Haha, I’m glad. It was a real face-palm moment when I was comparing my dream to the tasks. And thanks, most of them I’m fine with, but there’s bits and pieces I’ll curate from sharing.
In my most recent dream I’ll claim points for being in a city and also for getting in a fight.
Last night I dreamt I was holding a plastic sword and started to fight a person with a real sword.
I then took another weapon which was a chain with a Scythe at the other side of the chain. (you make the chain move into the air and try to aim with your scythe after.
So I will claim the points for:
Early Bonus
Hold a traditionnal weapon (Sword)
engage in a fight
using a traditionnal weapon (sword)
I didn’t get any tasks done last night (I can recall the dream, but it isn’t very interesting). On the other hand, while planning the temple task for this week’s challenge I suddenly realised that the jewellery I wore in a dream back in LC 52 was in the form of the gankyil from Tibetan Buddhism.
Hi Genghis. Can I check - is ‘Early’ only earned for doing a task while lucid in the same week it is posted? Since the tasks are already half points if not done lucidly this extra bonus seems a little redundant?
In previous challenges ‘Early’ was for task completions (lucid or non) in the week they were posted, the ‘Lucid/Combo’ bonus was earned either for doing a task lucidly or doing tasks from multiple weeks in the same dream. … But since you’re the host you can do whatever you please!
However, it seems I did not remember correctly
If this was the rule (Early and Combo bonuses earned either lucid or not), I revert to that, I agree it makes more sense - I am going to recompute scores ASAP
Oh guys Ive been having so much fun, these challenges are great even when you’re not an experienced lucid dreamer! And im so proud and happy that I got to score points this first try
I had a fake lucid dream and thought that stealing items would also get you a point, and ten points for every golden item. So throughuot my dream i had been stealing a lot of stuff, only to figure out when I woke up that it didnt give any points haha! (And that my beautiful jewelry was gone!) But it was great to experience something that I wouldn’t want nor dare to do in real life.
I managed to get the following things done: (all normal/FLD i think)
be in a dessert
ride a dromedary and camel
visit a church (didnt pray but stole their stuff XD)
visit a city (my subconscious went nuts with this one, I kept changing city in my dream)
Oh so just to be sure… we can actually still get week 1 tasks rewarded when week 2 has started, only it brings in less points? I thought we only had one week for these tasks.
MearaDelia, congrats on the nice dream
Looking at your DJ, it seems to me more a LD than a FLD, but it’s your call, so I am assigning you ND score as per your request
You score Early bonus because the dream occurred within the first week
And that boosts you up at second place, right after Obfusc8 !
Good job !
[spoiler]It’s dusk in the desert: the sun setting behind the dunes is coloring the sky in red, orange and pink, temperature it’s finally getting cooler.
While you remove your armor, approaching to get some rest, your LC host Genghis Khan appears to your side.
He waves a hand, launches a fireball into the sand, starting a fire.
More LC participants join around the fire, until the group of challengers is complete.
Then Genghis Khan starts to speak:
You have done well during the first week
You have challenged the desert, fought your inner foes, visited towns, prayed at altars…
And you have done so relying just on your will and on the trusted steel
But I know how hard is resisting to use your dream powers
So for this second week of Challenge, I instead ask you to unleash all the dream powers you can !
He waves a hand, and you find yourself in a big modern city; you are in a park with a shiny building, with skyscrapers on the back.
Some people are walking by, others are drinking coffee, other are sitting on the grass, while a black guy is trying to sell his jazz music discs. It seems a dream version of Chicago…
Suddenly, a guy wearing a tight red and green costume flies above the people, and lands in front of you
Challengers, it’s time to be superheroes ![/spoiler]
Week 2 - Superhero !
Wear a costume +20 pts
Change from normal cloth +20 pts
Famous +10 pts (You wear the costume of a famous superhero / villain)
Use a superpower +20 pts (Everything not achievable by normal human means will do, but try being as creative as you can ! Strive for the Creativity bonus !)
New +20 pts (Never used that superpower before in your dreams)
Fly +10 pts
Famous +10 pts (A well-known superpower, perhaps popular thanks to a famous superhero, e.g. Spiderman webs. Excludes flying)
Elemental power +10 pts
Transform +10 pts (Any type of transform)
In a fight +10 pts
People spectacting +10 pts (A classic of comic books is people looking at superheroes fighting)
Creativity bonus +40 pts (I reserve the right, at the end of the week, to award these points at my only discretion to one dreamer who has used an impressive / particularly creative superpower I especially liked - this bonus could remain unawarded)
Visit your secret place +20 pts (Some flexibility here - a place familiar / dear to you is ok)
Get trapped / tied up +10 pts
Find yourself in danger +20 pts
Escape / save yourself +30 pts (You need to take active action and get yourself out of danger for claiming task points)
Save people +20 pts (Saving a place / people from a villain or any kind of disaster / troubles)
Conquer city / world +20 pts (No reason to be always the good guy in your LD, fancy being evil in them, if you prefer so !)
Week 1 tasks:
Are still current and worth the same points as before
Will not earn “Early” bonus points anymore
Can be used to score the “Combo” bonus if completed in the same dream as a Week 2 task
I have been completing tasks over the last week, but there has been too much stuff happening.
I won’t go into much detail, But I would like to claim the following task/lucids:
Stuff completed within the week one time period:
Hold a ‘traditional’ weapon (axe) +10 pts
Visit a city or town +10 pts
Visit a temple +20 pts
One medium lucid
Stuff from last night. (in week two):
None of this has been logged in a DJ, and it never will be. It was not a nightmare or anything particularly negative. But I still want to forget that it exists. I will record here what tasks I can recall from last night, I would like to claim points for these tasks but if anyone has a problem with me claiming unlogged tasks please let me know, and I will happily relinquish the following points:
Claiming the following from the lucid dreams last night -
-wear costume
-change from normal cloth
-famous (Dr Strange)
-use a superpower (magic)
-new (Crimson Bands of Cyttorak )
-elemental (glyphs were orange fire)
-fly (cloak of levitation)
-in a fight
-save people
(not sure about witnesses, so not claiming it. Probably were, but I was focused on the fight)
Week 1 Combo
-be in a desert
-visit city or town
-Middle Eastern looking
Then from the second lucid -
-get trapped (sleep paralysis)
-find yourself in danger
-save yourself (well, couldn’t move, but I negated the pain and turned it into a TV show to get away)
Susan, I have assigned you task points for ‘Find yourself in danger’ and Wk 2 Early bonus
About ‘Engage in a fight’, I cannot decide since your DJ entry is very short
Just tell me if you consider the struggle would qualify for that task as well
I was guarding a forest from fiends using a well crafted glaive. The forest was within a city, the place seemed magical and Elune showed up. Probably a night elf city if I have to guess.
So “Find yourself in danger” and “Save people” done in non-lucid dream. Does it count for that fight task or is that just for superpowers?