LC #24, Final Task: Make Dream Characters Lucid!

Alright then. You snooze, you lose. In the case of the sign ups anyway. :razz:
19 people it is. Let’s get started! Unless someone joins before the first attempts are made. That will be the final exception.


Let’s start with something extremely generic and full of creative potential, shall we? The goal of this task is simple. Fly! Points will be awarded based on creativity! Unlike in the previous Challenge where this task was presented, I’ll just be focusing on the flying techniques themselves and nothing else.

Now for the first time you take flight +30 points
For every technique you use to fly +20 points
If you use a technique that you’ve never used before, +30 points instead

Additionally, if you manage to impress me with your creativity, bonus points may be awarded. :cool:

Some examples of techniques: Superman style, Transformation (growing wings or turning into a flying creature), using a substance (ex. magic potion) or object (ex. Jetpack) or vehicle (ex. Plane or broomstick), etc. The creative possibilities are endless!
Useful topic: Different Styles of Flying

Note: Try not to be cheap with choosing different techniques. By that, I mean don’t go use something like “Super Man style” and then the same thing only with your arms at your side instead. Same thing with transformation. Ex. Two different kinds of birds. In these cases, points will only be awarded if it actually affects the way you fly, if there’s a noticeable difference to you.

Happy Flying!

Oh, and remember have your personally tasks. If your personal task has something to do with flying, don’t worry! You’ll still be awarded for it!

  1. tosxyChor | 0 |
  2. Magnus | 0 |
  3. Rhewin | 0 |
  4. Hexaditidom | ? |
  5. Bombax | 0 |
  6. KittyDreams | 0 |
  7. Rhett | 0 |
  8. Mimmo | 80 |
  9. BlueMoon | 0 |
  10. idanl09 | 0 |
  11. Ysim | 0 |
  12. Sandra | 0 |
  13. Puce | 0 |
  14. working class hero | 0 |
  15. Zacrifice | 0 |
  16. littlenemo | 0 |
  17. shinju | 0 |
  18. DreamWalker_5 | 0 |
  19. KauaiDreamer | 80 |
  20. Siiw | 80 |