LC 18-Task 7: Meet the Storyteller

Awwww MAN! So I had an LD last night/this morning. BUT I forgot MOST of it. I remember 3 things though:

[spoiler][color=red]1. I tried several hand RC’s, and I thin one of them worked.
2. I attempted to do the current Lucid Quest (but did not succeed).

  1. I tried to do the “What do you want to do” challenge. I asked my father what he wanted to do, and he said "I want you to kiss my feet (In that old Kingly tone, mixed with his sarcastic touch). Knowing a.)It was a dream and b.)It was for the points, I did it. And I am never going to tell him.[/color][/spoiler]

My father’s personality doesn’t change much in my dreams. :razz:

SO ANYWAY, I was lieing in bed, just waking up, just piecing my dream together (That’s how far I got), when the phone rang. And I saw that it was noon. And I have to be at the mall at one.

i got an ld- but i didnt remember the task- it was a low level lucid >.<

30 points to you for that LD then :smile:

Task 4 is: Eat the rainbow
Find a rainbow take a bite and remember what it tasted like.

See a rainbow= 5 points
Remember to take a bite of the rainbow but no taste or not remembering the taste= 10 points
Take a bite of the rainbow and remember what it tasted like =20 points

I had a LD last night. I tried to visit a past life of a friend. I’ve seen him '-over there- and he was like ‘‘Finally you are here!’’ Huh… weird. :tongue:
But sorry, no quests, I forgot. :smile:

(If someone can read dutch and wish to control my LD’s, I post all my LD’s at the NL forum, but I’m too busy to translate them all - but I’ll do my best :wink: )

Had an FA last night which turned into a short LD. But all I could do was sit in my bed and try to do an RC.

The odd thing about my LD’s is sometimes I’ll fall asleep, have an LD, wake up, and notice I’ve been asleep for about 20 minutes. This happens quite often.

Got lucid and did task 3 tonight. Had to take a flight to Mexico or South America or something…

:sad: again no LD’s but very vivid dreams, no rainbows though

  1. Amaryllis 120 points +50 = 170 points
  2. Dryalantha 60 points +30 = 90 points
  3. rk7 60 points +30 = 90 points
  4. GHOSTIE11 70 points
  5. Vampirsim45 45 points
  6. lidybug 30 points
  7. buttrfli 30 points

task 5:
Visit a God or Goddess.
And ask him/her what his/hers biggest mistake was.

Find a God/Goddess= 5 points
Ask the question =10 points
Ask and get an answer = 20 points

deadline on sunday 18:00 GMT

The streak of bad dreams hasn’t ended yet, no lucidity. This task sounds very interesting, i already have in mind which deity i will visit. :grin:

I was lucid and did the “What do you want to do” quest. Opera crashed while i was typing, i will type it up again after work. No time left now.

1 LD for me. It was a very low lucidity and I didn’t see a God or Goddess.

And another LD.
I asked some DC’s where the celtic goddess Blodeuwedd is, but I woke up before I could find her. :sad:

I also was lucid this night. I wanted to fly up and search for a rainbow but everything was dark and couldn’t pass a door of glass.

are we allowed to do the quests out of order?
im getting confused…

You can do the tasks in the order you like, it’s just better to do the 5th task now for the points, but finding a rainbow seemed easier for me so I tried that one first :smile:

:roll: No LD’s yet. I’m really going to try to concentrate today on doing my RC so that hopefully I remember to do them tonight. :wink:

  1. Amaryllis 170 points+30= 200 points
  2. Dryalantha 90 points +30 =120 points
  3. rk7 90 points
  4. GHOSTIE11 70 points
  5. Vampirsim45 45 points
  6. lidybug 30 points
  7. buttrfli 30 points
    siiw 30+20 =50 points

task 6:
Travel to a parallell universe
It’s time to travel to a parallell universe and in that universe you are going to find yourself as the opposite gender, so if you are boy find the girl version of you and if you are girl find the boy version of you.
You can also get points for meeting your evil twin, your good twin(the opposite of an evil one).

Manage to travel to a parallell universe= 5 points
Meet opposite gender you=15 points
Meeting your evil twin=10 points
Meeting your good twin=10 points
Manage to do meet all 3 = 40 points

Deadline is on tuesday 18:00 GMT

Why didn’t I got 30 points for my LD this night? :sad:

because I missed your post by mistake, it’s fixed now :smile:

I had 2 LD’s, sooo… do you count this just for once 30 points or 30 points each? :tongue:

And evil twin, good twin… you mean like… twin souls etc?(the spiritual shizzle) or like real twins? (same look, other behaviour etc)