LC #27, Winner: Rhewin! Congratulations everyone!

It’s time for our Nostaglia Week, feauring a task from LC #26!

Task 6: An intergalactic vacation!

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been getting bored with this planet lately. It’s about time I had a vacation. An intergalactic vacation. Do you feel the same?

There are approximately 100 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and scientists are discovering many of them have planets orbiting around them. It appears that our solar system is not as unique as we once thought. I want you to strap on those angelic wings, step through an inter-dimensional portal, or hop aboard that UFO. You’re going to have a relaxing vacation on a planet in one of those many solar systems.

What does your destination look like? Is it a gaseous, Jupiter-like planet, or a desert like mars? Maybe it has an atmosphere just like Earth, and maybe there even is life down there. Or maybe it’s as barren as our moon. Regardless, I want you to go there and have a good time :content:

For leaving Earth behind, you get 30 points. For using your chosen means of transportation to reach your destination planet, you will be awarded 35 more points. For enjoying an activity that you consider relaxing on your destination planet, there’s +30 more points - and you can repeat this for as many planets as you wish, scoring the 30 points each time! ^^

There’s really much to do out there, so good luck, have fun, and remember to bring your towel with you :wink: