LC 64 - Winner: Obliverum

Susan_Y: I’ve added the points for your medium LD… but you never answered my question about your castle dream. :tongue:

Obliverum: Heh… I’ve been a cat before in dreams… maybe that was me?!? :tongue: Though, nowadays… it’s more fox than cat. :tongue:

Everyone: Scores have been updated!

I think my dream of the castle doesn’t count for the extended task.

oh no, next time ill follow the cat! that would make more sense, since my sister is definitely not a cat person.

uhhh i only just realized right this moment that in my last failed corneluna attempt i was also following a person who turned into a cat and that made me lucid, but i ignored the cat and tried to find you elsewhere and it didnt work… i cant believe i didn’t even notice both my recent attempts at the task had that in common! i wouldnt have noticed it if you didnt bring it up. thats what comes of remembering your dreams when youve only just woken up and are all groggy about it and then moving on to busy work days after posting and forgetting all about it… :tongue: i dont think otherwise it is normal for me to dream about people turning into cats, i cant remember ever dreaming that before :wizard:

Had a short LD last night.

Claiming points for floating :smile:

Dream Journal

last night i had another annoyingly short ld, my 4th attempt at part 2 of the extended task. although if i werent trying to do the task i doubt id be having these lds at all!

it was early in the night so my recall is even fuzzier than the cat was, but i tried to follow her this time!

i dont know anything about cat breeds but from my googling i think it looked like a norwegian forest cat.

Had 1 ND here this morning. No tasks.

Susan_Y: Maybe next time, then!

Obliverum: Nyaaa~! purrs excessively

Koal44: I’ve marked you down for the LD and the floating… but did you shapeshift the DC using willpower? If so, that’s another task! Please let me know. :smile:

Obliverum (Again): Did you want to claim that short LD? You’ve passed on the past couple and didn’t explicitly say so here.


That sounds like a Lizardwoman… so… do you explicitly want to shapeshift for your personal goal? Sounds like you were really close here!

Everyone: Scores have been updated!

@Cornelia Xaos = If it’s applicable for points, I’ll gladly take them at this stage :smile:

Had 2 NDs here this morning. No tasks. The last one was a hair short of being an LD. A shame with how nicely it flowed :wink:

I had a medium-length lucid dream in which I swam in the solid ground and even used it for surfing. Interesting? Yes. Worth points? Not so much.

Hehe that was something similar but I won’t claim points as I cannot remember it properly.
I do it quite often in LDs so I will claim it in my next LD! :smile:


Well… you’ve definitely been incubating your personal goal! And it looks to me as if you’ve kinda done it twice now! I’ll award you points if you believe you’ve done it as it is your personal goal!

Rhewin: Wow… I didn’t even think of having a category for something like that… missed opportunity, sadly. I’ve awarded you LD points, though.

Koal44: I look forward to reading about it! :happy:

Everyone: Scores have been updated!

If it’s eligible for points, I’ll gladly claim them please. The realism/intensity of it definitely met my standards. :smile:

I know I’m really late to the game but :peek: . I had a short LD yesterday, in which I had an old friend wake me, because I couldn’t seem to wake myself.

I won’t be posting the dream though, because there were creepy circumstances around why I needed him to wake me. :woah:

Here’s to some less creepy LDs in the future.

James_UK2008: Then I’ll mark you down for your personal goal. Congratulations!

Eiltan: Better late than never! And I hope you have more pleasant LDs, too! :hugs:

Everyone: Scores have been updated!

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Very close to LC completion, I can finally claim some task ! :happy:

  • Wear suit - kinda disappointing in itself, but it worked

  • Use attack module - laser arm

  • Use movement module - hi-speed, fly

  • Short LD (DILD)

I am not claiming the Hover task: when taking off the flight was slow, but I cannot consider it hovering

GenghisKhan: Your suit sounded kinda Black Panther’s, but with flight and such built in! Really cool! I’ve awarded you the points. Also, the Hover task requires you to hover via willpower, not some dream aide like a suit. :tongue:

Everyone: Scores have been updated!

Everyone: The LC is officially over! Everyone has 24 hours to claim any last minute dreams, and I’ve decided to go ahead and announce the winner at that time instead of waiting another 24 hours. :tongue:

If you’re currently dreaming, those dreams do count! Make sure to post them here in the next day!

Sorry, there were things going on in my life, so I did not pay proper attention to my dreams.
Hope you all had a fine LC experience! :happy:

All my dreams from this challenge have been posted.

(I have some dream art, but as we don’t get art points this time, I can post those later).

Thanks to Cornelia for hosting!

By the way: what would the next part of the “castle” subtask have been, if I’d managed to do it? (Possibly there is no answer to this question, if part 2 depends on what the dreamer does in part 1).

Majah: There’s always next LC!

Susan_Y: Part 2 partially depends on Part 1… but Part 2 would have involved a butler telling you I was in another castle and then you having to ride a gokart there. :tongue: