Had a short LD where I tried to find Ceeia but failed
5th Task : A task in a task - Taskception!
The fifth and last task is going to be something special. I won’t tell you the task itself here, I will tell in your dream. My dream self will tell you what to do, also how many points you will get for it. Since this is a task in a task (taskception!), you can get double the points for achieving a task while being lucid, as well as being early twice, but of course you’ll only get the normal amount for being lucid.
Basic Task(s)
Find me. I’m either at work or home, but I don’t mind being summoned. If you manage to talk to me in persona, you’ll get +10 points.
Figuring out the actual task will give you +15 points. This can either happen by me telling you directly, but I could also call you on your cell phone, send you a letter or SMS you. The task will also be posted on LD-LD4All.
Do the task I told you! Whatever it might be, it could be anything. I’m gonna tell you how many points you’ll get in the dream. If you don’t like the task at all, you’re free to ask for another task once. No matter what I say in the dream, you can’t get more than +120 points for the task I give you.(It’ll probably be less anyway)
Secondary Task(s) and repeatable(s)
- Qu and/or Rhewin might be there as well. Ask them for the next monthly LD4All-quest. If they thought of something already, they will tell you. Post it here for +10 points. Of course you can do the task she gives you, but you won’t get any points for it (but maybe you’ll get your wings, who knows…)
The deadline will be 30rd September, around 8 PM GMT when I post the next task. If you finish this task before the deadline in one week, you get +20 early points. This means you can earn a maximum of 255 points in this Task. This is also the last task, so I added a few days. This way, Qu and Rhewin can check this post for ideas for the next monthly quest
haven’t been on much D: . Had a little lucid moment last night, but forgot the rest grahh…
man it becomes sooo hard to write down dreams with school… meh… Since i dont know what you look like i wonder what my subconsious will come up with for you
EDIT: had 2 small LD’s last night but didnt remember the task
Hehe, I’m honored to be in the task, though I should point out all of the mods contribute to the monthly Quest . Hmmm… find myself does sound relatively entertaining, though…
Now I just have figure out what on earth you’d make me do >.>
One more short LD for me. Well, the dream itself was one of the longest I’ve remembered in a while, but I lost lucidity shortly afterwards (1-2 mins.) gaining it.
Had m longest LD ever last night!!! im thinkin it was about 2 hours!!! how awesome is that Didnt think of the task tho… i wanted to stay with the story line and plus the setting wasnt exactly correct
Had one short LD a few nights ago.
Had a short LD when I RC’ed in my home area and tried to fly, but failed
Again one short LD. At the moment I somehow can’t prolong my dreams so that I don’t even have enough time to actually do something!
Last night, one short LD and another medium with me losing lucidity in the middle and gaining it back.
Edit: linky
One medium length LD last night. Recall wasn’t too great nor the level of lucidity, but I remember I spent most of the time flying of over my home town and enjoying the reactions of the people below me when I flew by them and waved at them.
Oh boy , ok…well I had a crazy time last night. I nearly OBE-ed, but was stuck in my body from the top…grr. Remember seeing a bright blue light while obe-ing,couldn’t move still. So I woke myself, and turned over to sleep. I went lucid like…I don’t even know …at least 5 times in the dream. I went lucid for a couple minutes, but lose it and it repeats. Things I remember clearly doing, stablizing the dreams, flying through my window multiple times! Eating some stars from the sky, trying to speed up flying, but fail -___-. So much…but can’t remember anymore , oh yeah, there was also some girl that grabbed my leg when I tried to fly off…that was scary. Sorry, I had to get up quickly in the morning, resulting in terrible recall ): . Bahh…
One short LD again. I pretty much used it to wake myself up because the dream had gone too chaotic for me to be able to restore it to a normal one.
Limitless: The first nigtmare which tourned out to be a LD gives you|30 for the mediumLD|. The other LD gives you |40 points for a long LD, 30 for accomplishing a task, 15 for finding the dungeon entrance and 15 for having a companion. Also +20 early points.|.
The other LD gives you |40 long lucid points, 30 for accomplishing a task and enormous 120 points for your personal task |.
The medium LD later gives you|30 points |, also |2*20=40 points | for two short LDs, but then again |40 points | for your longest LD ever .
Dablooey:your short LD gives you|20 points|.
Leijona: You get |5 points| for wondering if you dream. I’ll take the other LD where you cant remember andything as a short LD for |20 points|. You also get |3*20 points | for three other short LDs.
Puce: Your long LD gives you|40 points, plus 30 for acoomplishing a task while being lucid, as well as 120/2 = 60 points for learnin from your SG|. The medium LD earns you |30 points|.
The other ND gives you |0 lucid and taks points, but 25+15=40 for locating and using a scale model. Changing rooms gives you 15 points. |. The other short LD gives you |20+5 points for regaining lucidity |. Also |20 short lucidpoints |.
Rhewin:You get |30 points for the medium LD. accomplishing a task gives you +30 points, making and playing an instruement gives you 35+15 points, and a whole song gives you 20 points. |
The other long LD gives you|40 points and 5 for regainig lucidity, accomplishing a task gives you +30 points. Locaing the entrance gives you 15 points. |. Also|20+5 points | for a short LD with regaining lucidity and |20 points |for the other short.
Ghostie: The medium LD gives you |30 points| and the short ones |2*20=40 points |.
Thorn:The long LD gives you |40 points|.
Hex:The medium LD earns you |30 points |. But the next LD earns you |30 medium and 30 task points, also 120/2 = 60 personal task points |!
KauaiDreamer:The long LD earns you |40 points |.
Scipio Xaos:: The short LD gives you |20 points |, and the medium LD gives you |30 medium points and 30 task points. You had a companion when you entered a “dungeon”(which was your grandmothers house? xD) for 15+15=30 points. Then you get 35+15=50 for making and playing an instrument|.
BeRightBack: The Medium LDs give you |2*30=60 points |.
StarryGwee: The lucid moment gives you |10 points | at least. The almost-OBE gives you |30+(5*5)=55 points |for a medium LD (i guess its medium) with regaining lucidty fivefold.
I just hope I did not forget anything or anyone. If I did so, please tell me.
And if you add the new points you’ll get this:
- Thorn |10+40 = 50 points|
- Limitless |220+410 = 630 points|
- Ghostie|0+70 = 70 points|
- StarryGwee|240+65 = 305 points|
- Leijona|50+85 = 135 points|
- Puce|255+245 = 500 points|
- BeRightBack |30+60 = 90 points|
- Rhewin |85+245 = 330 points|
- Scipio Xaos |35+160 = 195 points|
- Hexaditiom |160 + 150 = 310 points|
- Kitsun313 |0 points|
- Wyvern |0 points|
- Geekboy |30 points|
- KunaiDreamer |0+40 = 40 points|
- Knightdreamer |0points|
- Dablooey |20+20 = 40 points|
So I proudly present, the Winner is:
Congratulations! Also congratulations to everyone else, and thanks for participating on this LC. Being the Taskmaster was really fun, unfortunately I didnt have the time I wanted to. Allthought it was fun, even if I came up with tasks in the last minute xD (noone noticed I guess…)
Bah, I had a nice LD last night and did last task and didnt know the LC is over well, since the LD was decent Ima post it in my DD still congratulations Limitles
Haha, same for me. I had a long LD this night and completed my personal task.
also, limitles will be the new taskmaster