Lucidity Challenge 56 - Winner: MearaDelia !

Susan, noted and updated accordingly

Letaali, you had already completed ‘Engage in a fight’ task.
As you properly point out, the Wk2 subtask is related to superpowers only, so I cannot award you that one.
‘Find yourself in danger’ + ‘Save people’ non-lucid task points awarded
Nice fantasy-style dream !

Scores updated

Last night I earned some points :smile:

  • use a superpower (moving through solid object)
  • never used that one before


Genghis Kahn, as before I find it hard to decide if it’s fair to count as LD or ND, as I’m often somewhere in between. Can you judge on that for me?

Oh and I was wondering about the combo bonus: does that one only count for week 1 tasks you haven’t completed yet? Or can you for instance score combo points every time you do something of week 2 that takes place in a city?

Non-lucid dream in which I pack into a suitcase some of my drawings. The drawings are in Conte crayon (low saturation portrait colours) on dark/mid toned paper.

No points for me, as this wasn’t my official LC personal goal, but this was a dream experiment that I wanted to do: I managed to get conte crayons in portrait colours into the dream. Ideally, I would have drawn with them in the dream rather than resorting to “here’s one I did earlier”, but it’s a start. My colour vision was distinctly different from the real world I think.

Meara, Calling a dream LD / ND is only your call, because you lived it
Only you know if, while it happened, you had the realization that it was a dream
On top of that, having a Lucid Dream is also your personal goal, so it has to feel like an achievement for you, I cannot really decide for you :content:

Also, don’t stress over that and/or over points, LC primary goal is as motivation factor.
If it manages to help you in having better recall / nice experiences, it’s working well ! :happy:

I have updated scores to include your two latest tasks completed non-lucidly, please tell me if you were lucid instead

Wouldn’t it be really easy to cheat?

Yes with a real lucid dream I meant one where i have zero doubt if it was actually an FLD, which happens to me all the time when I think Im lucid.

Tonights dream however was definitely a ND, in which I did the following:

  • get trapped
  • find yourself in danger
  • engage in a fight (week 1)

And Im not completely sure if I took enough active action to count for the escape/save yourself points, you can find my desctiption here, i marked the paragraph italic so you know where to look [

Oh and I was also wondering if the secret hideout I built counts for the secret/save place points?

Hmm yes, you could theoretically fill your DJ up entirely of b.■■■■ and win the LC
I fail to see how this would enrich your life, though… :smile:

As a suggestion, remember to yourself telling “This is a dream, I am dreaming !”
Assessing it will make sure you are aware you are dreaming

Scores updated

Non-lucid dream in which I do the “transform” task.

Ths dream was so confused and incoherent that I won’t try to describe it. It wasn’t x-rated, it just made no sense.

It happens :content:
in what did you transform?
Scores updated

Aw come on, that’s no fun. Could always try to describe it!

Yes, it’s no fun to just read “I did the task” with no description of what it was like. This is the best I can do for the events in the dream; it’s still a bit short of details on the transform.

And for goodness sake Susan please put an avatar so we can visually recognize you posts :content:

Last night these fast necromorph-like monsters surrounded me and ended my life, but I managed to rewind time to save myself. I saw events playing backwards like a movie; usually I just jump back in time.

A few nights ago several jeeps crashed in a jungle due to a sabotaged bridge. I rewound time in that dream as well. Sort of my go-to method.

Claiming points for superpowers in non-lucid dreams.

Non-lucid dream in which I visit a mountain-top monastery, see a monk wearing a bear mask perform a ritual dance, and take a photograph. There was something like Goa Trance music on my phone (or an EBM/electronica version of the traditional music).

No points, I think. “Take a photograph” was a task from the previous LC, and is no longer current. I think the monastery doesn’t quite count for the “visit a temple” task, although it was close.

Letaali, assigned you task points for “Use Superpower”

Susan, I fear that a monastery does not qualify for the task, as it had to be a sacred / sanctified place

Scores updated

I am going to post Week 3 tasks right away

Welcome to Lucidity Challenge 56 - Week 3


[spoiler]The battle to conquer the dream-Chicago is finally over, and you your fellow dreamers reunite below a giant shiny bean.

Your host Genghis Khan joins you there and starts speaking to all of you:

  • Well done dreamers ! I hope you enjoy using your super dream powers !

  • Now it’s time to add something spicy to the tasks mix

  • And not only spicy, also rough, hot and loud !

  • It’s time to focus on your senses during your lucids

  • Week 3 tasks are intended to blend well with previous weeks so you can combine them, but focusing not only on what you normally see: try upside-down dreaming, feel the heat of your fire magic in your hands, or hear voices of people acclaiming their new super-hero, or smell the spices in the bazaar in a Middle-East town !

  • And why limiting yourselves to the usual five human senses ? Try new ones ! There are many more to be discovered. Tell us about YOUR sixth sense !

Week 3 - The Sixth Sense

  • See something colored +10 pts

    • See in black & white +20 pts
    • Change video setting +30 pts (Some examples: change color saturation, switch from color to B&W, Mirror sight, …)
  • Smell something +10 pts

    • It’s a good odor +10 pts
    • It’s stinky +20 pts
  • Eat/drink something +10 pts

    • Feel taste +20 pts
    • Not edible +30 pts
  • Hear something +20 pts

    • Listen to music +10 pts
    • Hear voice +10 pts
  • Touch something +10 pts

    • Feel texture +20 pts
    • Feel hot/cold +20 pts
  • Use a new sense +50 pts (This is quite an accomplishment - Examples: feeling electric or magnetic fields, chemical trails, …)

Still in week 2 I

  • transformed (into a bull)

And in week 3 I had a dream where

  • I wear a costume
  • changed from normal cloth

Im a bit confused about this weeks tasks, because in a normal way I saw colour in this dream, heard something + voices specifically, touched something, felt texture and felt very warm. Does that all count? :o
(Im sorry if I ask too much… Im very new to this challenge thing)

Love the discover your own sixth sense assignment! :smile:

Oh this was all ND btw, my descriptions can be found here [

You’re doing great so far MearaDelia!

I also love the “Use a new sense” task. Sensing the aura that some people and objects give off or extending your senses to cover other objects/people, I have done those before.

What would be a good new sense to try? :hmmm:

Still no lucid dreams for me :c

Glad to hear you people like tasks so far
i believe LD experimentation is great so i am encouraging it
Meara Yes all that counts!
Not all dreams are multi-sensorial experiences, so congrats on that rich ones!
i am going to update scores later today

I had an interesting dream last night.( Still week two, at least for me and my crazy sleep patterns)

I would like to claim the following tasks please:

Great tasks Genghis! I’m looking forward to finding another 6th sense!