Welcome to Lucidity Challenge 56 - Week 2
[spoiler]It’s dusk in the desert: the sun setting behind the dunes is coloring the sky in red, orange and pink, temperature it’s finally getting cooler.
While you remove your armor, approaching to get some rest, your LC host Genghis Khan appears to your side.
He waves a hand, launches a fireball into the sand, starting a fire.
More LC participants join around the fire, until the group of challengers is complete.
Then Genghis Khan starts to speak:
- You have done well during the first week
- You have challenged the desert, fought your inner foes, visited towns, prayed at altars…
- And you have done so relying just on your will and on the trusted steel
- But I know how hard is resisting to use your dream powers
- So for this second week of Challenge, I instead ask you to unleash all the dream powers you can !
He waves a hand, and you find yourself in a big modern city; you are in a park with a shiny building, with skyscrapers on the back.
Some people are walking by, others are drinking coffee, other are sitting on the grass, while a black guy is trying to sell his jazz music discs. It seems a dream version of Chicago…
Suddenly, a guy wearing a tight red and green costume flies above the people, and lands in front of you
- Challengers, it’s time to be superheroes ![/spoiler]
Week 2 - Superhero !
Wear a costume +20 pts
- Change from normal cloth +20 pts
- Famous +10 pts (You wear the costume of a famous superhero / villain)
Use a superpower +20 pts (Everything not achievable by normal human means will do, but try being as creative as you can ! Strive for the Creativity bonus !)
- New +20 pts (Never used that superpower before in your dreams)
- Fly +10 pts
- Famous +10 pts (A well-known superpower, perhaps popular thanks to a famous superhero, e.g. Spiderman webs. Excludes flying)
- Elemental power +10 pts
- Transform +10 pts (Any type of transform)
- In a fight +10 pts
- People spectacting +10 pts (A classic of comic books is people looking at superheroes fighting)
- Creativity bonus +40 pts (I reserve the right, at the end of the week, to award these points at my only discretion to one dreamer who has used an impressive / particularly creative superpower I especially liked - this bonus could remain unawarded)
Visit your secret place +20 pts (Some flexibility here - a place familiar / dear to you is ok)
Get trapped / tied up +10 pts
- Find yourself in danger +20 pts
- Escape / save yourself +30 pts (You need to take active action and get yourself out of danger for claiming task points)
Save people +20 pts (Saving a place / people from a villain or any kind of disaster / troubles)
Conquer city / world +20 pts (No reason to be always the good guy in your LD, fancy being evil in them, if you prefer so !)
Week 1 tasks:
- Are still current and worth the same points as before
- Will not earn “Early” bonus points anymore
- Can be used to score the “Combo” bonus if completed in the same dream as a Week 2 task
EDIT: slightly changed a task