Lucidity Challenge 57 - Winner DTDownUnder!


Hi! Welcome to the 57th Lucidity Challenge.

[color=red][b]I’m MearaDelia, your host for this challenge. Inspired by the short stories that former challenge hosts used to introduce their topics, I created an overall story + theme for this challenge: Through the Stories of Your Childhood.

Fictional stories, that is :smile:

In the hidden message below you can read the quest you have been given in this challenge. It’s not necessary to read it in order to participate, but it adds an extra layer to it:[/b][/color]

SPOILER - Click to view

You find yourself near the mailbox of your dreamworld, with a vague sensation that something important is about to happen. And as it often goes in dreams, your expectations of the future - are what create it.

When you open the mailbox, you find an ancient looking letter. You carefully break the seal and open the envelope.

[i]Dear Hero of the Dreamworld,

You have been chosen among with nine other heroes to change the destiny of all stories that ever have been told, and ever will be told.

You must be familiar with the Muse. The spark of inspiration that can be found in a person, a happening or even an insignificant looking object. The Muse is the spirit that makes every story be written.

And recently… it has vanished. The only clue that we have, is that a few days prior to it’s disappearing it told our librarian it longed to go back to the stories of it’s childhood.

Now writers are left without stories. Painters lack the vision of a painting. Musicians can’t hear the notes of an unwritten song.

It is your quest to come to the Library of Dreams and find back the Muse. It won’t be an easy task, as the Muse can appear to you in any shape or form. But we know you are a very talented dreamer, and you might be able to recognize your Muse.


The Council of Dreams[/i]

The Lucidity Challenge (LC for short) is a game that is intended to provide some additional motivation for people who are trying to have lucid dreams. Each week there will be new challenge tasks posted in this forum thread, and you score points for having a dream (lucid or non-lucid) in which you do one or more challenge tasks. Lucid dreams score more points: the details of the scoring system are described later in this post.

At the end, the person with the highest score is given the option of hosting the next challenge; if they don’t want to do it, the option to host passes on the second place scorer, and so on. Apart from that, there are no prizes; the goal is to have fun, both doing the challenge tasks and by having other lucid dreams using the skills you’ve learned from attempting the challenges.

If you feel uncomfortable about any of the tasks (e.g. you find it frightening, or embarrassing), feel free to skip it. There’s no pressure to do all the tasks, and no prizes apart from the getting to write the next one.

Participants in the LC usually post a description of their dreams in the Dream Journal forum, and post in this thread a short post describing which task they think they’ve completed, hyperlinking to the full description of the dream in their dream journal. If you don’t want to post all your dreams, feel free to leave some of them out. It’s also OK to leave out parts of dreams, and just post the bit where you did the task, leaving out the more embarrassing elements.

Previous Challenges

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LC 1 — TM and initiator: eMander (formerly ian1) — winner: -=JaSoN=-
LC 2 — TM: Magnus — winner: Q
LC 3 — TM: Q — winner: Bravsein
LC 4 — TM: Bravsein — winner: WritersCube
LC 5 — TM: WritersCube — winner: dimsya
LC 6 — TM: dimsya — winner: Queen SD
LC 7 — TM: Ysim — winner: Mugiwara
LC 8 — TM: Mugiwara — winner: Ysim
LC 9 — TM: Ysim — winner: Tundra
LC 10 — TM: Tundra — winner: ebilshrimp
LC 11 — TM: ebilshrimp — winner: Tundra
LC 12 — TM: HebrewB — winner: mattiasdavis
LC 13 — TM: Blue&White — winner: relV
LC 14 — TM: relV — winner: GHOSTIE11
LC 15 — TM: GHOSTIE11 — winner: unknownuser33
LC 16 — TM: Danielns13 — winner: rkr7
LC 17 — TM: Angelmouse — winner: pasQuale
LC 18 — TM: Magnus — winner: Amaryllis
LC 19 — TM: Amaryllis — winner: Dryalantha
LC 20 — TM: Dryalantha — winners: Shadow Dreamer and Amaryllis
LC 21 — TM: Shadow Dreamer — winner: probably Wyvern
LC 22 — TM: Danilens13 — winner: tosxyChor
LC 23 — TM: tosxyChor — winner: Wyvern
LC 24 — TM: Wyvern — winner: tosxyChor
LC 25 — TM: Rhewin — winner: Solaris
LC 26 — TM: Solaris — winner: Rhewin
LC 27 — TM: tosxyChor — winner: Rhewin
LC 28 — TM: Rhewin — winner: Siiw
LC 29 — TM: Siiw — winner: Rhewin
LC 30 — TM: Puce — winner: Wega
LC 31 — TM: Mimmo0 — winner: Limitles
LC 32 — TM: Limitles — winner: Nicklebrick
LC 33 — TM: Nicklebrick — winner: elnaureth
LC 34 — TM: elnaureth — winner: DreamSailor
LC 35 — TM: Ysim — winner: Koharo
LC 36 — TM: Rhewin — winner: HeadInTheClouds
LC 37 — TM: HeadInTheClouds — winner: Scipio Xaos
LC 38 — TM: Scipio Xaos — winner: Thorn
LC 39 — TM: Thorn — winner: Koharo
LC 40 — TM: HeadInTheClouds — winner: Wyvern
LC 41 — TM: Wyvern — winner: Thorn
LC 42 — TM: Thorn — winner: Wyvern
LC 43 — TM: Rhewin — winner: drd
LC 44 — TM: Thorn — winner: drd
LC 45 — TM: obfusc8 — winner: Thorn
LC 46 — TM: Thorn — winner: obfusc8
LC 47 — TM: Mew151 — winner: Rhewin
LC 48 — TM: Rhewin — winner: probably obfusc8
LC 49 — TM: obfusc8 — winner: drd
LC 50 — TM: Thorn — winner: obfusc8
LC 51 — TM: Jer — winner: Thorn
LC 52 - TM: Susan_Y - winner: obfusc8
LC 53 - TM: Obfusc8 - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 54 - TM: Susan_Y - Winner: DTDownUnder
LC 55 - TM: DTDownUnder - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 56 - TM: GenghisKhan - Winner: MearaDelia


You can find the current scores here

I slightly altered the combo scoring points:

SPOILER - Click to view

Lucid Dreams and Induction Methods

You wonder if you are dreaming but do not become lucid - 5 points
Recognizing you are dreaming / A “short” lucid dream - 20 points
A “medium” length lucid dream - 30 points
A “long” lucid dream - 40 points
Your longest ever lucid dream - 50 points
Your first ever lucid dream - 75 points
Early bonus - Completing a task within the same week it is posted (once per week max)
Combo - Completing tasks from two different weeks in the same dream - 20 points (once per week max)
Completing the LD4all Monthly Quest while lucid - 75 points
Personal goal while lucid - 100 points
Personal goal in a non-lucid dream - 20 points
Completing a task while in a normal dream - half task points

Dream lengths are subjective estimates (you can’t measure how long the dream really was, at least not without using an EEG machine or similar) and “short” is relative to how long your lucid dreams usually last. If you haven’t had a lucid dream before, use short <= 1 minute < medium <= 5 minutes < long.

If you achieve your personal goal twice, lucid and non-lucid, you only get the 100 points for the lucid.


As usual, we will need a total of 10 participants before we start.
To sign up, post a message in this thread, copying the current list of sign ups and adding your own name at the end. Your sign-up can include a personal goal you want to achieve while lucid.

You are invited, but naturally not obligated, to pick your personal goal related to the theme of this challenge: the (fictional) stories of your childhood. Maybe you’d like to meet your child’s hero? Or visit the world where your favourite book or movie took place?

Please use this format:

. -
e.g. 1. MearaDelia - Transform into a rabbit and visit Watership Down

The participants of the challenge are:

  1. GenghisKhan - The sword in the stone (3 transforms: squirrel, fish and bird + escape a bigger enemy without using any dream power + pull the sword out of the stone)
  2. DTDownUnder - Visit Muka/Red acres
  3. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  4. Koal44 - Sing in a Band on stage in front of an audience
  5. footballfreak - bring back an unknown melody from a LD
  6. James_UK2008 - Become Scyther (Pokemon)
  7. Obfusc8 - Find and enter the Lonely Mountain, steal an item from Smaug’s hoard and escape.
  8. Letaali - Find the elusive frozen planet
  9. Susan_Y - Meditate in a lucid dream
  10. Lady Yomi - Find that old castle on the hill with which I used to dream when I was a child, while living in the country with my grandmother & meet the owners!

Good luck to all that participate, and may the best dreamer win! :smile:

p.s. This is my first time hosting so please give me feedback if I’m doing something wrong :smile:


Week 1 - Alice in Wonderland
Week 2 - Gullivers Travels
Week 3 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Week 4 - Pinocchio
Week 5 - Winnie the Pooh

You can find the current scores here

Woooooo, awesome ! :happy:

Proud to be the first one signing up !

  1. GenghisKhan - Hmmm, gotta think some time about personal task here - Difficulty setting: Task points only while lucid, no LD points for WILDs, all DILDs considered short duration

Count me in!!!

  1. GenghisKhan - ???
    2.DTDownUnder - ???

I will have to have a decent think about this personal task. My childhood is something i tend not to medle with, as i have found many of my memories of that time to be FM that have resulted from my fight with amnesia. And it pains me to discover them to be fake, so i dont discuss that time with anyone.

But i think it is time to analyze my thoughts, as my dad and i are planning to return to Muka, my childhood home, in about 5 weeks.

When the story mentioned the leterbox, i thought of the Muka letrerbox. This has ararted me thinking about Muka, and i wonder what the old house is like now.

Anyway, im looking forward to this LC.

Hooray! :smile:

@GeghisKahn, do I understand correctly that normal dreams and WILD’s don’t give you any points, and other LD’s give you full points? And then for DILD’s you can’t score any more duration points than those 20 for short?

@DTDownUnder, of course go for what feels comfortable to you :smile: And what an interesting synchronicities happening for you!

In the challenge itself there might be a few childhood related points, but most are about fictional stories.

Sorry if that was confusing !

Tasks points:

  • I will claim Task points only if I completed the task while in LD (whatever method I use to get lucid)
  • I will not claim task points if I completed the task while in ND

Lucid Dream points (Short/Medium/Long, etc.)

  • I will claim Lucid Dream points if I entered the LD through DILD (realize I am dreaming) / DEILD (alias chaining) / OBE (exit body), but I will always consider them as Short (minimum points) - that is because those techniques are challenging to me, so I want the score to serve as motivation factor
  • I will not claim Lucid Dream points if I entered the LD through WILD (directly from waking state) - the vast majority of my LDs

Hope it clarifies :smile:

Hi everyone!

I tried participating in the lsat challange, but I have been traveling through 5 different coutries, and was just too occupied with other things. Now I have found a somewhat solid homebase on Bali for the coming 5 weeks, so yay :smile: Let’s dream!

Meara, what a beautiful story line. I suspect you kidnapped the Muze, for how could you otherwise come up with that inspiration?? :open_mouth: :wink:

  1. GenghisKhan - ???
    2.DTDownUnder - ???
  2. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar

: eating, becoming silent in the coccoon, transforming into a butterfly, and then fluttering around!
I also still have the personal goal to use a lucid dream to talk with my lost lover, and to receive advise from my Higher Self. But you can only state one goal for th LC, right? So for this one I would like to transform into a butterfly :smile:

First of all, please quote me to sign in (I use the list function to make it easier :smile: )

  1. GenghisKhan - ???
  2. DTDownUnder - ???
  3. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  4. Koal44 - Sing in a Band on stage in front of an audience

I love the theme for this LC! You haven’t started yet Meara, but you already sound like an amazing host :happy:
Fingercrossed as well for DTD, let s hope Lucid Dreaming can help you there :smile:

Ahh thank you Koal44 and Arial, and glad you joined as well!
Who knows you might find the muse in your dreams being captured by me, and you’ll have to save it :tongue:

And yes I now understand the scoring GengisKhan.

I fully agree, wonderful theme and ideas here
I am totally sure the tasks will be true fun !

In the meantime I have found out a suitable personal task, inspired by Walt Disney’s cartoon The Sword in the Stone, a classic I loved when young, and still enjoy as an adult and father - truly entertaining and with very smart messages

In order to complete the personal task I’ll have to perform all the below sub-tasks:

  1. Transform myself into a fish
  2. Transform myself into a squirrel
  3. Transform myself into a small bird
  4. During 1 or 2 or 3, escape an enemy bigger than me without using any dream power
  5. Pull the sword out of the stone
    Notes: order of the first three not relevant, but I have to do the 5th as last

I think it’s long and challenging enough to keep me busy during the whole LC :cool:

  1. GenghisKhan - ???
  2. DTDownUnder - ???
  3. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  4. Koal44 - Sing in a Band on stage in front of an audience
  5. footballfreak - ???

Curious to get back into consciously becoming lucid again!
I’ve taken some steps back from LD which has helped me appreciate dreams as they are and reflect on where my impulse(s) to become lucid come from. I feel like I’m coming from a place now where I can relax into lucidity without forcing it - or coming from a belief that something is lacking if I don’t manage to become lucid.
Long story short - I’m in :wink:
Personal task will follow in the coming days!

  1. GenghisKhan - ???
  2. DTDownUnder - ???
  3. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  4. Koal44 - Sing in a Band on stage in front of an audience
  5. footballfreak - ???
  6. James_UK2008 - Become Scyther (Pokemon)

Broke through a couple of minor dry spells in the previous LC so hopeful to continue that trend here :smile:

  1. GenghisKhan - ???
  2. DTDownUnder - ???
  3. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  4. Koal44 - Sing in a Band on stage in front of an audience
  5. footballfreak - ???
  6. James_UK2008 - Become Scyther (Pokemon)
  7. Obfusc8 - Find and enter the Lonely Mountain, steal an item from Smaug’s hoard and escape.

To keep things balanced, no lucid points for me and all tasks done while lucid. Although, 'tis the season of Christmas parties, visiting family and a training course, so I might not be around much.

My Dad read The Hobbit to me when I was very young, complete with “scary dragon voice.” :happy: That’s probably the root cause of my obsessive bookworm tendancies. Although I don’t read as much or as fast anymore, there is always a book or comic on the go, so I’m really looking forward to this challenge because of the theme.

  1. GenghisKhan - ???
  2. DTDownUnder - ???
  3. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  4. Koal44 - Sing in a Band on stage in front of an audience
  5. footballfreak - bring back an unknown melody from a LD
  6. James_UK2008 - Become Scyther (Pokemon)
  7. Obfusc8 - Find and enter the Lonely Mountain, steal an item from Smaug’s hoard and escape.

The melody can either be transmitted by a DC or the dream itself.

  1. GenghisKhan - The sword in the stone (3 transforms: squirrel, fish and bird + escape a bigger enemy without using any dream power + pull the sword out of the stone)
  2. DTDownUnder - ???
  3. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  4. Koal44 - Sing in a Band on stage in front of an audience
  5. footballfreak - bring back an unknown melody from a LD
  6. James_UK2008 - Become Scyther (Pokemon)
  7. Obfusc8 - Find and enter the Lonely Mountain, steal an item from Smaug’s hoard and escape.

Added personal task

Come on come on 3 more people for the LC to start :happy: (also by writing here it gives the topic more visibility :content: )

  1. GenghisKhan - The sword in the stone (3 transforms: squirrel, fish and bird + escape a bigger enemy without using any dream power + pull the sword out of the stone)
  2. DTDownUnder - ???
  3. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  4. Koal44 - Sing in a Band on stage in front of an audience
  5. footballfreak - bring back an unknown melody from a LD
  6. James_UK2008 - Become Scyther (Pokemon)
  7. Obfusc8 - Find and enter the Lonely Mountain, steal an item from Smaug’s hoard and escape.
  8. Letaali - Find the elusive frozen planet

I guess I’ll join, even though I suck at lucid dreaming.

  1. GenghisKhan - The sword in the stone (3 transforms: squirrel, fish and bird + escape a bigger enemy without using any dream power + pull the sword out of the stone)
  2. DTDownUnder - ???
  3. Arial - Experience being The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  4. Koal44 - Sing in a Band on stage in front of an audience
  5. footballfreak - bring back an unknown melody from a LD
  6. James_UK2008 - Become Scyther (Pokemon)
  7. Obfusc8 - Find and enter the Lonely Mountain, steal an item from Smaug’s hoard and escape.
  8. Letaali - Find the elusive frozen planet
  9. Susan_Y - Meditate in a lucid dream

Up !

Hi! I have never participated in one of these challenges before & im a bit afraid to do something wrong but— one can be afraid of something and still try it, right? :content:

I have some doubts, I don´t have a dream journal on this site because english isn´t my first language and it would be a bit hard to write them everyday (they´re long!), but maybe if I have a LD related to this quest I could share it on here [My dream art] with a draw + a description like I always do? :wink:

~If the quotas are already covered or I don´t meet any of the requirements there is no problem hehe! :bow:

Wohoo, we are with 10 participants! Which gives us a great opportunity to start this challenge at the start of a new year! :smile: That must mean some magic for our dream skills, right?

(I had a very amazing LD myself last night, in which I resolved an issue I had with someone in my real life, by talking to her dream character!)

On January 1st you will receive the briefing + tasks for your first week as a Hero of the Dreamworld

It might come a little bit late in the day, depending on my hangover… :wink:

Letaali and Lady Yomi, you are more than welcome, that’s exactly how I felt when I participated in the previous challenge <3 And warm welcome to Susan_Y too.

@Lady Yomi this quest is based on the integrity of all the participants, so you are invited to share your dream journal as it adds to the game, but if you claim your points without a link to it then that’s okay too. But I actually think your drawing + description could work quite the same.

You can also use this challenge as a great motivation to start writing a more comprehensive dream journal, as it will help you in improving your lucid dreaming skills (I say this from my own experience with the last challenge). And you can do this in the language that is most comfortable for you of course.