LC #29: Congratulations, Rhewin!

Interesting task :tongue: I hope I will get LD’s this night :dream: had a week with lots of stuff to do and that spills into dream world too.

Oh whoops. Didn’t get around to doing the second task. Maybe I can combine these two… Hmm… :cool:

Oh, and as you know, I reached my goal of 100 LDs in a month. (Got 102 actually. :happy: )

Siiw, yepp they were at the same sleep period. :content:

How in the world can you fit 100 ld’s in 30 days!? Not 2 a day, nor 3, but 4 1/2 at least a day. I don’t even touch sleep so often.
… It’s just still amazing, I hope I can do this one. I’m missing a weekend of sleep! Gosh I hope that I can catch up.

Long LD where I completed my personal task. I piloted the TARDIS to a local theme park, but was awoken by an alarm before I could ride anything >.<


I had a lucid dream today, about 10 minutes I guess. I became lucid from being able to put my fingers through a wall. I went around exploring and tried to see how long I could stay in my dream :tongue: . I met some lady that seems to be significant somehow…she knew I was dreaming, and seem like she was part of my subconscious or something like that…

A low lucid moment, around 10 seconds where I realized I was dreaming and continued walking to my destination before waking up.

Had about a 10 sec LD on Saturday.
Although, I liked what happened before I got lucid much more. xD

I remember the other night when I had an FLD and I used dreampowers (not that this gives me score, just for myself to keep motivation up :tongue:)

A random DC gave me a very nice painting in an ND last night. I don’t know why, but I enjoyed it. Mind you, I can’t remember what it looked like now :razz:

Completed both tasks 2 nights ago.

Task 2:
The Blue Piano
Lucid Dream #1122

I found myself in a hallway in a place that resembled my old high school. I walked around a bit before remembering that I should probably get to those tasks in the LC.
I entered a random empty classroom, also empty in the sense that there were desks either, and walked in the middle. I then made a rectangular gesture with my hands and a piano fazed in before my eyes. I was quite pleased how much my spawning skills had improved over the years. :cool:
I started improvising something in A minor, and sure enough like my other synesthesic dream, the piano began to glow blue. A dark rich blue just like the key I was playing in. I tried something new this time. I wondered what A minor would taste like (Unlike the sound to color thing, I don’t have any sort of taste synesthesia in RL) and expected to taste something. Keeping with the blue theme, I began to taste blue berries. Ha. Clever SC. I played a bit more before waking up a bit early.

Task 3:
Arr! A Pirate Song for Me!
Lucid Dream #1123

There was a bunch of crap before this that I don’t remember anymore. Something to do with a performance I’m participating in in WL, and something to do with a building. In any case, it was irrelevant to the task.
[LD]Back in the same school setting as LD #1122, I wandered around. There was the occasional panther and snake that would walk/slither in the hallway as well. I found this odd, but would just happily greet them anyway as I loved conversing with random DC’s.
“Hello, Panther.”
“G’mornin’, sir.” He said in a cockney like accent as he passed by.
“Hello, Snake.”
Oh well. :razz:
I walked to a music room that didn’t exist there in WL, but I had been to it in another dream. There, I saw a mixture of people from the broadway-like band I was in in WL and furries. Playing the tuba in the back was Johnny Depp from Pirates of the Caribbean. Conducting the band was that same DC I met while doing the first task. At first I was just listening to whatever they were playing, some kind of pirate music, but seeing that DC again reminded me of the 3rd task.
“Can you play something for me?” I asked the now-conductor.
“Sure,” he smiled, “What would you like us to play?”
“Like something made for me. As self-centered as that might sound. It’s for some Challenge thing.”
“Hey, anything for the Animator.” He replied calmly. ”Animator” is a title DC’s frequently use on me for some reason. Usually when treating me like a God.”

The conductor held up his baton and then started to conduct another pirate-like piece that sounded similar to ”He’s a Pirate” from Pirates of the Caribbean, but it was different enough. :tongue: I really liked the music, but I’m not sure I’d consider myself much of a pirate person.
Half-way through, I looked back at the conductor and he was sporting a pirate hat and just winked at me as he continued to conduct. XD
When the piece was done, I thanked him and the performers and he finally formally introduced himself.
“My name’s Maximilian, by the way, or just Max. I don’t think I gave you my name last time. And I know who you are, so no need for introductions on your part.”
“Ah. Well, it’s nice to see you again. Are you related to Tyler at all?”
“Mmhm! He’s my brother! See the resemblance, eh?”
“Yeah.” I smiled, remembering the great dreams I had with that DC. “Anyway, I should be going. Not sure how much time I have left.”
“Plenty of time! Hah, but I understand. Thanks for listening to us. We all enjoyed playing for you.”
“And I really enjoyed listening! Thanks again.”

I then left the room ready to get on to other things now that I had completed that task. I went outside where I saw even more furries. Even saw a Havian, a dream species that was basically a cross between a hamster and bird. I then wondered where this school was in relation to the Havian tribe. From what I had seen of the tribe though, is that they were quite reserved and secretive, so I guess asking him about his home was out of the question.
I wandered around not sure what to do next and thought back to the task I had just done and realized I didn’t get the name of the piece! Thankfully, a member of the band came outside, a blue panther furry, and I ran up to her. She was taken back in surprise.
“Hey! You know that piece you just played for me? Do you know what it’s called?” I asked.
“Oh, I think it was called, ‘My Captain.’” She replied.
“Thanks a lot.”
After receiving that information, I spent the rest of the dream flying around past the forest to try to find out where it connected with other dream locations. To no avail.[/LD]

There. All caught up.

Ah, Wyvern. This is why you really should post more of your dreams.

Short LD, with nothing done due to distracting and arbitrary DC’s.

Link of DOOOM!

Wyvern and Rhewin, for completing your personal tasks you have both been awarded |100 points|.

Rhewin, your LDs earn you |40+10+20=70 points| Rhewin is also awarded |30+10=40points| for getting a painting that he liked, and |30 points| for doing it while the task was up-

StarryGwee, you get |40 points| for your LD.

Mars, your lucid moment gives you |10 points|.

Wyvern, your pirate song gives you |30+30 points for the song and the fact that it was made for you, |20 points| for the DC and |20 points| for the title. You also get |30 points| for completing it while it was featured.

The blue music gives you |40 points|.

The current standing is:

  1. Rhewin |405 points|
  2. Wyvern |390 points|
  3. Puce |140 points|
  4. BeRightBack |130 points|
  5. StarryGwee |105 points|
    6.Kenty [Wolf] |30 points|
  6. Mars |30 points|
  7. GHOSTIE11 |20 points|
  8. Nuevefactorial ||20 points

Hmmm… Wyvern is far too close to me…

/me kicks it up a notch. Bam!

Fourth task:You and your Enemy

In this task, you will meet your enemy. It doesn’t have to be a real life person. It can be a frightening or annoying DC, or anything that stands in your way. It could even be a part of yourself that you dislike. It could be a fictional or historic person, an aggressive animal, the only limit is your imagination and subconscious.

Confronting your enemy takes courage. It also earns you 50 points

If you conquer your enemy, you get an extra 20 points. Use your imagination, it counts if you fight it, but also if you get rid of it in a different way. I might award bonus points for creativity.

You get 40 points if you make peace with your enemy instead. Why not ask it why it is so aggressive? Rumour has it that a hug can turn the worst nightmare money into a valuable gift instead.

This task will run until 20.may, 8 pm GMT. Good luck, and sweet dreams!

Hehe, perfect. Except I won’t be getting the 40 pts for making peace with Xander :razz:

lol, there’s usually somebody that gets in my way when I become lucid!

I had a mini LD last night, about 1 minute. I was lying on something…and then I got lucid by my little brother telling me I think…It was really fuzzy so I tried to fix it up by spinning in the air, my dream was also ending soo I tried to prolong it as well. I think I lost lucidity afterwards and went online reading a post on LD4ALL by Kava :tongue: .

It took me a while to figure out who my enemy would be. I don’t really have annoying DCs, or anyone I hate in particular in WL. I’ve corrected a lot of my personal problems and the people who I target in dreams are just that. Targets. I’m the one instigating! XD

But then I remembered the Dream police! Still out to arrest me for all my past dream crimes. There we go. :happy:

1 minute lucid moment of trying to stablize the dream, sadly fell back to ND. :sad:

1 very shory one last night. I only recall the part of the RC and being surprised I was dreaming. Recall has been worsening lately since I cant seem to push myself anymore into writing in my DJ.