LC #31: Congratulations Limitles!

  1. Thorn; 3-5 minutes; swim underwater
  2. Limitles; 2-4 minutes; fly into outerspace
  3. GHOSTIE11 (30sec-3min) [go to Ceeia]
  4. StarryGwee (8-15mins) [visit WC’s garden, get to lucid crossroad & Sky Island]
  5. Leijona, 2-5 minutes, meet the main character of my book and talk with her
  6. Puce; 5-7 minutes; learn from my DG, make music in the metro
  7. BeRightBack: 2-6 minutes; Materialize new dreamscene/DC behind door
  8. Rhewin: 4-7 minutes; Defeat Xander in our lucid duel!
  9. Scipio Xaos: 1.5 minutes; Reach the Portal
  10. Hexaditidom: 2-5 minutes; a) meet/hug my characters, b) completely transform into nalvot
  11. Kitsun313: Never attained lucidity; Summon my DreamClock and make the most of my first lucid experiance.
  12. Wyvern: No lucid points, face the source of my nightmares and resolve them.
  13. Geekboy: 2-5 minutes : listen to some self influenced music

hobey-ho lets GO!

wait, is the task not coming out today :sad:

I, too, await the first task. I know it sounds silly, a dreamer yet to attain lucidity joining a contest based on successful lucid attemps, but I am jazzed about this. I don’t know what it is, but since joining the contest(even though it hasn’t officially started yet) I feel my confidance has grown and dream recall has been more successful. Maybe this will be how I attain lucidity!

Mimmo said that the LC will be starting next week, Wednesday at around 11 GMT. He doesn’t currently have access but will get it started then. He’s sorry for any confusion about the start date.

Many thanks for the update, Rhewin. At least this gives me another week of practice. And it is understandable for lack of internet access. It happens to us all.

So it starts 25 august then 23.00 GMT :cool_raz: that should give me enough time to prepare for my LD’s :tongue:

  1. Thorn; 3-5 minutes; swim underwater
  2. Limitles; 2-4 minutes; fly into outerspace
  3. GHOSTIE11 (30sec-3min) [go to Ceeia]
  4. StarryGwee (8-15mins) [visit WC’s garden, get to lucid crossroad & Sky Island]
  5. Leijona, 2-5 minutes, meet the main character of my book and talk with her
  6. Puce; 5-7 minutes; learn from my DG, make music in the metro
  7. BeRightBack: 2-6 minutes; Materialize new dreamscene/DC behind door
  8. Rhewin: 4-7 minutes; Defeat Xander in our lucid duel!
  9. Scipio Xaos: 1.5 minutes; Reach the Portal
  10. Hexaditidom: 2-5 minutes; a) meet/hug my characters, b) completely transform into nalvot
  11. Kitsun313: Never attained lucidity; Summon my DreamClock and make the most of my first lucid experiance.
  12. Wyvern: No lucid points, face the source of my nightmares and resolve them.
  13. Geekboy: 2-5 minutes : listen to some self influenced music
  14. KauaiDreamer: 5-15 Minutes; Confront doubt, fear, and negativity and conquer them
  1. Thorn; 3-5 minutes; swim underwater
  2. Limitles; 2-4 minutes; fly into outerspace
  3. GHOSTIE11 (30sec-3min) [go to Ceeia]
  4. StarryGwee (8-15mins) [visit WC’s garden, get to lucid crossroad & Sky Island]
  5. Leijona, 2-5 minutes, meet the main character of my book and talk with her
  6. Puce; 5-7 minutes; learn from my DG, make music in the metro
  7. BeRightBack: 2-6 minutes; Materialize new dreamscene/DC behind door
  8. Rhewin: 4-7 minutes; Defeat Xander in our lucid duel!
  9. Scipio Xaos: 1.5 minutes; Reach the Portal
  10. Hexaditidom: 2-5 minutes; a) meet/hug my characters, b) completely transform into nalvot
  11. Kitsun313: Never attained lucidity; Summon my DreamClock and make the most of my first lucid experiance.
  12. Wyvern: No lucid points, face the source of my nightmares and resolve them.
  13. Geekboy: 2-5 minutes : listen to some self influenced music
  14. KauaiDreamer: 5-15 Minutes; Confront doubt, fear, and negativity and conquer them
  15. Dablooey: 3-6 minutes; Create my Dream World

1st Task : Create your own musical instrument!

The first task will be a creative one, I kept it simple, yet challenging: Make your own musical instrument. The important part here is the “create/make”: don’t simply spawn, find or steal one, but actively create your own!
Decide for it’s characteristics: What material is it made out of? Wood and steel, or maybe plasma and bones? Feel free to use anything you find interesting enough to make an instrument out of. Carve the shape out of a block of your material, get the parts you need and glue them together, you decide. How does it produce sound? Are there strings? Does the whole thing resonate? Or is there an unknown force that fuels it? And most imoprtantly: How do you play it?
Try to make your instrument a unique as possible: you don’t need to re-model an existing instrument, use fantastic forms and mechanics to make a truly dreamlike instrument! For very extraordinary ideas, I’ll award up to +10 creatitvity points.
You should decide on those things before you sleep, otherwise you may lose focus in the dream.

Basic Task(s)

  • Gathering everything you need to make your instrument and successfully create your own music instrument gives you +35 points.

  • Instruments that do not make sounds are useless: try it out and get at least one sound out of it, it’ll give you +15 points.

Secondary Task(s)

  • Playing a whole song, a known one or something your subconcious comes up with, will give you +20 points and please your ears (hopefully :wink: ).


  • Duplicate your instrument and have some DCs play them. Listen to their songs or join them. For each DC that plays your instrument you’ll get +5 points, up to +15 points maximum.

For all you music-makers and picture-painters: If you want to share your creations, don’t hesitate to post the notes of the song or images of the instruments you created.

The deadline will be 31 August, 11 PM GMT. If you finish this task before the deadline in one week, you get +20 early points. This means you can earn a maximum of 115 points in this Task. Good luck and happy composing! :smile:

PS: The deadline is individual for everyone: If this is the last active task before you go to bed, the deadline is until you go to bed on the following day.

oooh! awesome!! Cant wait to go to sleep!! Hopefully i can get a LD, but ive been getting more lately!!

When I achieve another LD I really want to create an Erhu (a.k.a. Chinese violin) to play on… (A korean instrument called Haegeum has similar sound)
It has gorgeous sound you should hear it! <3

This one I should be able to do :razz: I am very influenced by music and look forward to see what my mind comes up with :cool_raz:

… i should have seen this coming. you and your music mimmo :razz:

sounds like this is gonna be fun. im going to a easier to play string instrument. why because there my favorite type of instrument. if that doesnt work i will default to a classic style pan flute like instrument. :slight_smile:

/me will create an instrument out of a paper clip, a rubber band, some gum and MacGyver :cool:

1.Thorn; 3-5 minutes; swim underwater
2.Limitles; 2-4 minutes; fly into outerspace
3.GHOSTIE11 (30sec-3min) [go to Ceeia]
4.StarryGwee (8-15mins) [visit WC’s garden, get to lucid crossroad & Sky Island]
5.Leijona, 2-5 minutes, meet the main character of my book and talk with her
6.Puce; 5-7 minutes; learn from my DG, make music in the metro
7.BeRightBack: 2-6 minutes; Materialize new dreamscene/DC behind door
8.Rhewin: 4-7 minutes; Defeat Xander in our lucid duel!
9Scipio Xaos: 1.5 minutes; Reach the Portal
10.Hexaditidom: 2-5 minutes; a) meet/hug my characters, b) completely transform into nalvot
11.Kitsun313: Never attained lucidity; Summon my DreamClock and make the most of my first lucid experiance.
12.Wyvern: No lucid points, face the source of my nightmares and resolve them.
13.Geekboy: 2-5 minutes : listen to some self influenced music
14.KauaiDreamer: 5-15 Minutes; Confront doubt, fear, and negativity and conquer them
15.Dablooey: 3-6 minutes; Create my Dream World
16.Knightdreamer,10-15minutes, Create a city

Had one medium LD during a nap, haven’t done anything task related though: my DJ

no luck last night :sad: although i did have some very interesting and fun ND’s and in one i had a very tasty ice cream sundae and plan to recreate it in real life! :grin:

short 3 min ld this morning did nothing task/special at all in it but a ld none the less yay

hmmm last night i had a strange experience, It i think mightve been very vivid HI and i said “Im lucid!” and all in third person, i remembed the task and then tried to make an instrument, but was very low lucidity. i picked up a stick in the shape of a bow n arrow and grabbed two more smaller sticks and rubbed them against the bow stick but they just scraped… (i was expecting it to make a sound- lol) dream/HI faded and i woke up