Lucidity Challenge 56 - Winner: MearaDelia !

Welcome to Lucidity Challenge 56 - Week 5


[spoiler]You are tired from all that walking in such a huge museum, but feel happy you did it.
The exit is in front of you, you are about to move on in that direction, when you notice a last room to your right. You don’t recall that room beeing there when you entered, but of course that’s not surprising at all, since you are dreaming…

The door has a strange blue luminescence around it, and above the door you read a strange sign “CauZion - E><peRime||t R00M - Do NOT etneR !!!11!1oneoneeleven”
You would be tempted to leave the room alone and just exit the museum, but… oh curses, you are just too curious about it and put your hand on the handle; wWarm electricity flows through your body, then you are blinded by a flash!

When you are able to see again, you are sitting on a high armchair above an elevated platform, surrounded by electric panels, small lights, buttons, levers and indicators. Before you, six people wearing non-sensical uniforms and behind them, the outer space stares back at you, with his thousands point of lights.

The crew is looking at you; an asian-looking girl on the left speaks “Where next, commander ?”

Week 5 - Space adventures

  • Be in outer space +20 pts

    • Without equipment +10 pts (You can wear any kind of clothes except a space suit)
    • See Earth or Moon +10 pts
  • Be in a spaceship/rocket +20 pts

    • Has a crew +10 pts (Even just another person !)
    • Take off +10 pts
    • Land +10 pts
    • Shoot space weapon +10 pts (Any kind - lasers, Death Ray, space missiles, …)
    • Engage in space duel/fight +20 pts
    • Use hyperspeed / lightspeed +20 pts
  • Land on planet other than Earth/Moon +20 pts

    • Touch Sun/star +30 pts (how it is up close ? what’s in there ?)
    • Discover new species +20 pts (flora/fauna not existing on Earth - describe how it looks)
    • Meet sentient alien +30 pts (what did they tell you ?)
  • Travel through wormhole / blackhole +30 pts (What happens to you / your ship ?) (Need to try this out myself!)


  • All previous weeks’ tasks stay current but do not earn “Early” bonus anymore
  • This is last week of LC56, ending Sun 27th

Happy lucids !