LC #26 task six: a new perspective

Gdargh! I dreamed about watching someone else take the trip.

No LD.
But I dreamt about Rhawin and Tosxy in a cabaret show lol

Had an LD that was about 5 minutes long, however no vacation outside earth :tongue:

I had a long LD, 10 minutes, but forgot about the task :\

Non-lucidly went to something like the planet Camazotz from A Wrinkle In Time. Suburbs, an impeccably managed day care… could’ve been earth, actually.

Congrats Buddy! Now it’s my turn to get lucid!

I also had a lucid dream last night, but it was very short and didn’t even have the time to think about the task :smile:

I had a couple of minutes of lucidness this night after a WBTB attempts. I didn’t do much more than jumping high on my bicycle and flying around in a greenhouse. Completely forgot about the task.

Talked with a friend about lucid dreams without being lucid :tongue:

I’ve gotten nothing thus far. At least my dreams have been interesting, though. :content:

1 LD so far.

Had an LD but completely forgot about the challenge and instead called for my DG (who is a lady with ginger hair) amd my SC (who is an elephant or somthing!)

Task 2: The library of your own mind

Most of you are probably younger then me, but I expect you have at least completed primary school. If so, please allow me to take you back in time. In primary school you were taught to read, calculate, and understand the basics of subjects such as biology and history. These are worthwhile subjects to study, but haven’t your teachers forgotten something? I bet they never taught you something truly worthwhile about your own mind and how it works. Yet it is crucial for you to understand this subject, because you’re going to be stuck with your mind for the rest of your life.

The human brain consists of vast networks of neurons, and eletrical charges flow between them through pathways called synapses -seemingly at random. Scientists believe that this mechanism is responsible for your thoughts, memories, and everything else that truly defines who you are. It’s an interesting story, but could a one kilo piece of human bacon really be responsible for something as magnificent as you? I’ll leave that judgement up to you.

We have a near infinite amount of memories stored inside our heads. Think about it. Every experience you’ve had from the day you were born up to you reading this message is still stored inside your mind. You probably don’t remember much from the first few years that you were on this planet, or even most of the experiences you’ve had afterwards, but the memories are still there. They’ve temporarily been moved to your subconscious, but they all contain some vital piece of information about yourself. And they are just waiting to be discovered.

Imagine yourself in a library that is dozens of times bigger that the greatest library on earth. There are stacks of books as far as you can see. This is the library of your own mind. Each page of every book you can find contains a vital memory or experience about yourself. Aren’t you curious what some of these books contain?

Select a book of your choice, and open it. Maye it contains a sentence or paragraph that is crucial for your understanding, or maybe you’ll be transported to another location. Perhaps you’ll even meet your spirit guide. Go wherever your mind takes you, and see what you can learn. Your task will be complete if you discover something valuable you can use in your daily life.

1)Visit the library of your own mind – 10 points
2)Open one of the books, and experience what happens – 20 points
3)Learn something about yourself that you can use in your daily life – 30 points

You have until wednesday evening. Good luck! :content:

Same here, really intense dreams actually, in which I couldn’t easily become lucid, but of course it didn’t strike me as odd. Still cool though.

Wow Solaris! This is one cool task! Kudos to you for thinking about this one.
Well, seeing as I am probably older then everyone my library is bigger, Hmm, which book to chose? I’ve always liked those antique books with gold leafing, wonder if my library looks like that.

I had a 5 minute LD this morning, didn’t know about the next task though :tongue:

Great challenge, I was WILDing a few days ago and I was traveling through sort of like a tunnel, and there were millions of words and it all seemed like memories, everytime I passed by the words I hear parts of conversations from the past. :content:

I will do my best for this next task.

No luck LD’ing during the last task, but this one (like the first task) also sounds awesome and I’ll give it my best shot! :content:
Bodom (David)

Kauai I agree, its sounds like a really cool task :smile:

I had over an hour long LD last night where I went to A library, but I’m not certain if it was actually my MIND’S library. I didn’t look at a book, so I guess I only get the points for the length of the LD (40) and going to the library itself (10).

Here’s the entry.

Just keeping track of my own points as reference for myself later on… I have 70 so far.