cause.
Brain overload. :lmao:

Well for me I only had to stay up for like 5 minutes and I had my first two LD and a few FA. but now my problem is I cant fall back too sleep even if I dont get up and just lay in bed. im thinking of smoking some salvia D cause that always makes me really tired.


I had awoke last night to take a leak, didn’t take me more then 10 minutes to fall back asleep after about 5 hours of sleep. I figured I would practice my WBTB method and try to do some MILD method of LD. I had 2 LD’s in a row! I don’t know if it was a coincidence, or if the time that I was awake did not matter. Either way it was awesome!!! :smile:

That’s great Man?orAstroman? :smile:

On the front page of you can find this link “NL6.3: “An Hour of Wakefulness Before Morning Naps Makes Lucidity More Likely””

From the research done at the lucidity institute … there was an increase in probability to lucid dream if a person was awake more than 10 minutes. The research doesn’t say you can’t LD if you wake for 10 minutes, but the studies proved that more people had more lucd dreams if awake longer than 10 minutes before their morning naps.

From this research, it’s best to recommend to people to stay up longer than 10 minutes when trying this. It may have worked for you a few times, but for people wanting to have their first LD it’s best to increase probability as much as possible. :smile:

That’s true, maybe I will give it a try this morning to see if I can have more then 2 lucid dreams. :smile: Who knows, maybe I can have many more LD’s when I stay up for more than 10 minutes.

Thanks for all the replyes!

He has a success story, so you push at him that he’s a mere anomaly? :tongue:

Bleh; low lucidity sucks…

From the research done at the baloogan institute … after about 10mins of wakefulness subjects wanted to play computer games instead of MILDing and falling to sleep. Thus the baloogan institute has decreeded that 10mins of WBTB wakefulness is a good compromise between punishing alien hordes and attempting an LD.

A couple of forumlas to get you going on your own research.

L = chance of lucidity (in la berge units)
M = chance of masturbation
C = chance of playing computer games

L = 1/(CM)

Thus decreasing your chances of distraction increases your chances of lucidity.

Many many many monkies were ‘damaged’ in the creation of these results.