LC #26 task six: a new perspective

I’ve been debating whether or not to sign up, I think I’ll give it a shot :tongue: . My LD’s aren’t very frequent though, hopefully this will boost them up. This is my first LC! :content: I’ll try my best.

  1. The Scientist
  2. GHOSTIE11
  3. brb123
  4. Hexaditidom
  5. Rhawin
  6. Bodom247
  7. Dreamjutsu
  8. zdag
  9. BlueMoon
  10. EllyEve
  11. KauaiDreamer
  12. The Toy Master
  13. idanl09
  14. StarryGwee

To everyone who is hesitating, the challenges are not a contest, its rather a way to motivate the dreamers to do a certain task and gather points, but of course you could see this as a contest if you want :razz:

This is a great way to explore LD’s in a fun way, since I have been participating in previous challenges myself :cool_laugh:

i think i will give it a shot. although i am not too consistent yet, i think the challenge will give me some incentive to try a bit harder :content:

  1. The Scientist
  2. GHOSTIE11
  3. brb123
  4. Hexaditidom
  5. Rhawin
  6. Bodom247
  7. Dreamjutsu
  8. zdag
  9. BlueMoon
  10. EllyEve
  11. KauaiDreamer
  12. The Toy Master
  13. idanl09
  14. StarryGwee
  15. R-D-C

Woot! Only a few more spots to fill in. :happy: Awesome I can’t wait till we start! Hopefully we can start soon, school starts soon for me. :sad:

why not got nothing to lose XD
count me in hopefully ill have more lds soon

  1. The Scientist
  2. GHOSTIE11
  3. brb123
  4. Hexaditidom
  5. Rhawin
  6. Bodom247
  7. Dreamjutsu
  8. zdag
  9. BlueMoon
  10. EllyEve
  11. KauaiDreamer
  12. The Toy Master
  13. idanl09
  14. StarryGwee
  15. R-D-C
  16. Geekboy

Looks like we’re almost ready to go. First task will be posted either wednesday or sunday, depending on how fast the last spots fill up :smile:

Well I don’t have many LD’s but maybe I’ll do a LC this time for motivation and fun! :razz:

  1. The Scientist
  2. GHOSTIE11
  3. brb123
  4. Hexaditidom
  5. Rhawin
  6. Bodom247
  7. Dreamjutsu
  8. zdag
  9. BlueMoon
  10. EllyEve
  11. KauaiDreamer
  12. The Toy Master
  13. idanl09
  14. StarryGwee
  15. R-D-C
  16. Geekboy
  17. rcslaney :smile:

HUZZAH!! It’s been awhile since I last participated–I’ll join in! I might miss a few of those post deadlines due to work and college, but as time permits, I would like to participate!

  1. The Scientist
  2. GHOSTIE11
  3. brb123
  4. Hexaditidom
  5. Rhawin
  6. Bodom247
  7. Dreamjutsu
  8. zdag
  9. BlueMoon
  10. EllyEve
  11. KauaiDreamer
  12. The Toy Master
  13. idanl09
  14. StarryGwee
  15. R-D-C
  16. Geekboy
  17. rcslaney
  18. WritersCube :clock:

Woot! Two more spots available! :yay: who’s going to fill them up? :peek:

The Scientist
3. brb123
4. Hexaditidom
5. Rhawin
6. Bodom247
7. Dreamjutsu
8. zdag
9. BlueMoon
10. EllyEve
11. KauaiDreamer
12. The Toy Master
13. idanl09
14. StarryGwee
15. R-D-C
16. Geekboy
17. rcslaney
18. WritersCube

You miisssed “1. The Scientist” lol
I what sorta challenges are there gonna be… Well there is only 1 space left!

It’s good the competition hasn’t started yet. I still haven’t had a lucid dream. Lol.

I got the opposite, I’ve had my first lasting LD on sunday, so it doesn’t count and I’ll probably end up at 0 points. :help:

Nah, thats a good sign.

  1. The Scientist
  2. GHOSTIE11
  3. brb123
  4. Hexaditidom
  5. Rhawin
  6. Bodom247
  7. Dreamjutsu
  8. zdag
  9. BlueMoon
  10. EllyEve
  11. KauaiDreamer
  12. The Toy Master
  13. idanl09
  14. StarryGwee
  15. R-D-C
  16. Geekboy
  17. rcslaney
  18. WritersCube
  19. Andreyasn

Woooot! :content: sign ups are finally done!

Great! First task will be posted this evening (GMT+!) :smile:

You mean GMT+1 ?
Anyway, I’ve strated school, hopefully I’ll still have lots of LDs :happy:

Awesome! Either way that gives me lots of time to prepare.

An intergalactic vacation

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been getting bored with this planet lately. It’s about time I had a vacation. An intergalactic vacation. Do you feel the same?

There are approximately 100 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and scientists are discovering many of them have planets orbiting around them. It appears that our solar systeem is not as unique as we once thought. I want you to strap on those angelic wings, step through an interdimensional portal, or hop abord that UFO. You’re going to have a relaxing vacation on a planet in one of those many solar systems.

What does your destination look like? Is it a gaseous, jupiter-like planet, or a desert like mars? Maybe it has an atmosphere just like Earth, and maybe there even is life down there. Or maybe it’s as barren as our moon. Regardless, I want you to go there and have a good time :smile:

1.You get 10 points for leaving earth behind
2.You get 20 points for using your chosen means of transportation to reach your destination planet.
3.You get 30 points for enjoying an activity that you consider relaxing on your destination planet.

You have until sunday evening. Good luck! :content: