I was in Cam’s dorm room talking to him about college. He was telling me a couple stories about what goes on in college. I looked at his television but it didn’t look like a television because it was dark. It looked like a cloths hamper with brown stuff draining down the side. I asked “what is wrong with your fridge” and he started to explain. He said that Lindsey Farr’s boyfriend came over and he was black. I remember this from another dream for some reason. Then he tells me that he came over and had some live radium. Then I feel my self waking up so I go outside. As I lay down outside it is dark and there is a lot of wind. I have my blanket and I am looking at the clouds and thinking about Sarah. Then I feel myself slipping back into my real bed as I hear cam continue the story about how his television has radium in it. As I awake I start to snap back and fourth between laying in bed and laying on the ground outside. I get quite dizzy and feel like I cannot get up. I know I want to get out of bed but I can’t. I start motivating myself to get up and I see my closet. Then in front of my closet I see Death. It is a girl death wearing a black hood. She turns and looks at me and I try to scream but I am to scared. Then as I begin yelling I wake up shivering and thinking of trying to get to Sarah’s room.
Ok, Cam is a friend of mine, Sarah is my girlfriend she lives with me in the next room. My question is, is the constant switching from one ‘conscienceness’ to another and a tired dizzy feeling associated with LDs or is this more of a non LD type of dream?