LC# 28: Winner, Siiw! Congratulations!

This is going to be a little bit long.

  • The lucid part of the dream was probably about 10-12 minutes, meaning it was a long LD.
  • I completed the monthly task in the dream.
  • I completed my personal goal in the dream as well.
  • I may have completed the first task too. Depending a bit on the definition of “country” which I’m not quite sure of.

In the dream, I spend a lot of time at school, which is away from the city. In fact, from home, I travel to school like this: Big city-> Small city -> Village -> School. We have the necessary technology and stuff, but the nearest residential area (except for us students and the teachers) is 2-3 km away and that’s a village too. The nearest city (with all the cars and the roads and the factories and stuff) is 8 km away.

The dream is long, so I’m going to change the color of the font when something related to the tasks happen in the dream. I’m also adding my questions about the first task in colored parantheses.

I was lying in my bed at school (which, I would say, is in countryside) on my right side. (I had went to sleep a few minutes ago on my left, so I found this weird but decided to leat in pass.) I got up and did the morningly things I needed to do like washing my face and getting dressed. I skipped breakfast and went toward the literature building. While climbing the stairs outside to get there, I noticed I was too fast for a human being and I was LUCID. Instead of going to the building, I went to a schoolbus which (I assumed) took me and a few more people to the city my home’s in. (That’s a city for sure.)

I was walking on the streets, although it was not a place I recognized. Everywhere looked deserted except for me, those few people from my school and a group of (maybe 4 or 5) around 9 years old children with very sullen faces. They were walking without speaking or doing anything else at all. So I grabbed a few candies from a shop and gave them those. They did not speak nor show any emotion. Remembering of the monthly task, I asked them if they knew how to smile. They pulled the ends of their lips upwards to create misshaped smiles on their faces. I told them it was not the way they were supposed to do it and explained how they could smile instead. They were actually very fast learners, all of them could do it properly by the time I was finished with my quick lesson. We then exchanged farewells and I went to the people from my school.

I noticed how everyone who came with me there were all of the taller people who had no connection whatsoever with each other normally. So I made myself a little taller too. :mrgreen:

We walked to a train station sort of place, where upon entrance, my violin appeared with its box in my hand. I imagined there to be a post office there too, and with it I had my violin sent back to school because I didn’t want it with me but I didn’t want to leave it there either. We all boarded a train to go back to school, although a girl which I share almost all my classes with was very unwilling and I had to make her move with us.

So I arrived at school (countryside?) from the city and the other people had magically disappeared while on the train, not that I was complaining. I didn’t know what to do, so I walked around in the woods a little bit and then remembered of my personal goal.

I walked to the cafeteria, and I was planning to ask the manager (or whatever it is called) if he had the most delicious food in the world. I saw a very tiny child with blond hair and blue eyes at the door. I was going the ask him/her something, but I couldn’t because he/she ran sloppily away. The manager was sitting at a table with my father. There was also a tray for me there, [color=darkred]so I had to eat that first.

There was a dish with eggplants and onions, and even though I normally hate eggplants, I liked the taste of the dish. It was actually sweet and sugary. The cup of yoghurt I also had was sour, but edible. I added a few things (spices and such) to both of them and tried them out that way too.[/color] After I was done, I asked the manager if he had the most delicious food in the world. He said he had it in the fridge in his office, but I woke up while I was on my way to get there. [/spoiler]

That was it. :content: I’m very happy with it and the fact that I finally learned how to do a WBTB. Oh, and by the way, I want my next personal goal to meet a dream guide.

I had a dream about the task last night (not lucid!)
I heard some music, which exist irl too (’‘little dreamer’’ by ensiferum), a dream character played flute, I played Tin whistle. Together with some other DC’s we decided to create a music project. :smile:

Very short LD.

Well done everyone!

Dryalantha: Ok, first off for completing the task you get |20 early + 60 base (hearing music; playing yourself) = 80 pts| as well as |30 lucid pts| for the medium LD

Siiw: Wow, that’s a big jump in points for you! For the second task you get |35 pts (talk to wall; get an answer)|. Sounds like your wall really wanted to talk :tongue:. Now the third task is a bit different. Remember, points don’t add up from dream to dream, so only the higher score between your two dreams will count, which is the later which gets you |30 lucid task + 20 early + 60 base (hearing music; singing yourself) = 110 pts|. And, of course, |10 brief + 20x2 short + 30 medium = 80 lucid pts|.

Puce: Wow. Just wow. Yeah, a small village is rural, unless it is a suburb, but it doesn’t sound like that, so total you get |30 base + 30 personal task + 50 Quest = 110 pts| as well as | 40 lucid pts|. PM me if you want to set up a new PT.

LD from a nap today! Medium-long, pretty good clarity, a bit better than usual, I’d say. Two songs listened to, at least in the lucid part. Sang a bit, then used an improvised instrument that wasn’t an instrument at all but still served as one for the time being (it’s hard to find instruments in a construction site!)

Dream here, some copied from IRC:

This I remembered last… but comes first.

SPOILER - Click to view

And now I just remembered more… before I got to the schoolhouse, I was outside at these roads that pop up occasionally in my dreams, [but I’m sure they’re completely fictional], and there’s some kids on bikes and such heading with me to the schoolhouse.

[spoiler]Also, this part here was remembered while I was typing up the dance description, and it’s before the dinner…

Just remembered a part before it.
The fact that I remembered wearing a skirt during the party made me remember that it wasconnected to the schoolroom that I’d been helping pose for a video with some little kids since we were all in uniform, like my high school.
I’d sat in the front row for a while, then when we were done, I left. And very likely went to thedinner room.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]It starts at this dinner party, and I’m walking around and going to leave near these stairs, when some music starts playing when I’m halfway up the stairs and starts dancing in tempo with me backwards down the stairs. I, of course, can’t follow it at all, since I’m REALLY bad at dancing, but he says that’s fine and to follow his lead. [Like most dreams like this, or even IRL, I don’t really see what’s going on for the most part except for a vague idea of my surroundings.] He keeps dancing, which isn’t supposed to be random dancing, but a form [I’m also really bad at knowing different forms of organized dance.] Then, while at the middle of the steps again, we got separated a bit, still holding one of our hands though, I think, then he tries to get hold of my other side again, or so I thought, but he actually flips me, and proceeds to do so a lot more before the song ends. Then, at the end, I end up doing a handstand randomly then right myself. I wasn’t happy that I was still in the school uniform from a while before, so I decided I’d leave rather quickly even though people seemed to think the performance was great.

I keep walking through the party upstairs, see random people eating at tables. It’s a low ceiling, but the wall has lots of windows. I eventually make it to the end corner, since I went to my right. There I see someone who looks a lot like Anne Hathaway, and decide whether or not to tell her that she does, but decide against it. Then, I decide to make my exit by kinda “melting” through one of the windows into the water below (nighttime out).I do so, and feel like a bunch of me merged with the water. Here, I remembered some others had done similar things, like becoming air, so I pretty much get lucid at this point.

Then I remember the LC… and there had been music going before in the dream.
So even though being in the water is cool (I know I’ve been at that place before too) and I’d almost gotten taken into a boat too, but I got away…
I went over to this dark place, apparently somewhere where a lot of work was going on at day… some sort of construction.
I hear a song continue that had been going on over in the other building/dinner party, and I think it’s supposed to be shortly before the new year.
I didn’t have a violin in hand, but I did start humming a violin/harmony part to it.
After a bit I realize I’m not sure singing counts toward the task, and I’m getting slightly confused.
I start to air violin, knowing I’m bad at summoning and hoping maybe I can at least play an"invisible" violin, but no luck.
I start wondering a bit how much time I have left in the dream since it’s a nap, and it doesn’tfeel like I’m going to wake up soon, so I slip through the top part of some fencing, and after climbing over some more,go into this other area.
The song has changed by now, and I wish I had a trumpet or something like someone else had done (possibly a true memory).
I’m not attempting summoning, but I’m humming, then see this weird-shaped and weird-colored safety cone on the ground.
So I pick that up and use it like a trumpet, similar to the idea of a kazoo.
I’ve been following some small creatures that were the original source of the music, and they’reriding on one of those motorized cart things to move stuff (it’s not a forklift though).
They get to a certain point and stop riding, and the music stops too.
Then I start trying to remember the dream, and I remember the dinner party and such before.
(I’d post that part in the LC before this part just so it feels like a complete dream…)
Then I start thinking if it’s possible to remember what I was dreaming before, and start"flipping" through the dream to a point where I’d been getting chased and had fallen through this tiny hole, to where I’d been in a cave with some other people and then ended up somehow getting to the dinner party.
It was very likely a false memory, as I didn’t want to get stuck there with the three orange fuzzy finger things after me, but I did, and I probably lost lucidity around here.

I also believe that at this point in the dream I was one of the previous guy DCs, but I can’t be sure. After this, more stuff happens, which I’d rather not say (or remember; I wasn’t happy with that part of the dream). Then… my phone alarm woke me up and I’m fortunate I remembered this much of the dream…[/spoiler]

So, I’m rather happy with the success! Rather basic, but still completing the task nonetheless!

Also, please don’t truit me for all the spoiler tags… I didn’t want to mash them all together when I recalled them all differently. :neutral:

I I think I did the music task in a ND :lol: I thought I’d never do one in a ND. I didn’t incubate or anything. Pure coincidence :neutral: Here it is:

SPOILER - Click to view

I play on a bit vertical square pipe. With my right hand I hit it very fast on the side, going up and down, changing the pitch. I actually “shake” my hand so my thumb and pinky hit it alternately. This way I can hit fast and make kind of a vibrating sound. The pitch change makes it a lot cooler. With my left hand I do some normal drumming on the other side. After a while a female voice starts singing (sounds a bit like indian music).

SPOILER - Click to view

And, what? Spoiler tags are awesome! :grin:

EDIT: aww, I was sure you could put a spoiler tag inside a spoiler tag :lol:

I attended a concert… of sorts. All these young women with handmade wings stood on the sidewalk, where speakers and lights just appeared, and did various covers of one song (that doesn’t actually exist:) “Criticisms Of Juliet” by Emilie Autumn. It was a death metal song, so it was mostly screaming, and I didn’t catch any lyrics. Or melody. :tongue:

I got a Quite short LD this night :razz: still trouble with the lucidness

Dream is linked through my sig

Last night I had medium length LD. At first I woke up directly after a RC, but I managed to chain it into another LD. I flew out my bedroom, but failed to gain control over my legs (they stayed in the position I was sleeping in) so I just continued floating around my neighbourhood. I tried flying higher, but everything got dark, so I went back to street level to see better. I tried to find interesting DCs, but there was nobody around. So I went into some house with lights on. There was a family getting ready for breakfast and I wondered if they could even see me, so I spooked one of them by flying by him fast and it scared him a lot.After that I woke up. Not a very fun LD, but the first in almost a month, so I’m happy with it.

Ok, I’m not so busy atm. I’ve included the lucid pts in the scores themselves, so don’t look for them separately.

ZRVera:And you said you don’t LD when you nap :tongue:. You mentioned in IRC that these weren’t original songs, but that aside |30 lucid task + 20 early + 60 base (listen, sing) + 10 repeating (listening to two additional songs) + 20 secondary (original instrument) = 130 pts and also 30 lucid pts| I look forward to a few more like this :content:

mattias: That sounded awesome :tongue:. |20 early + 30 base (play) + 40 secondary (original instrument, original song [I think]) = 90 pts|

EllyEve: Yay metal! |20 early + 30 base (listen) + 20 secondary (original song) = 70 pts|

GHOSTIE11: Hey, lucid is lucid :content: |20 lucid pts|

BeRightBack: I didn’t see anything related to the LC, but correct me if I’m wrong. |30 medium + 5 regain = 35 Lucid pts| And to clear my confusion, you joined as Ronny, right?

Wow, a lot of you made that last task on time! Let’s see if you can do it on this one as well. We’re half way through, so It’s time to step things up.

Fourth Task: Movie Night!

It’s time for your big break in show biz! Get out there and make some movie magic. Of course, you could just sit back and watch the silver screen, but why not be on the screen? Better yet, why not be in the screen? This task is all about taking it to the next level, so show me what you got!

I usually have a 50 pt limit for secondary tasks, but this calls for a bit more!

Base pts
Watch a movie: 20 pts
Make your own movie (as in actually film it on camera): 40 pts

Secondary pts
Enter a movie: 30 pts
Change the events of a movie (maybe save Jack from freezing in the movie Titanic? That’s always pissed me off >.<): 40 pts

Repeatable pts
For every (real) actor you meet: 5 pts
For every (“real”) character you meet: 5 pts
For additional movie you watch: 10 pts
For every additional movie you enter: 15 pts

Good luck! I will have current standings up before the weekend is out.

Yo mann lol, the ending of Titanic ticked me off too! She was fat and hogged the piece of wood the entire time.:grin:
Anyways, I’m falling behind!! I think I’m having another dryspell.I’ll try and WILD tonight wish me luck!

+1 short LD.

I had a movie dream where I and some friends made a homemade movie :razz:

Dream found here

I had a very brief moment of lucidness again last night. I don’t remember a lot of it, the only part I remember clearly was breathing through my pinched nose, being glad it was dream and quickly flying away while waking up. I think it was some sort of nightmare that got me lucid, but I don’t remember anything from it.

I had a LD that lasted around 2-3 minutes, which would be short for me. Nothing related to the tasks though.

I’ve been watching a lot of movies these last two days, so if I manage to get lucid again, I’ll probably do this one :tongue:

Medium LD, probably at least four or five minutes, so it felt medium, but through the whole dream I could not remember for the life of me what the fourth task was. I remembered the third, but not the fourth. I probably didn’t remember since I haven’t quite decided what I wanted to do with it yet.

A medium length LD for me, though again nothing to do with tasks.

I had a semi-lucid dream, I just remember trying to talk to my shadow… but it wouldn’t respond. Then I said hi to the wall and asked it how it felt…but no response :neutral:. I can’t remember the rest hehh.

+1 short LD again. :smile: