LC #34


oh ok sorry about that i wasn’t sure, i am thinking maybe i should just get the points for it now, i can always interview DCs anytime, but i think i will now try to concentrate on the Task which is to visit outer space since i forgot and it has a time limit, so if manage to interview any other characters it won’t count for task points but thats ok.

i can’t change it, but once i complete one personal task, i can’t add another? i completed this one and i decided not to redo it for points, but can i add another task since the original one is finished or do i just do the weekly task (which is ok i don’t mind) and will have no more personal tasks for points at least?

also if i can set another personal task after completing one, how long do i have to complete personal tasks? i know the deadline for the weekly one is a week, but does the personal tasks have a limit?

DreamSailor, no, there’s 120 personal task points per person per challenge.

You can complete the weekly tasks after the week is over, but you won’t get early points for them.

.< remember having an LD just don’t know what happened :sad:

GnarGnar, do you have any idea how long that LD was?

no, just remember thinking im dreaming and that was it…

ok i had a short LD not successful though but i tried. here is my DJ post

DreamSailing’s Dream Journal

i did attempt to leave earth, i should get some points, but i would like to do this over. i did read the rules, i think that if i attempt it again and succeed i will get those points (just not early points because im sure by the time i have another LD it will be the next task) but what if i don’t have an LD or attempt it again before the next task? will i still get the points i got now for attempting?

als @elnaureth ok i get it now, its ok i will just do the LC tasks, the less tasks i have to remember the more likely i am to remember it. i won’t redo it, i will just concentrate on the LC tasks. also its good that i can still get points for the tasks after the week is up, i don’t mind not getting early points. i am just hoping this challenge will help me become better at LDing which so far it has helped quite a lot :smile:

well i will kinda redo it, actually i plan to continue trying to interview DCs, but i will do that when i am better at LDing.

Today I tried many WBTB-like and DEILD-like WILD’s and had a LD. Probably I was in a dreams for much longer, just didn’t realized and kept trying to WILD in there. But finally, probably after many WILD’s inside the WILD’s, for like 5 secs I was aware of being in a dream and did nothing task related.

Just a lucid moment last night. Maybe about 20 seconds or so before I lost it.

Had a short moment of lucidity, about a minute. Really low-lucid one though.

Zzz, sorry, I didn’t read your post carefully enough. “Have a LD” is not really a good personal goal for the challenge, since, well, the challenge already rewards that. You should pick a goal that’s something that you want to do while lucid (like flying, exploring, or whatever).

Ysim: |20 points for a short LD + 10 points for a lucid moment = 30 points|.

StarryGwee: |40 LD points| for two short LDs, and |10 points for trying to leave Earth + 20 early points + 30 task while lucid = 60 task points|. I’m sure you can get a better score for this task if you want to, though!

GnarGnar: I’ll count that as a lucid moment, so |10 points| to you.

DreamSailor: |20 points| for a short LD, and |10 points for trying to leave Earth + 20 early points + 30 task while lucid = 60 task points|. You can try the task again, and if you get a better score the next time, your score for this task will be replaced with the better score.

demented: |10 points| for a lucid moment. Keep trying and I’m sure you’ll get a longer LD!

averaging about 1 LD per month and a half---- probably due to not writing down dreams :meh:

for some reason attempting many WILDs apparently messes with my sleeping patterns as i find it hard to just go to sleep normally, and yet i had another LD this morning! this is the second morning in a row i had a LD, i had one three days ago too, if i can get to where i can have LDs almost every morning i am off to a pretty good start :smile:

however this time i was even further than last time in completing the goal, so i guess i will get no points. i remembered in this LD that i had to stabilize the dream, but i feel that stabilizing and prolonging my LDs should be something i work on the most now because my LDs are still very short, this one was about 30 seconds maybe a minute. i went outside, i tried to make that vehicle appear, the only thing that did appear was a pair of wings that were hovering across the street, but i didn’t even notice them at first and when i did i felt i needed to stabilize the dream more. i tried rubbing my hands but i kept thinking about my sleeping body ( if you tell me not to think something the more i try not to the more my mind HAS to --__–) oh well, i didn’t complete the task, but i learned i do need a good amount more skills than i first thought, first i must find a way to prolong a LD if i am to get anywhere. i haven’t tried spinning yet, maybe that will work (and end me up in space hopefully :razz: )

elnaureth, ok. I’ve just changed my personal task. :content:

Still nothing on my end yet. It may take longer to bring my DR back to it’s former level. The closest I had to ANY type of awareness last night was running through a hallway, seeing everything as a sort of blur, and thinking that I need to start paying more attention to my surroundings or my dreams will copy the way I see (or rather, don’t see) things in WL.
/me is trying not to feel impatient with the slow progress.

Finally my first LD this month! :woo:
It was a DILD…i was kinda giving up on trying to LD so i figured that i could become Lucid if i stopped trying to for once.
At first it was not related to the task though it must’ve lasted a good 5 minutes. Then when i remembered my goal, i walked to a Launch Star like from Super Mario Galaxy and left the planet that way.
Unfortunately, that part of my lucidity didnt last long. Probably like 30 seconds or less. I did pass by two planets but i lost lucidity after that and ended up having a ND about star trek… :shy:

congrats Skyglide :happy:

Forgot to post, but I had another non-task related lucid moment Sat night (Sun morning).

(If you haven’t guessed, I get a lot of those :tongue: )

LC #34 signup list: TM elnaureth

  1. StarryGwee; (7-15mins); (Get to WC’s garden still &monthly quest)
  2. GnarGnar (1-5 mins); (Meet my DG)
  3. Rhewin (5-7 mins); (Defeat Xander in the lucid duel!)
  4. Limitles (2-5 mins); (Sail on a pirate ship)
  5. Thorn (3-5 mins); (Control another limb (arm, leg, tail, etc.))
  6. Leijona; (2-5 mins); (Meet my MCs)
  7. ZRVera; (5-8 mins); (Recreate a specific previous FLD power)
  8. Siiw (3-5 mins) (Make something in a dream and recreate it IRL)
  9. demented (none yet) (communicate with my subconscious)
  10. brandon2071 (none yet) (learn to fly)
  11. Ysim (5-7 mins); (Steal Rhewin’s hoverboard)
  12. EyesWide (a wild guess but 2-5 mins); (meet my SG)
  13. BlackKettle (30 secs -2 mins); (Get to my library that I made up in my head specificly for easy travel in dreams (every book is a portal to a different universe))

Hohooo! Unlucky #13, eh? Considering I’m not that much of a good lucid dreamer, I think this title fits me well haha :razz:

BlackKettle, the most recent version of the list is here. You’re actually #17. If you could edit your post, that would be great. :smile:

OH PHHHHHHHHH— sorry b’out that! I didn’t see that there were 3 other pages to this topic >////<

Please ignore what I posted above! Sorry again. So sorry .x.;;