LC #29: Congratulations, Rhewin!

Sorry! Of course you get points for it! You have been added now. :shy:

Had a short moment of lucidness last night, but lost it quickly and not much recall.

I’ve been having absolutely no luck, not a dream nor an unconcious sleep. It’s like i’m skipping to morning!

Will try, this task sounds easier as I continuously develop a sixth sense in dreams

I remember watching a short documentary on people with naturally mixed senses. They’re supposedly pretty darn rare, but they gathered a bunch somehow. Funnily enough, they all had different associations to any one thing. For example, if they thought of color yellow, each would smell something different.

What stuck in my head the most is one particular test. They had this woman (who had several senses entwined, not just 2) in a 20+ minute test. The test itself was bogus, what they were trying to figure out was her recall skills. At the start of the test, they read her a series of short-medium length words and she had to repeat them back. She did completely averagely. At the end of the test, they asked her to repeat those words and she remembered far more than an average person did.
I sincerely hope they did other similar tests and didn’t base their conclusion on this one example they put in the documentary.
The conclusion was that the more senses you experience a thing with, the better it sticks in your memory. It isn’t surprising really, we all remember better to check how hot water is if we get burned first, but it does seem to apply to sense crossovers as well, which is basically a brain anomaly.

So, theoretically, experiencing something (that you can normally sense with 1 sense only) with several senses, should give better dream recall.
I’ve no idea how hard the challenge is, if it’s even worth trying to implement in every LD just for the sake of DR, but it’s something to give a little extra motivation :smile:

I was thinking the same thing when reading the challange. :smile:

A known artist who saw colour while hearing music was Wassily Kandinsky. When I look at some of his work I always get blown away. Also depends on how “open” my mind is while absorbing his paintings but when I’m lucky I kind of fall into his colours and lines, they start to move and I move with it.

It’s not that rare, many people have associations between different things. I associate numbers, words and sometimes sound with colours, on average not that intens but it really depends on how I am feeling. Think about names and imagine the colour it has, a lot of people do that without knowing it. Think about why people sometimes call a heavy voice a dark brown voice… why brown? it feels the right colour doesn’t it? :content:

I had a medium length LD last night. Apparently swimming and making people drown is fun :tongue:

It was weird, because that’s the first LD I’ve had as a DO, yet the character I watched was me and I knew it. Plus, I had a false awakening afterwards with a huge DS and I missed it and lost lucidity there. (I still want to :truit: myself for it.) At least I can say now that I really know what an FA is.

Succes :smile: Last night I had a LD in which I was in long empty room and I remembered the suggestion of seeing music. I visualized that there would be stereo behind me and there was. I turned on the music and dancing lights appeared in all colors that looked a lot like nothern light, but fast forwarded. It looked pretty cool and I was happy I actually completed a task for once. Later the lights changed into laser lights, which was just like a normal laser show so not so special anymore.

In another dreamscape I met a colleage and I showd him how to float. I wanted to test if it was a shared dream so I told him to remember this dream once I say a special word to him the next time I see him. It would be cool if it works, but I’m not a strong believer of shared dreams, but youll never know.

Sounds awesome BeRightBack! Congrats :content: .

Gahhhh, I went lucid for about 5 minutes in a dream and lost it, later on realize I was dreaming at the very end. I forgot about the LC, so I went along and tried to visit WC’s new dreamscape. Then I tried to revisit this forest I discovered in another LD. :tongue: I should start posting in my DJ again…

Okay, the whole system of how this works kinda confuses me but what the heck, I’ll try it.

Sign-ups TM: Siiw

  1. Wyvern [no lucid points] [have 100 lucid dreams in a month]
  2. Fate [distort the dream time] [1-2 min]
  3. Dragonmind [GILD, LD, learn to fight, extend time] [2:30]
  4. GHOSTIE11 [Revisit Ceeia] (25-300 seconds)
  5. Puce [Meet dream guide, experiment with teleportation, solve some issues] (5-10 mins.)
  6. Opolious [Fly, meet dream guide] (5 min)
  7. Rhewin [Pilot the TARDIS and get somewhere] (4-7 min)
  8. BeRightBack [Extend LD with dream clock;Have an OBE;Create and enter new dream] (2-5 min)
  9. Kenty [Find & ride a Pegasus] (15-120 seconds)
  10. Mars [Find personal LD-castle] (5-10 min)
  11. Nuevefactorial [Find out RL lottery numbers] (6-9 min)
  12. StarryGwee [Actually meet my SG] (5-10 min)
  13. Thorn I forgot to copy this far down so what Thorn posted isn’t here XD
  14. Dablooey [Kill a giant snail monster with an arrow covered in salt] (I’ve only had one LD but I had lucidity for maybe 3 minutes)

Interesting task, no LD so far :tongue:

Dablooey, youre a bit late, but its up to Siw if you may join or not.

Well, she said we could join at any point but she hasn’t added me…

New tech is finally starting to kick in.

One short LD and one other dream where I questioned if I was dreaming.

I said you could join up to the end of the first task, Dablooey. I can still add you if you are interested, you will get less points though than the people who are already awarded points from the first task.

Oh okay, I’m sorry; I misinterpreted. No, no don’t add me, I’ll participate next time.

Two medium LD, one short and regained Lucidity twice.

Edit: here is link.

One long and one short (I hate my alarm -.-) LD tonight with no tasks. I did attempt though.

Yet another short LD, this one interrupted by an alarm :grrr:


One more short LD, and it felt like I became lucid too early and therefore lost the dream.

I love WBTB weekends :smile:

BeRightBack, you get |10 points| for your lucid moment and |30 points| for your LD. Seeing the music as northern lights gives you |40+20+30=90 points|.

Puce, your LDs gives you |30+20+40+20=110 points|.

StarryGwee, were those two LDs in the same sleep period? You get at least |30 points| if they were. (edit) The two lucids award 35 points

Rhewin, your lucidity points add up to |20+5+30+30+20+20+5+5=135 points|

I realise that I forgot to add lucid task points last round, so the standings are corrected for those now.

The standings are:

  1. Rhewin |165 points|
  2. Puce |140 points|
  3. BeRightBack |130 points|
  4. Wyvern |120 points|
  5. StarryGwee |65 points|
    6.Kenty [Wolf] |30 points|
  6. GHOSTIE11 |20 points|
  7. Mars |20 points|
  8. Nuevefactorial ||20 points

Next task will be posted shortly. Remember, you can do all tasks until the end of the challenge, and still get points for them. You can also improve your score from previous tasks.

Third task: Made for you

Most people appreciate one or more forms of art. Do you like music, films, stories, pictures, or something different? Tastes differ, and so do the ideas of the perfect work of art. One song fits your taste better than another, but what would make a song perfect for you? What would a story be about, if it was written especially for you?

It isn’t uncommon to experience beautiful music or pictures in a dream. Maybe, in your next lucid dream, you will find what you really want to see, hear, or experience. Maybe you get the book, picture or record as a gift, or maybe you ask somebody to make it for you. You could summon your favourite band or writer, and ask them for their newest work. Or you could combine qualities from several good artists to make the perfect one.

Find, make, or otherwise get a work of art, and you get 30 points
If it is something you normally like, it awards another 10 points
If it is unusually good, or gives the feeling that it has been created for you, it awards another 30 points.

Those who manage to summon or create a talented DC to do the artwork for them, will get 20 points. This can be combined with the main task.
Thinking up a title awards 10 points, while getting the title from a DC awards 20 points.

This task will run until 10.may, 8 pm GMT. Good luck, and sweet dreams!