Looks like one spot is still open
Count me in!
Looks like one spot is still open
Count me in!
I’ll join. But I haven’t worked on my LDs in years…I guess the whole point of the LC is to help, though.
Short: 1-2 minutes
Medium: 3-5 minutes
Long: I guess around 10 minutes, but for now I’ll just say over 5.
Oh. Personal goal? Well, I’ve been able to manifest objects in the past, so I’ll try making a pineapple.
All right, that’s it, sign-ups are closed. Buuut, if you still really want in you can PM me to get in before the first task starts.
Ok people, we’re under way and we’ll commence the tasks in just a couple of days. We have a lot of newcomers this round, so I want to give out a bit of advice.
The Tasks
I’ve tried hard to come up with tasks that are easy enough to do for beginners but still can give the advanced people a challenge. Some tasks will be worth more points than others, and some will be easier than others. In the end I want it to be a level playing field for anyone, and no one should feel too secure whenever they have a huge lead in points. All it takes is one good dream to jump from having nothing to being near the top!
However, I really don’t want you to be worrying about points the whole time. It is my sincere wish that you enjoy these tasks and that they give purpose to your lucid dreams. The points couldn’t really matter in the least as long as you have a good time and come out of this feeling like you accomplished something. So don’t fret about your score, do what seems right and what seems like fun. In the end, that’s what the LC is really about
How to prepare
Once you know what a task is, try to mentally prepare for your next dream. Think about your plan of attack. When you do your RC’s (and find you’re awake), think to yourself “if I was dreaming, I would do [insert task here].” Also, daydreaming about the task is a great way to keep your mind focused on it. If you don’t have an LD, the chances of you doing it in an ND go way up, and you won’t have to sit around wondering what to do if you start out a little disoriented in an LD.
Good luck!
That’s about all the advice I can give for now, though I’ll give you more tips that are task specific when the time comes. I’d love to start the first task tomorrow, but sadly I won’t be at the computer in a reasonable amount of time for most of you. So, the first task will be posted on Tuesday around 18:00 GMT (that’s 06:00 pm for those of you who don’t understand a 24 hour clock; or 02:00 pm EST to us Americans).
I expect to see great things from all of you. Good luck, and happy lucids
Hi Rhewin, keep in mind that 2PM EST is 8AM that same day Hawaii time. My task results will be posted later then everyone else because of the almost last timezone I live in (Aleutian islands being the last timezone). Sorry for the extra trouble.
Just for the record: I’m changing my goal to “Making music in a Lucid Dream”.
That is all.
I wasn’t offended at all tosxyChor . You are right it is a fact, but hey I think pasQuale counts for 10 of us gals
Also, this little LC group is pretty even (ahem):
1.[color=blue] KauaiDreamer[/color]
2. LegendaryDreamer
3.[color=blue] Puce[/color]
4. BlueMoon
5. Hexaditidom
6.[color=blue] Siiw[/color]
7. sls93
8. idanl09
9. The Scientist
10. working class hero (Can I safely assume you are a guy?)
11. james_uk2008
12. Ebilshrimp
13. [color=blue]Shinju[/color] Shinju means pearl so I assume you are a gal ?
14.[color=blue] Crow[/color]
15. Solaris
16. [color=blue]Sonja[/color]
Good luck everyone!
Maybe in the future some time we can have a battle of the sexes LC, but more women need to sign up for that one
Forgot to post my dream times and my personal task. Here they are
Short: under two minutes
Medium: under five minutes
Long: above five minutes
Personal task: a better understanding of my primary goal in life through an LD. My goal is to help people become more effective through either training or coaching, and I want to improve my skills for that.
Thats fine, Kauai, and keep in mind that you’ll still have a full 48 hours just like everyone else
Wow, Siiw, you actually made me do an RC I was putting names in my offline notes when I saw the name change. Darn this for being RL!
Lol, Wow I miss RCing in a dream, 2 weeks without LD, I hate thoose breaks but love them because I will 3 LD’s in one night
I have to be somewhere at 18:00, so the task is up a little early. It works out for you guys, I guess, it gives you extra time to complete it (if only an hour ).
[title]Task 1, Drive![/title] This task will last 2 days
We’re starting off with something simple, but something that can also be a lot of fun. I want you to find a vehicle and drive/pilot it. There are three major types of vehicles, land, sea and air. I want you to try to find and use all of them. Again, this task is an opportunity to limber up for some of the more challenging tasks ahead.
The points are going to be broken into to main parts: one for just driving a vehicle, and another for being a bit more creative. As with all of my tasks, the more creative you are, the more points you earn!
-For driving any vehicle, you get [color=darkblue]+30pts[/color]
-For each additional type (land, air, sea) you get [color=darkblue]+10 pts[/color], and can earn [color=darkblue]+20 bonus points[/color] if you use all three types in the same dream
-For each additional vehicle of the same type, you get [color=darkblue]+5 pts[/color]
Now, let’s get those creative juices flowing!
-If you create your own vehicle you earn [color=darkblue]+30 pts[/color], and [color=darkblue]+15 bonus pts[/color] for any others you create (this supersedes the 5 for additional vehicles of same type, but not the 10 for vehicles of different type).
-If you drive/pilot a fictional vehicle you did not create, [color=darkblue]+15 pts[/color] but any after the first one are only awarded the [color=darkblue]+5 pts[/color] or the [color=darkblue]+10[/color]for the different vehicle types.
-If you manage to use a vehicle type other than the main three, you get [color=darkblue]+20 bonus pts[/color]
As you can see, the big points are in the originality. Now, don’t be stingy when it comes to vehicle creation. Don’t make a giant spider bot that you can pilot followed up by a giant scorpion bot that does the same things; you’re much more capable than that.
Here’s an example of how the points work:
Pretty simple, no? Best of luck to all of you, and just ask if you have any questions.
Have fun, and happy lucids
Wow cool! I think it’s time to play dream life Wave Race!
Sounds fun. I think I’m going to have a GTA-like experience with this task.
Haha, that reminds me, I flew a car AND a school bus before! In fact, I flew a school bus four times
Think I’ll create my perfect motorbike, fancy paint job and all!
Oh no! You mean I’ll only have two days to get lucid? I’m gonna have to do RCs and affirmations like crazy!
Don’t worry, you can still finish the task after the new one is put up, you just won’t get the early points. Well, actually you can if you do the most current task and this one at the same time. But yes, do your RC’s like crazy.
Oh Man I have to LD! The task is awesom!!!
It’s early Wednesday morning and I just woke up. No Lucid Dreams last night, but I should have known I was dreaming! I don’t usually walk around topless.