Lucidity Challenge 56 - Winner: MearaDelia !


Hi! Welcome to the 56th Lucidity Challenge.
I, GenghisKhan, I am pleased to be your host. This is my first time hosting so I might not be a perfect. Just highlight me mismatch or improvement points, I will take your inputs into account.

The Lucidity Challenge (LC for short) is a game that is intended to provide some additional motivation for people who are trying to have lucid dreams. Each week there will be new challenge tasks posted in this forum thread, and you score points for having a dream (lucid or non-lucid) in which you do one or more challenge tasks. Lucid dreams score more points: the details of the scoring system are described later in this post.

At the end, the person with the highest score is given the option of hosting the next challenge; if they don’t want to do it, the option to host passes on the second place scorer, and so on. Apart from that, there are no prizes; the goal is to have fun, both doing the challenge tasks and by having other lucid dreams using the skills you’ve learned from attempting the challenges.

If you feel uncomfortable about any of the tasks (e.g. you find it frightening, or embarrassing), feel free to skip it. There’s no pressure to do all the tasks, and no prizes apart from the getting to write the next one.

Participants in the LC usually post a description of their dreams in the Dream Journal forum, and post in this thread a short post describing which task they think they’ve completed, hyperlinking to the full description of the dream in their dream journal. If you don’t want to post all your dreams, feel free to leave some of them out. It’s also OK to leave out parts of dreams, and just post the bit where you did the task, leaving out the more embarrassing elements.

Previous Challenges

SPOILER - Click to view

LC 1 — TM and initiator: eMander (formerly ian1) — winner: -=JaSoN=-
LC 2 — TM: Magnus — winner: Q
LC 3 — TM: Q — winner: Bravsein
LC 4 — TM: Bravsein — winner: WritersCube
LC 5 — TM: WritersCube — winner: dimsya
LC 6 — TM: dimsya — winner: Queen SD
LC 7 — TM: Ysim — winner: Mugiwara
LC 8 — TM: Mugiwara — winner: Ysim
LC 9 — TM: Ysim — winner: Tundra
LC 10 — TM: Tundra — winner: ebilshrimp
LC 11 — TM: ebilshrimp — winner: Tundra
LC 12 — TM: HebrewB — winner: mattiasdavis
LC 13 — TM: Blue&White — winner: relV
LC 14 — TM: relV — winner: GHOSTIE11
LC 15 — TM: GHOSTIE11 — winner: unknownuser33
LC 16 — TM: Danielns13 — winner: rkr7
LC 17 — TM: Angelmouse — winner: pasQuale
LC 18 — TM: Magnus — winner: Amaryllis
LC 19 — TM: Amaryllis — winner: Dryalantha
LC 20 — TM: Dryalantha — winners: Shadow Dreamer and Amaryllis
LC 21 — TM: Shadow Dreamer — winner: probably Wyvern
LC 22 — TM: Danilens13 — winner: tosxyChor
LC 23 — TM: tosxyChor — winner: Wyvern
LC 24 — TM: Wyvern — winner: tosxyChor
LC 25 — TM: Rhewin — winner: Solaris
LC 26 — TM: Solaris — winner: Rhewin
LC 27 — TM: tosxyChor — winner: Rhewin
LC 28 — TM: Rhewin — winner: Siiw
LC 29 — TM: Siiw — winner: Rhewin
LC 30 — TM: Puce — winner: Wega
LC 31 — TM: Mimmo0 — winner: Limitles
LC 32 — TM: Limitles — winner: Nicklebrick
LC 33 — TM: Nicklebrick — winner: elnaureth
LC 34 — TM: elnaureth — winner: DreamSailor
LC 35 — TM: Ysim — winner: Koharo
LC 36 — TM: Rhewin — winner: HeadInTheClouds
LC 37 — TM: HeadInTheClouds — winner: Scipio Xaos
LC 38 — TM: Scipio Xaos — winner: Thorn
LC 39 — TM: Thorn — winner: Koharo
LC 40 — TM: HeadInTheClouds — winner: Wyvern
LC 41 — TM: Wyvern — winner: Thorn
LC 42 — TM: Thorn — winner: Wyvern
LC 43 — TM: Rhewin — winner: drd
LC 44 — TM: Thorn — winner: drd
LC 45 — TM: obfusc8 — winner: Thorn
LC 46 — TM: Thorn — winner: obfusc8
LC 47 — TM: Mew151 — winner: Rhewin
LC 48 — TM: Rhewin — winner: probably obfusc8
LC 49 — TM: obfusc8 — winner: drd
LC 50 — TM: Thorn — winner: obfusc8
LC 51 — TM: Jer — winner: Thorn
LC 52 - TM: Susan_Y - winner: obfusc8
LC 53 - TM: Obfusc8 - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 54 - TM: Susan_Y - Winner: DTDownUnder
LC 55 - TM: DTDownUnder - Winner: GenghisKhan



SPOILER - Click to view

Lucid Dreams and Induction Methods

You wonder if you are dreaming but do not become lucid - 5 points
Recognizing you are dreaming / A “short” lucid dream - 20 points
A “medium” length lucid dream - 30 points
A “long” lucid dream - 40 points
Your longest ever lucid dream - 50 points
Your first ever lucid dream - 75 points
Early bonus - Completing a task within the same week it is posted (once per week max)
Combo - Completing more of a week’s tasks in the same dream or tasks from two different weeks - 20 points (once per week max)
Completing the LD4all Monthly Quest while lucid - 75 points
Personal goal while lucid - 100 points
Personal goal in a non-lucid dream - 20 points
Completing a task while in a normal dream - half task points

Dream lengths are subjective estimates (you can’t measure how long the dream really was, at least not without using an EEG machine or similar) and “short” is relative to how long your lucid dreams usually last. If you haven’t had a lucid dream before, use short <= 1 minute < medium <= 5 minutes < long.

If you achieve your personal goal twice, lucid and non-lucid, you only get the 100 points for the lucid.


As usual, we will need a total of 10 participants before we start.
To sign up, post a message in this thread, copying the current list of sign ups and adding your own name at the end. Your sign-up can include a personal goal you want to achieve while lucid.
Please use this format:

. -
e.g. 1. GenghisKhan - Ride a horse


  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  2. Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
  3. DTDownUnder - Transform into an animal
  4. Arial - Have a temple meeting with Higher Self, Soul, and recently passed away lover to ask questions and receive guidance
  5. James_UK2008 - Transform into another form
  6. Obfusc8 - Fly a spaceship, in space! (Difficulty: no LD points, task points only while lucid)
  7. Letaali - Get to the Frozen Planet.
  8. MearaDelia - Have my first lucid dream
  9. SpaceRace - Meet the running man
  10. Susan_Y - Meditate in a dream

[LD] Good luck to all that participate, and may the best dreamer win !

Happy lucids ![/LD]

Week 1 - Crusaders !

Link to Week 1 tasks

Week 2 - Superheroes !

Link to Week 2 tasks

Week 3 - The sixth sense

Link to Week 3 tasks

Week 4 - Immortal Art

Link to Week 4 tasks

Week 5 - Space Adventures

Link to Week 5 tasks

  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  2. Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  2. Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
  3. DTDownUnder - Transform into an animal

Lets do this!
Im really excited.

I have never transformed into anything non-human. I am aiming to become a fox, or even a kitsune maybe. But at this stage I would be rapped with any animal.

Good ! Already 3 sign-ups !

Come on, dreamers, do not be shy :happy:

  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  2. Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
  3. DTDownUnder - Transform into an animal
  4. Arial - Have a temple meeting with Higher Self, Soul, and recently passed away lover to ask questions and receive guidance

Genghis, thanks for organizing this. I’m really excited. I have had some 20 lucid dreams throughout my life, and they seem pretty rare lately although I started trying hard again. I hope this will help me.:smile:

By the way, I think it’s super funny how your user name is Genghis Kahn and guess who wins the game… :razz:

YAY! Another Participant!
Welcome Arial!
That sounds like a very enlightening personal goal.
Good luck with achieving it.

Hello Arial and welcome to the LC !

Sorry to hear that, wish you a good LD can help you in lightening the burden…

Also, please be aware I have updated scoring system

  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  2. Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
  3. DTDownUnder - Transform into an animal
  4. Arial - Have a temple meeting with Higher Self, Soul, and recently passed away lover to ask questions and receive guidance
  5. James_UK2008 - Transform into another form

Luciditys been somewhat patchy as of late so I’m hopeful to get back into the motivation of getting reasonably frequent LDs :smile:

  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  2. Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
  3. DTDownUnder - Transform into an animal
  4. Arial - Have a temple meeting with Higher Self, Soul, and recently passed away lover to ask questions and receive guidance
  5. James_UK2008 - Transform into another form
  6. Obfusc8 - Fly a spaceship, in space!

EDIT: Also, my usual difficulty setting of no lucid points unless there is a new task completion in that dream, and all tasks must be completed while lucid.

Over half way!
Come on people just 4 more.
It’ll be fun!

  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  2. Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
  3. DTDownUnder - Transform into an animal
  4. Arial - Have a temple meeting with Higher Self, Soul, and recently passed away lover to ask questions and receive guidance
  5. James_UK2008 - Transform into another form
  6. Obfusc8 - Fly a spaceship, in space!
  7. Letaali - Get to the Frozen Planet.

I guess I’ll join. Unsure if I’ll be able to wbtb or anything due to my early mornings. I’ll try.

The frozen planet is a specific planet from a dream I had years ago, not related to the animated movie.

Great ! Already 7 sign-ups ! :happy:

Come on dreamers, join in, everyone is welcome :tongue:

  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  2. Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
  3. DTDownUnder - Transform into an animal
  4. Arial - Have a temple meeting with Higher Self, Soul, and recently passed away lover to ask questions and receive guidance
  5. James_UK2008 - Transform into another form
  6. Obfusc8 - Fly a spaceship, in space!
  7. Letaali - Get to the Frozen Planet.
  8. MearaDelia - Have my first lucid dream

Awesome !
MearaDelia welcome to LD4ALL and to the LC - Wish you good luck in having your first proper LD ! :cool:

Come on, two more dreamers to go…

9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
DTDownUnder - Transform into an animal
Arial - Have a temple meeting with Higher Self, Soul, and recently passed away lover to ask questions and receive guidance
James_UK2008 - Transform into another form
Obfusc8 - Fly a spaceship, in space! (Difficulty: LD points only if new task, task points only while lucid)
Letaali - Get to the Frozen Planet.
MearaDelia - Have my first lucid dream
SpaceRace - Meet the running man

Been having luck with aware, detailed and semi-lucid dreams lately. Never joined a challenge in time but this should be fun. :happy:

The running man has made a couple of appearances over the last year and they’ve either escaped or gotten ahem squashed before I could figure out what they were all about.

Thanks for joining SpaceRace

One more dreamer to fire this up :content:

  1. 9spaceking - Visit futuristic train station
  2. Koal44 - Having a Concert and be part of the band
  3. DTDownUnder - Transform into an animal
  4. Arial - Have a temple meeting with Higher Self, Soul, and recently passed away lover to ask questions and receive guidance
  5. James_UK2008 - Transform into another form
  6. Obfusc8 - Fly a spaceship, in space!
  7. Letaali - Get to the Frozen Planet.
  8. MearaDelia - Have my first lucid dream
  9. SpaceRace - Meet the running man
  10. Susan_Y - Meditate in a dream

Welcome Susan ! :content:

Now we have 10 sign-ups

I’ll post first week’s task during this week-end (targeting Saturday)

Stay tuned ! :cool:

Woop Woop!
I just got home from a successful serch for a missing person. Checked my email and found this!
Best night this week!