[size=200][color=blue]Welcome to the 61st Lucidity Challenge !!![/color][/size]
Dear people of LD4All, I am your host for Lucidity Challenge 61 (LC61)
I am very glad to warmly thank and introduce our co-host, Koal44 ! Please great him, too !!!
The Lucidity Challenge (LC) is a traditional game in LD4all
Its primary objective is to have fun, the secondary is to train your LDing techniques as well as dream recall
[size=150][color=blue]Quick but important information:[/color][/size]
We have decided to keep many of the changes introduced by LC60, but also to modify some things to further pursue scoring balance and make things a bit simpler
Let me take the chance to thank again Tggtt for hosting the memorable LC60, and for his availability and support -
The winner of LC61 will have the option to host LC62 - however, if he/she doesn’t want to, the option to host passes on the second place, and so on
Dream Journal (DJ) is not strictly required, but rather highly recommended
Keeping a DJ can improve your dream recall, and will give you points
It is preferred to post here a link to your DJ, but if you really want to post your dream here, please use spoiler tags, thanks -
As hosts, our goal is to provide daily updates to LC61 progress
We deeply wish to be fair, attentive and objective hosts
Consider us available for clarifications and questions, and open to correct any scores mistake, if needed ! -
We recommend you regularly check this topic, but Saturday is going to be a very special day during LC61 !
Each Saturday we will publish new story tasks, progress with the plot, and allow you to unlock your favorite subtasks !
[size=150][color=blue]Tasks for all tastes ![/color][/size]
We’re going to have two major type of sub-tasks:
Main story sub-tasks
They will be in average high-score, but available in small number
They will follow a story or theme, and we really hope they will keep you engaged to the LC
They will be disclosed week by week, each Saturday ! -
Standard sub-tasks
They will be quite simple (e.g. see a specific object or animal), in average low-score, but available in large numbers
You will have the chance to unlock one of them each Saturday, provided you have successfully completed at least one sub-task (either story or standard) during the past week
Do not miss the chance to score while completing your favorite task !
EDIT: Task scores are Non-Accumulative, means each task can be claimed only once
When claiming points, please be clear if you think you have succeeded on a specific sub-task
Details on sub-tasks unlocking:[spoiler]
- You will be allowed to unlock tasks from a list we will propose, but some degree of freedom may appear here ! Stay tuned !
- Each sub-task can be unlocked by one participant only
- Unlocked tasks will be open to all LC61 participants but you, as the unlocker, will score a share of half of its points !
- Unlocking will be on a first come first serve basis, so stay tuned for topic updates on Saturdays !
- Unlocking tasks is completely optional, but there is no benefit from not doing it
- Unlocked tasks become active (valid for scoring) starting from the night following the unlock (no retroactive scoring allowed)[/spoiler]
LC61 is planned to last for four weeks minimum
During the third week, we will ask your feedback to extend it by one more week, reaching five weeks
[size=150][color=blue]Cool! You won me already! Where do I sign-up ?![/color][/size]
Sign-ups will be officially be open after co-host post in this topic !
In order to sign-up, please take last sign-up post you find and add a row at the bottom mentioning:
[list][*]Your forum name
- Your personal lucid goal - A personal task you want to perform while lucid, it has high score value
- A preferred induction tecnhique - optional
Optionally you can add a picture of yourself that other dreamers can use to dream of you
A minimum of 10 participants is required to start LC61
Example sign-up post:
[size=150][color=blue]Scoring - executive summary and all the fine details[/color][/size]
List of accomplishments that score points:
- DJ entry: 2 pts - Accumulative, maximum allowed once per night
- Wondering if you are dreaming but not becoming lucid - 2 points - Accumulative
- Having a Lucid Dream - 10/18 pts - Accumulative, depending on LD length
- Success on LD induction technique - 6/10 pts - Non accumulative
- Dream-inspired art - 1/7 pts - depending on Art type - Accumulative, maximum allowed once per dream
- Own personal lucid goal - 45 pts - Non-accumulative - can be claimed only during a lucid dream
- Success on main story sub-task - 10/30 pts - Non-accumulative - no matter if during a lucid or non-lucid dream !
- Success on standard sub-task - 5/10 pts - Non-accumulative - no matter if during a lucid or non-lucid dream !
- Dream of another LC participant / host / co-host - 5 pts - Non-accumulative - no matter if during a lucid or non-lucid dream !
- Current LD4All Monthly quest - 75 pts - Non-accumulative - by design, can be claimed only during a lucid dream
- First Lucid Dream in 6 Months - 25 points - Non-Accumulative
- Longest-Ever Lucid Dream - 25 points - Accumulative
- First-Ever Lucid Dream
IMPORTANT: You cannot claim a subtask with a dream OLDER than the task post
Accumulative sub-tasks can be scored multiple times
Non-Accumulative sub-tasks can be scored only once
[size=134]DJ entries[/size]
Entries consisting of only fragments do not qualify
[size=134]Lucid points[/size]
RC-ND Wondering if you are dreaming but not becoming lucid - 2 points - Accumulative
S-LD Short Lucid Dream (includes just realization) - 10 points - Accumulative
M-LD Medium Lucid Dream - 14 points - Accumulative
L-LD Long Lucid Dream - 18 points - Accumulative
F6-LD First Lucid Dream in 6 Months - 25 points - Non-Accumulative
LE-LD Longest-Ever Lucid Dream - 25 points - Accumulative
FE-LD First-Ever Lucid Dream - 25 points - Non-accumulative [size=75](Implied: adds to first Lucid Dream in 6 Months; final score is 50)[/size]
[size=134]Dream-inspired art[/size]
Only one art per dream; all art must be related to a dream; you cannot claim unrelated art
Base points for each Art type:
- A sketch / drawing is worth 3 base points
- A painting is worth 7 base points
- A poe is worth 7 base points
- A fiction/story is worth 7 base points
- A music sheet is worth 7 base points
- A photograph is worth 7 base points
- A meme is worth 5 base points
- A sculpture is worth 7 base points
Base points have been chosen by host based on LC60 submission rate of each Art type
Further to that, Art scores may change weekly, based on the frequency that type of art is submitted along LC61; this is intended to encourage you to share different types of art
[size=134]LD induction techniques[/size]
Points scored for each induction technique:
- CALD is worth 10 points
- DEILD is worth 8 points
- FILD is worth 10 points
- HILD is worth 10 points
- LDILD is worth 10 points
- MILD is worth 6 points
- RCILD is worth 6 points
- SSILD is worth 10 points
- UILD is worth 10 points
- VILD is worth 10 points
- WILD is worth 6 points
- DILD is worth 6 points
Points for each techniques have been determined by host based on LC60 success rate of each Technique
Further to that, LD induction technique scores may further change weekly, based on the progress of success rates of each technique; this is intended to encourage you to attempt less used techniques
[size=134]Dream of another LC participant / host / co-host[/size]
Dreaming of each participant is considered as a Non-Accumulative task. As such, dreaming of the same participant multiple times will score only the first time. You cannot claim points for dreaming of yourself.
[size=134]Current LD4All Monthly quest[/size]
You have to post a reply to the Current Monthly Quest and link your post here, thanks ![/spoiler]
List of things that are NOT worth any point - NOTE: Open this list at your own risk !
[list][]Lucid Dream Control
[]Normal Dream (ND) itself - However, a DJ entry with just a ND will score you DJ points
[]Normal Dream fragment - while it may seem unfair, it motivates you to aim for a better dream recall, which is crucial
[]Personal lucid goal in a Normal Dream
[size=134]Tie-Breaking [/size]
We are keeping the Tie-breaking system of LC60 - Open for further details
If the second place has at least 95% of first place in scoring, we will add one tie-breaking day to the challenge. Up to 3 days
To make it clear: if (second place score) >= (first place) * 95/100 then tie-break
Notice 1: After 3 days, if the first place score is greater than second place, then first place wins (regardless of percent).
Notice 2: After 3 days, if the first place score is exactly equal to second place (in 1/100 precision), then the participant who joined THE LC first wins
[size=134]Previous Challenges[/size][size=67]LC 1 - TM and initiator: eMander (formerly ian1) - winner: -=JaSoN=-
LC 2 - TM: Magnus - winner: Q
LC 3 - TM: Q - winner: Bravsein
LC 4 - TM: Bravsein - winner: WritersCube
LC 5 - TM: WritersCube - winner: dimsya
LC 6 - TM: dimsya - winner: Queen SD
LC 7 - TM: Ysim - winner: Mugiwara
LC 8 - TM: Mugiwara - winner: Ysim
LC 9 - TM: Ysim - winner: Tundra
LC 10 - TM: Tundra - winner: ebilshrimp
LC 11 - TM: ebilshrimp - winner: Tundra
LC 12 - TM: HebrewB - winner: mattiasdavis
LC 13 - TM: Blue&White - winner: relV
LC 14 - TM: relV - winner: GHOSTIE11
LC 15 - TM: GHOSTIE11 - winner: unknownuser33
LC 16 - TM: Danielns13 - winner: rkr7
LC 17 - TM: Angelmouse - winner: pasQuale
LC 18 - TM: Magnus - winner: Amaryllis
LC 19 - TM: Amaryllis - winner: Dryalantha
LC 20 - TM: Dryalantha - winners: Shadow Dreamer and Amaryllis
LC 21 - TM: Shadow Dreamer - winner: probably Wyvern
LC 22 - TM: Danilens13 - winner: tosxyChor
LC 23 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Wyvern
LC 24 - TM: Wyvern - winner: tosxyChor
LC 25 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Solaris
LC 26 - TM: Solaris - winner: Rhewin
LC 27 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Rhewin
LC 28 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Siiw
LC 29 - TM: Siiw - winner: Rhewin
LC 30 - TM: Puce - winner: Wega
LC 31 - TM: Mimmo0 - winner: Limitles
LC 32 - TM: Limitles - winner: Nicklebrick
LC 33 - TM: Nicklebrick - winner: elnaureth
LC 34 - TM: elnaureth - winner: DreamSailor
LC 35 - TM: Ysim - winner: Koharo
LC 36 - TM: Rhewin - winner: HeadInTheClouds
LC 37 - TM: HeadInTheClouds - winner: Cornelia Xaos (formely Scipio Xaos)
LC 38 - TM: Cornelia Xaos - winner: Thorn
LC 39 - TM: Thorn - winner: Koharo
LC 40 - TM: HeadInTheClouds - winner: Wyvern
LC 41 - TM: Wyvern - winner: Thorn
LC 42 - TM: Thorn - winner: Wyvern
LC 43 - TM: Rhewin - winner: drd
LC 44 - TM: Thorn - winner: drd
LC 45 - TM: obfusc8 - winner: Thorn
LC 46 - TM: Thorn - winner: obfusc8
LC 47 - TM: Mew151 - winner: Rhewin
LC 48 - TM: Rhewin - winner: probably obfusc8
LC 49 - TM: obfusc8 - winner: drd
LC 50 - TM: Thorn - winner: obfusc8
LC 51 - TM: Jer - winner: Thorn
LC 52 - TM: Susan_Y - winner: obfusc8
LC 53 - TM: Obfusc8 - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 54 - TM: Susan_Y - Winner: DTDownUnder
LC 55 - TM: DTDownUnder - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 56 - TM: GenghisKhan - Winner: MearaDelia
LC 57 - TM: MearaDelia - Winner: DTDownUnder
LC 58 - TM: Obfusc8 - Winner: Koal44
LC 59 - TM: Koal44 - Winner: Tggtt
LC 60 - TM: Tggtt, Mew151 - Winner: GenghisKhan
[size=200][color=blue]Week 1 - Let’s get the party started !
Week 2 - LD4ALL Costume party !
Week 3 - LD4ALL Chocolate party !
Week 4 - LD4ALL Christmas party ![/color][/size]