LC# 28: Winner, Siiw! Congratulations!

Keep going Starry :smile:

Lucid, don’t worry, don’t get stressed, you can do it.(even if just in ND)

Long LD! :cool_laugh:


And yes, the previous one felt important. I still use the feeling from it as a “daydream” for falling asleep.

I had a dream this night where I was in the mountains:

You know… I might try doing this, as motivation :smile:

I had to LDs last night :smile:
I don’t remeber them, but togheter they were about 5 min.

Sorry I’m really busy right now guys. You get a two day extension, and I’ll update points ASAP. Keep those LD’s coming!

Except that my LD’s havent started to come yet :roll:

And I remember that I was out in the woods and the trees behaved unnormally :dingy:

  • 1 medium lucid dream. The dream started at my home, I left the house and begon to fly. I saw a beautiful landscape, it reminds me of country living: fields in autumn colors, small houses made of wood. At the end I tried to visit the future and met some nice DC’s (talked to one) and myself (which I gave a hug), she was a little different then me. :smile:

Total: 2 medium LD’s (Quest + visiting rural area)

Dryalantha: From what I understand, you didn’t meet those DC’s in the country, but you still completed the task which gets you |30 lucid task + 20 early + 30 base points = 80pts| and then |60 lucid points (two medium)|

GHOSTIE11: All right, I’ll count the mountains as the country since it is a rural setting. Correct me if I’m wrong on the number of DC’s you met. |20 early + 30 base + 15 repeating (meeting Shiva, Siiw’s cat) = 65 pts|

StarryGwee: Ok, that gets you |30 lucid pts (medium)| And your previous score will be updated to reflect a short LD with 6 regains, so |50 lucid pts| total instead of a medium.

mattias: That LD will get you |20 short + 5 regain = 25 lucid pts|

cookymonster: A lucid fragment gets you |10 lucid pts|

KauaiDreamer: As I noted, I can’t award task points for that, but it sounds like you really enjoyed that dream, so as a consolation I will award |10 bonus pts|

Siiw: One long LD, so |40 lucid pts|

New task will be up in a few minutes!

Yeah! A nice beautiful, significant Medium LD :pharaoh:
Sorry Rhewin, did not think of your task, only my own personal goal and the fact that I wanted to ask my DG something.
My Himalayas LD

Second Task, Talk to a wall!

I’m in the mood for something a little different. Are you prone to arguing? Anyone ever tell you that you’re so bad you could argue with a wall? No? Well maybe that’s just me then :tongue:

In either case, when you’re dreaming, the wall can argue back! But then, why argue when for all we know walls might be very good company. Well, that’s what you’re going to find out now! This task should be simple, so you’re really going to score big if you do more than just the basics. Mind you, you don’t have to get a response to get the most basic points.

Base Points
Talk to a wall: 30 pts
Actually get an answer back: 5 pts

Secondary Points
Ask what it is like to be a wall and get an answer: 20 pts
Go through the wall to see who or what, if anything, is on the other side: 30 pts

Repeating Points
For every additional wall you talk to: 10 pts
For every additional wall you do the secondary tasks for: 10 pts Note: this means you could get 10 pts for asking what it’s like to be a wall and 10 pts for going through it.

They say walls have ears, let’s see if they have mouths as well…

Current Standings
EDIT: some corrections have been made, please review

  1. KauaiDreamer |10|
  2. Puce |0|
  3. Starrygwee |80|
  4. Unseen_Eye |0|
  5. mattias |235|
  6. ZRVera |0|
  7. GHOSTIE11 |65|
  8. EllyEve |0|
  9. Dryalantha |190|
  10. Siiw |170|
  11. Idanl09 |110|
  12. cookymonster |10|
  13. Thorn |140|
  14. Ronny |0|
  15. Lucid_Sockhat |0|

Please PM me if you’ve found an error in your points for either correction or explanation.

Interesting task, Ill talk to a wall now :razz:

Oh! This sounds fun :content: .

What an interesting task! Someone should find a really old wall and interview it like a dream character.

Corrections have been made to the current standings. Please review to make sure it’s all correct. While I may be Rhewin, The Great and Powerful, I still make mistakes :tongue:

Got an LD here :cool:

I dont know if cursing in front of a wall counts as talk to it :razz:

Just woke up from the task! ( :grrr: text woke me up!)

Dream here:

[spoiler]I was at a wedding shower or something, didn’t start out lucid, but I was dressed up, and for a while was messing with a tiara in the car to try to get it right while people were waiting for me to get out. Finally I did, saw some relatives and said hi, but then saw some kids playing games out in a spacious backyard and said to myself that it was a perfect opportunity to fly. So I did, but didn’t work so well… It was more like I did better jumping than flying.

After a bit, I see this long house/barnlike building (playhouse?) in the backyard and jump on top to get a higher flying elevation. The kids tell me it’s not going to work because of the pink ceiling above me, and lo and behold, there IS a pink ceiling made of tiles like my college ceiling. I jump, and I hit the ceiling (duh). It’s bright day out, so I think that there’s gotta be a sky past the ceiling, so I move some tiles up and over onto adjacent tiles so there’s a hole in the ceiling. It’s dark with more tiles, so I try moving those and imagining a bright blue sky above them. “Ceilings” and literal ceilings often have popped up for me as an obstacle in dreams before. So I realize that, and I’m wondering what else to do worthwhile in the dream.

Then I remember the LC, and jump down from the roof of the building. I go over the backyard, and find a brick wall like the back of my house. I’m over at the corner, see a small building or structure to the side, but ignore it as it’s a different structure that doesn’t exist IRL that dreams add all the time. I put my hands on the walls, apparently remembering OmkAR’s RC of being able to push on walls and get them to move. So at first I push and nothing happens, then the wall indents and I get my arms in about 7 or 8 inches or so, the brick bending from the force of my hands. Then I let the brick come back. The wall was also not all the way to the ground; it was probably two or three feet off the ground. Then I asked it what my purpose in life was. (I must add a little girl ran to the wall with me, and stood several feet to my side, but she was out of my vision, so I’m going to ignore her here.) I heard something like a groan and then a whisper something like “Why me?” but that could also have “mo-ney”, but it sounded more like “Why me?” I then asked it if I should have another purpose in life, thinking that extra points were for more questions that got answered, not extra walls (gah, dream thinking!). I didn’t hear an answer, so I pushed my hands in it again and asked it if it had fallen asleep again. While I still had my hands on the wall, I felt and heard a buzzing and knew it was my phone IRL invading my dream, and hoped I wouldn’t wake up, but I woke up very quickly.

I considered doing a DEILD, hoping it was my roommate’s phone since I knew I’d set no alarms, but decided to get up and write the dream instead since I’ve been out of the habit of DJing. And apparently I needed to get up since it’s been about 14 hours since I fell asleep…[/spoiler]

Success, at least for the major part of the task! Not sure why I asked what I asked or why I got the answer I did, but that’s for another day. :content:

Edit: Note: Even though I call pushing in the wall Om’s RC, I didn’t use it as an RC; I was already assuming it was an LD. Oh how I miss my RC-less LDs… :content:

GHOSTIE11: Sorry, I would have accepted cursing at the wall, but that’s not quite what you did. I need the LD length, but for now I will assume medium.

ZRVera: Well, at least you did get the basic part of the task :content:. So you get |30 lucid task+ 20 early + 35 base (talking and getting an answer) = 85 pts|. I need to know the length of the LD, so until then I will assume medium.

For those interested, I had a short RCILD last night here.

That nets me 0 lucid points!!! Ima win this :grin:

I had an LD this afternoon, but then I forgot the task :sad:. It was about 5 minutes. I shot laser rays out of my eyes and drank from some random carton.

I know it’s irrelevant but I must add that your, Rhewin’s Rhants topic is hilarious! :tongue: