LC #25, Winner: Solaris! Congratulations!

I had a normal dream with making music, and a very brief lucid moment at the end.

I’m at some sort of music competition, but that’s all I know. So I grab a violin from somewhere and start playing. Some people stop me then to tell me that I’m actually supposed to sing, and wait for my turn as well.

Two people go with songs I don’t remember. I, by the way, learn the format: this thing consists of just a vocal and a piano accompaniment. When my turn comes, I sing a song that I don’t normally know. One more person sings, and then this round’s over.

In the second round, after waiting for two people again, I play the piano for someone. It’s a song called “Listen to Your Heart”. Then this round is over as well and we go for lunch. I see a friend of mine who had piano lessons and ask her to play something for me. She comes with me so that I can show her the piece, and after seeing, she rejects.

I notice that I’m dreaming, and debate if I should manipulate her or not (since it is a dream after all). With my conscience saying no, I decide not to. I go back to lunch to taste some of the food, but wake up on the way. [/spoiler]

I had a ld where I made music :cool: will post after work.

I’m going to be pretty busy this weekend so I’m giving a 2 day extension on this task. Think of it as a chance to catch up :content:

YES!!! thank you!!! tomrrow I’ll be lucid for sure!

Insomnia really was not conducive to dreaming LOL!
I did sleep last night and the night before, wow! Last night however as soon as it became obvious that I couldn’t sleep, even though I was physically exhausted, I remembered that the times I had the most Lucid Dreams, was when I listened to this binaural music I have. So I charged my usb music player, plugged in my headphones, and laid down. I fell asleep right away and had pretty vivid NDs. I’ll keep doing this and see what happens. The binaural music I have is that of small little waves gently hitting the shore, mixed with binaural tones in the back ground. very soothing.

thank you! I hope I’ll finally get proper sleep this night (and preferably with LD of course)

Finally got around to posting that LD, i have been busy for the last few days:


-Several people disturb me when i try to sleep. They are in my bedroom, talking and being noisy. I try to ask them to be quiet, but they laugh at me, and my voice eventually stops working. I actually recognise that! I draw a circle in the air above my bed, and it is a huge relief to see it glow. I am asleep, after all!

On the other side of the circle is a crowded music festival. A band is testing sound, they look like a typical Norwegian/Finnish rock band. I am still lucid, and “will” them to play a remix of the Hall of the Mountain King. It sounds really good in this version! There are less people in the festival area now, and i try to summon more people since music sounds better with a big crowd. I want to help the band make a new song, one that the crowd can sing with them. The dream fades while i try to summon people, and i wake up.

I had a LD last night…and tons of NDs after that so I don’t really remember it…I only remember changing my hair in the mirror and being in an elevator (that actually made me lucid… “if this elevator will go underground I would be dreaming, haha…wait, what? floor -9?..oooh.”) …
I don’t even know how long it was, so let’s say it counts for a short LD…

A short LD. … 370#591370

I think it’s about time I awarded points, seeing as how some of you are still waiting from the third task :tongue:

Puce: You completed the music task in time, which grants you |30 task + 20 early + 20 instrument (piano)= 70pts| I didn’t see where you invented a new song, but let me know if you did :tongue:

KauaiDreamer: I hope those binaural beats work out. I’ve never really found a way to get them to work for me even though they are so relaxing. Oh well, to each his own.

Siiw: Meh, it’s fine if the post was late, so is my review :tongue: . For having an LD with music in time for the third task you get |30 task + 30 lucid + 20 early + 10 leading a band = 90pts|. I’m guessing that was a medium lucid? If so, |30 lucid pts|

Shinjui: A short LD will get you |20 lucid pts|

Hex: Sorry, swimming was in LC#24 :tongue: . |20 lucid pts|

Fifth Task: Be An Artist!

So how are your artistic skills? That’s what we’re going to find out in this task. Make a drawing, a painting, a sculpture anything. There’s a ton of room for creativity here, and once your done with your masterpiece, the possibilities are limitless. Perhaps you want to jump into your painting, or bring your sculpture to life. You decide!

-For making any kind of artwork you’ll the +30pts
-For making more art you’ll get +20pts for making different kinds of art (i.e. a painting instead of a sketch), and +10pts for making art of the same kind.
-Interact with your art! For either jumping into or animating and interacting with your artwork, you’ll get +20pts per piece!

So get your paintbrushes ready everyone. Best of luck, and happy lucids :content:

Yes, it Was a medium one, since one song was played in it :cool:

I had another medium ld last night, it is in my dj, and I will edit in the link to it in this post after work. No tasks done though, at least not consciously.

-I am in the harbour, here in Bodø. A passenger ship is about to leave. The sounds from everything in the harbour are louder and clearer than usual, and i can feel the sounds in my body. I just know that it is a dream. The ship is slowly moving away, and i run fast to catch it. I flap my arms as wings the last part, and fly over the gap between the pier and the ship, landing on the deck.

I find my way through narrow corridors, looking for the cargo room. I have the idea that if i sit there while the ship speeds out to the open sea, something very good will happen. I have the feeling in my belly of being really nervous or looking really forward to something, and i can still feel all the sounds coming from the people and the ship. I smile at crew members and wonder if they know that i have no ticket. It doesn’t matter, because it is a dream, and that idea makes me feel very happy. :cool_laugh:

A well known book character enters the cargo room. He is also a stowaway. I remember the LD4all post from 10 years ago, and a quest i want to do, and walk up to the DC to enter “his dream”. It takes courage even if i am lucid, because he is an elf that is taller than me and makes a very powerful impression.

The dream jumps in a way, and i am the elf. I have come as far as i could go…i have an idea that all my energy is used up, and sneaking away on this ship is a last, desperate chance to either die or see my family again. I am still with him as a “voice” inside the mind. I “whisper” to him about how he can just as well expose himself to whoever he run away from in the first place, because there is nothing left to do anyway. The DC is so exhausted that he listens surprisingly easy.

I am the DC again and feel completely numb while i walk towards a door. It opens into an empty room. I sink down on the floor, and sit covering my face while somebody appears from behind. It seems to take ages waiting, but i know that it is only seconds. The unseen DC touches the book character, he starts crying and they hug. I wonder if they are close family. None of them notice me, and i like that.[/spoiler]

Cool task, I want to LD already :T
I will combine this and the last task, so I’ll be an artisit in a different world lol

(Sorry I couldn’t post earlier, I was working as an assistant at an art class.) I had two fruitless short LDs in the past two days here (bottom two posts). It’s nice to have another task I can do while stationary. :smile:

I didn’t; but I played the violin, sang (if that counts) and was lucid for a short while as well.

Finally, a new task. The last one wasn’t working for me at all.

Though I suppose, being a musician, this task will once again be about piano playing :tongue:

I will be gone for some time, and I hope I’ll return with a list of LDs I had during those 10 days :content:

another short LD last night…the only thing I managed to do was some flying…
I’m getting kinda frustrated…

I had a LD in a dream, I don’t think it counts though, because, I really didn’t know I was dreaming, it’s for like FLD, but it means I’m on my way to LD.

I made arts. :tongue: