Previous Challenges
[spoiler]LC 1 - TM and initiator: eMander (formerly ian1) - winner: -=JaSoN=-
LC 2 - TM: Magnus - winner: Q
LC 3 - TM: Q - winner: Bravsein
LC 4 - TM: Bravsein - winner: WritersCube
LC 5 - TM: WritersCube - winner: dimsya
LC 6 - TM: dimsya - winner: Queen SD
LC 7 - TM: Ysim - winner: Mugiwara
LC 8 - TM: Mugiwara - winner: Ysim
LC 9 - TM: Ysim - winner: Tundra
LC 10 - TM: Tundra - winner: ebilshrimp
LC 11 - TM: ebilshrimp - winner: Tundra
LC 12 - TM: HebrewB - winner: mattiasdavis
LC 13 - TM: Blue&White - winner: relV
LC 14 - TM: relV - winner: GHOSTIE11
LC 15 - TM: GHOSTIE11 - winner: unknownuser33
LC 16 - TM: Danielns13 - winner: rkr7
LC 17 - TM: Angelmouse - winner: pasQuale
LC 18 - TM: Magnus - winner: Amaryllis
LC 19 - TM: Amaryllis - winner: Dryalantha
LC 20 - TM: Dryalantha - winners: Shadow Dreamer and Amaryllis
LC 21 - TM: Shadow Dreamer - winner: probably Wyvern
LC 22 - TM: Danilens13 - winner: tosxyChor
LC 23 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Wyvern
LC 24 - TM: Wyvern - winner: tosxyChor
LC 25 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Solaris
LC 26 - TM: Solaris - winner: Rhewin
LC 27 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Rhewin
LC 28 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Siiw
LC 29 - TM: Siiw - winner: Rhewin
LC 30 - TM: Puce - winner: Wega
LC 31 - TM: Mimmo0 - winner: Limitles
LC 32 - TM: Limitles - winner: Nicklebrick
LC 33 - TM: Nicklebrick - winner: elnaureth
LC 34 - TM: elnaureth - winner: DreamSailor
LC 35 - TM: Ysim - winner: Koharo
LC 36 - TM: Rhewin - winner: HeadInTheClouds
LC 37 - TM: HeadInTheClouds - winner: Cornelia Xaos (formerly Scipio Xaos)
LC 38 - TM: Cornelia Xaos - winner: Thorn
LC 39 - TM: Thorn - winner: Koharo
LC 40 - TM: HeadInTheClouds - winner: Wyvern
LC 41 - TM: Wyvern - winner: Thorn
LC 42 - TM: Thorn - winner: Wyvern
LC 43 - TM: Rhewin - winner: drd
LC 44 - TM: Thorn - winner: drd
LC 45 - TM: obfusc8 - winner: Thorn
LC 46 - TM: Thorn, drd, Scipio - winner: obfusc8
LC 47 - TM: Mew151 - winner: Rhewin
LC 48 - TM: Rhewin - winner: probably obfusc8
LC 49 - TM: obfusc8 - winner: drd
LC 50 - TM: Thorn - winner: obfusc8
LC 51 - TM: Jer - winner: Thorn
LC 52 - TM: Susan_Y - winner: obfusc8
LC 53 - TM: Obfusc8 - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 54 - TM: Susan_Y - Winner: DTDownUnder
LC 55 - TM: DTDownUnder - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 56 - TM: GenghisKhan - Winner: MearaDelia
LC 57 - TM: MearaDelia - Winner: DTDownUnder
LC 58 - TM: Obfusc8 - Winner: Koal44
LC 59 - TM: Koal44 - Winner: Tggtt
LC 60 - TM: Tggtt, Mew151 - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 61 - TM: GenghisKhan, Koal44 - Winner: Obfusc8
LC 62 - TM: Susan_Y - Winner: James_UK2008
LC 63 - TM: Majah - Winner: Cornelia Xaos[/spoiler]
Welcome, everyone, to the Lucidity Challenge 64!!
The purpose of the Lucidity Challenge (LC) in its current form is to serve as a motivator for good lucid dream practices, to create an atmosphere of both competition and cooperation, to create a challenge for lucid dreamers of all levels, and to provide fun to all participants. I hope that everybody gets to experience all of these while participating!
I imagine most everyone is familiar with the LC, but for those who might not be here’s a few pieces of important information about the contest:
The LC is a, usually, 4-5 week test of lucid dreaming skills and general dreaming abilities. A Task Master, that’s me, provides various challenges or “tasks” to competitors, that’s you, each week. Competitors then aim to complete those tasks in dreams and report their successes here in order to gain points.
A Dream Journal is not required, but is highly recommended. Keeping a DJ helps one with their dream recall and lucidity as well as provides the Task Master (and others) with a way to learn more about the interesting dreams you have! You can claim tasks without submitting a Dream Journal entry, if you’d like, but I will not be able to point out any potential task claims that you may have overlooked if you do!
I believe that it is the responsibility of the Task Master to read the DJ entries of the contestants, but it is equally the responsibility of the contestants to supply DJ entries. I will not go and look through everyone’s DJ for dreams eligible, but I will read all dream entries posted or linked in this thread. (Please enclose entries posted in this thread in spoiler tags.)
LC 64 signups are, as of now, officially open! You may sign up by quoting the latest signup post below and adding your name to the list. I have posted the blank template below so that the first person may do so easily.
LC 64 will have 4 tasks and be 4 weeks long. It will begin the first Friday morning that we have 10 participants signed up or on Friday, March 15th. Whichever comes first.
Tasks and updates shall be posted Friday mornings at 0900 Eastern Time. This should give most folks half a day or so to prep for the big weekend dreams. Likewise, the competition shall end at this time four weeks from its start date, but 24 hours shall be provided for last minute claims.
Scores can be tracked here, at this Google Docs Spreadsheet.
The scoring of this LC shall be different and slightly simplified compared to previous LCs. Several scoring options have been removed and the points in general have been scaled down.
As usual, lucid dream lengths are subjective and based on personal bests. If you have not had any lucid dreams before participating in this challenge please consider any lucid dream length of less than a minute to be short, greater than a minute but less than three minutes to be medium, and greater than three minutes to be long.
Point Summary
[spoiler]Lucid Dreams
- You wonder if you’re dreaming but don’t become lucid. (1 Point)
- You have a short lucid dream. (2 Points)
- You have a medium lucid dream. (3 Points)
- You have a long lucid dream. (4 Points)
- You have your longest ever lucid dream. (5 Points)
- You have your first ever lucid dream. (5 Points)
Please note that you cannot claim both longest ever and first ever lucid dream at the same time. Additionally, you cannot claim longest ever lucid dream until after your first long lucid dream.
Tasks (Subtasks)
Each subtask has a certain point value ascribed to it, all of which are even numbers. Please note whether or not you were lucid when you completed a subtask as subtasks completed while not lucid are worth half as many points as those completed while lucid.“Side Quests” - You complete your personal goal! (10 Points)
- You complete a current LD4All quest! (10 Points)
Note that both of these may be done exactly once. Additionally, the LD4All quest must be done while lucid, though your personal goal may be done in a Non-Lucid Dream for the full amount of points.
Other Points - You dream of another, specific participant during the competition. (2 Points)
May be claimed once for each other participant. - Your execution of a subtask was particularly creative. (1 Point)
Note that this requires you post a Dream Journal as it is essentially “TM Fiat”.I will award this up to once per night per person… but you must really impress me with how you accomplish the subtask.
Additionally, advanced LDers / naturals may find the tasks too easy and there a lack of competition. In order to curb this, several optional handicaps are available to choose from. Please mention in your signup post if you wish to take a handicap, and remember there is no pressure to do so!
Summary of Handicaps
[spoiler]* No Lucid Dream Points - Ignore all points that would be gained from having a lucid dream of a certain length.
- Only Lucid Tasks - Only count tasks that were completed while lucid.
- Percentage Points - Choose a percentage value less than 100%. Your final score is that percent of all your points. i.e. if you have a handicap of 80% and scored 200 points your final score is actually 160.
The Lucidity Challenge is supposed to be just that, a challenge. But it’s main goal is to be fun. So please only take a handicap if you feel it would make the competition more fun for you!
List of Participants
- James_UK2008 - Shapeshift into a Lizardman - No Handicaps
- Mew151 - Say goodbye to the resilient fox - No Handicaps
- GenghisKhan - Ask A. to help me with a personal matter - Handicap: no lucid points from WILD. DILD max points = short LD
- Koal44- Meet my baby and see his face - No Handicaps
- Majah - Meet plant(s) - No Handicaps
- Susan_Y - See a musical instrument - No handicaps
- Eilatan - Find a Good Man - No Handicaps
- Rhewin - win the ancient Lucid dual against Xan - No Handicaps
- obliverum - do healing magic - no handicaps
Quick Links
- Task 1: Willpower Warmup
- Task 2: Breaking Physics
- Task 3: Metamorphosis
- Task 4: Suit Up
- Winner Announcement
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Feel free to bring them up with me in PM and I will address them accordingly!
And with that, let’s get started!
… raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens …[/center]