short LD - <10 min
medium LD - 10~20 min
long LD - 20< min
personal task…hmm…I want to meet my character, Adam…though I’m not sure if I shouldn’t pick something else as he’s being an a**hole and doesn’t want to show up -__-
other than that it would be pyrokinesis
@Ebilshrimp: It’s kind of a subjective system. I just need to know how long the dreams feel to you. A safe bet for most people is a medium length dream around 3-5 minutes. Does that sound about right?
@shinju: Just keep in mind that you can only receive credit for one of your personal tasks.
As long as I know about it before you do it, it’s fine.
Quick disclaimer, that doesn’t mean people can start posting tons of different goals in the hopes of increasing the chances of completing a personal task
Hmmm, you make a good point, though tosxy was just trying to defend the forum and I’m a non-politically correct whatever . It is a bit strange that we see more men around here… still, this is probably a discussion for another thread.