LC # 33 Congratulations elnaureth

Previous Challenges

LC I - TM and initiator: Ian1 - winner: -=JaSoN=-
LC II - TM: Magnus - winner: Q
LC III - TM: Q - winner: Bravsein
LC IV - TM: Bravsein - winner: WritersCube
LC V - TM: WritersCube - winner: dimsya
LC VI - TM: dimsya - winner: Queen SD
LC VII - TM: Ysim - winner: Mugiwara
LC VIII - TM: Mugiwara - winner: Ysim
LC IX - TM: Ysim - winner: Tundra
LC X -TM: Tundra - winner: ebil shrimp
LC 11 -TM: Ebil shrimp - winner: Tundra
LC 12 - TM: HebrewB - winner: mattiasdavis
LC 13 - TM: Blue&White - winner: relV
LC 14 - TM: relV - winner: GHOSTIE11
LC 15 - TM: GHOSTIE11 - winner: unknownuser33
LC 16 - TM: Danielns13 - winner: rkr7
LC 17 - TM: Angelmouse - winner: pasQuale
LC 18 - TM: Magnus - winner: Amaryllis
LC 19 - TM: Amaryllis - winner: Dryalantha
LC 20 - TM: Dryalantha - winner: Shadow Dreamer and Amaryllis
LC 21 - TM: Dryalantha - winner: Undecided (but probably Wyvern)
LC 22 - TM: Danilens 13 - winner: tosxyChor
LC 23 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Wyvern
LC 24 - TM: Wyvern - winner: tosxyChor
LC 25 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Solaris
LC 26 - TM: Solaris - winner: Rhewin
LC 27 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Rhewin
LC 28 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Siiw
LC 29 – TM: Siiw – winner: Rhewin
LC 30 – TM: Puce – winner: Wega
LC 31 - TM: Mimmo0 - winner: Limitles
LC 32 - TM: Limitles - winner: Nicklebrick

Welcome to LC #32, I am glad to be hosting this!!
Please feel free to correct any typos/errors as i am doing this real quick…

The LC is a method that has been carried out in order to motivate participants in their quests for lucidity and provide them with short-term goals that will hopefully be interesting and enjoyable. It is an opportunity for lucid dreamers to improve their dream-skills and creativity, while also competing with other dreamers for the chance to host the next LC.

The following are the rules.

LD Points

You get these just for having an LD! You do not have to complete a task to get these, so post any and every lucid experience!

Points awarded for each dream:
[color=green]- You wonder if you’re dreaming. + 5pts

  • You become lucid but wake up shortly after or lose lucidity very quickly (generally 30 seconds or less for most dreamers). + 10pts
  • Short LD: You have whatever you would consider to be short according to typical LD’s you’ve had in the past. + 20pts
  • Medium/Average LD: You have what you would consider a medium size LD. This should be the average length of most of your dreams up to this point. + 30pts
  • Long LD: You have what you would consider a long LD. + 40pts[/color]

Everybody is to provide an average length on signup (unless you have never had an LD before), and point calculating will be done accordingly.

For those who have never had a lucid dream before, there will be no short LD option. Dreams over 30 seconds and less than 5 minutes will be considered medium length, and dreams over 5 minutes will be considered long LDs.

A dream is considered a single one until you get out of bed and/or write down your dreams.

If you have your first lucid dream while the Challenge is running you will get +75 points!

If you become lucid through a technique you never succeeded in before, I will also award +50 bonus points to you.I f you’re about to try a new technique, or are simply new to lucid dreaming and want to find out which technique suits you best, this is your chance. However, these extra points are not awarded for your first ever lucid dream.
Please be clear about this when you mention it, because I don’t want an extra entry in the signup-form for each technique succeeded yet .

As you can see, this scoring system is very subjective. This is because different people have different average lengths for lucid dreams. What one person may consider short (5 minutes) may be someone else’s medium and so on. This is so people can work on improving their own personal bests. It encourages the more advanced LD’ers to work hard too. To help you get a definite idea of what your usual duration is, you must post your average (or medium) LD time when you sign up.

Chaining and regaining lucidity: Every time you chain or get back your lucidity from having lost it, you are awarded 5 points. However, the new LD is counted as a continuation of the previous one; so, for example, you can have a medium LD, then chain and raise the LD score to that of a long one.

Task Points

These are the points you are awarded for attempting, and completing, the various tasks. You do not have to be lucid to complete a task, but you will earn the most points while lucid. Each task will have different ways of rewarding points, and they will be explained as each task is posted.

This challenge will ignore all the wise stuff and sagacious knowledge gathered over centuries (well, not really ), and focus on action, active creation and exploding. Er, I mean, exploring . You will earn points for completing the tasks as they are set, but you might earn more points if you do it in your personal style or as part of achieving one of your own goals. I can also award bonus points for outstanding creativity or spectacular solutions, but no more than 10 points pr. night and person.

Any task can be attempted any number of times, however the scores are not cumulative among the same task. Only the best score is awarded for each one. (Example: You earn 50 points on first attempt but only 20 on the second. You will only earn points from the first).

For each task, the following bonuses can be awarded:
+30 lucid points (for any task accomplished while lucid; this is separate from lucid points)
+20 early points (for completing the last task active when you go to sleep)
+10 creativity points (for using creative solutions in your LDs)

Base idea for awarding points in each task:
Generally, the basic points-tree of LC 30 will be as follows:

  1. Completing the basic task. (30-50 pts)
  2. Completing secondary tasks. (10-50 pts)
  3. Points earned per action or variation. (5-20 pts per tick)

Quest Points

The monthly Quest counts as task, and awards 50 points for completion.

Personal Goal/Task

When you sign up, also give your personal task(s). That is, a task that is one of your goals for LD’ing. I will award up to 120 points in total pr. person for completing your tasks.

If you submit one personal goal, you will earn 120 points for completing it. This cannot be repeated. If you submit several goals, you will get 120 points divided with the number of tasks you submit. For example, if you have five goals, completing one will award you 24 points…

Be careful, personal goals and average LD lengths cannot be changed while the challenge runs.

Deadlines and Calculation

Deadlines will be right within the week - Friday 8pm (GMT-7) or 15:00 GMT.
If you have any questions about Deadlines please pm as i am not very good with time conversions ^^

You have two options for the point calculation process:
You either write whole dreams here or post a link to your online DJ.
Or you can just specify which basic task and secondary tasks and repetitions you completed and your points calculating will be again done accordingly. However, by doing this, you will lose your chance of getting creativity bonus points.

I will accept entries as late as exactly one day after the next task is posted for early points. The reason for this is the variation in time zones between LD4all members.

Don’t worry about the point calculations, I will be calculating all the scores. (It is required, given the possibility of bonus points.)

If you feel I made an error in points, please PM me immediately and I will either explain or correct. We are here to have fun, so if you and I disagree on how many points you have earned, please do not make a scene. If you don’t like how I reward points, then win the LC so you can make up your own rules!

As per tradition, the Challenge will be open to up to 20 participants with a minimum of 10. When the minimum amount is reached, the first task will be posted on the soonest Friday

I’ll allow signups after the first task is posted, but not if this means we reach more than 20 participants. (I also need some sleep )

Hey guys, im glad to be hosting this and hope everybody is happy to have some lucid dreams. This LC will be lasting for six weeks. one task a week. if there are any questions or comments feel free to PM me and i will respond.

Happy Lucid Dreams :happy:

Sign-up List
1.(Name); (Average LD length); (Personal goal(s))

GM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

  1. Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal

I’M NUMBER ONE! :tongue:

GM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

  1. Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
  2. Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs

I need some motivation! :nuu:

Nickle, its a good idea to link the previous challenges and not just post them with only text :tongue:

/me wont participate this round

TM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

  1. Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
  2. Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs
  3. Rhewin | 5-7 minutes | Defeat Xander in lucid duel (man it’s been going on a while)

TM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

  1. Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
  2. Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs
  3. Rhewin | 5-7 minutes | Defeat Xander in lucid duel (man it’s been going on a while)
  4. elnaureth | 4-6 minutes | sing opera on stage

Who, me? Obsessed with singing? :happy:

TM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

  1. Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
  2. Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs
  3. Rhewin | 5-7 minutes | Defeat Xander in lucid duel (man it’s been going on a while)
  4. elnaureth | 4-6 minutes | sing opera on stage
  5. Limitles |3-5 minutes | Invent something

Why, the links look as if they are working fine to me :razz:

Yes now when I pointed that out :razz:

TM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

  1. Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
  2. Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs
  3. Rhewin | 5-7 minutes | Defeat Xander in lucid duel (man it’s been going on a while)
  4. elnaureth | 4-6 minutes | sing opera on stage
  5. Limitles |3-5 minutes | Invent something
  6. OlegEqualzName # 5-8 minutes # Go into Zelda World :B

Sorry I cant do that certain ‘:’ character. :sad: Copy and Paste doesnt work for DSi.

1.Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
2. Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs
3. Rhewin | 5-7 minutes | Defeat Xander in lucid duel (man it’s been going on a while)
4. elnaureth | 4-6 minutes | sing opera on stage
5. Limitles |3-5 minutes | Invent something
6. OlegEqualzName # 5-8 minutes # Go into Zelda World :B
7. Solaris # 5 minutes # Make a planet explode

TM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

  1. Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
  2. Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs
  3. Rhewin | 5-7 minutes | Defeat Xander in lucid duel (man it’s been going on a while)
  4. elnaureth | 4-6 minutes | sing opera on stage
  5. Limitles | 3-5 minutes | Invent something
  6. OlegEqualzName | 5-8 minutes | Go into Zelda World :B
  7. Solaris | 5 minutes | Make a planet explode
  8. ZRVera | 5 minutes | Defeat a Dalek; Defeat a Cyberman

Yeah, last LC I got into another phase where I left off the DJ and GPJ and LDs and the forum… >_>

And I mostly signed up to add another person and to fix the list. >:C

TM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

  1. Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
  2. Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs
  3. Rhewin | 5-7 minutes | Defeat Xander in lucid duel (man it’s been going on a while)
  4. elnaureth | 4-6 minutes | sing opera on stage
  5. Limitles | 3-5 minutes | Invent something
  6. OlegEqualzName | 5-8 minutes | Go into Zelda World :B
  7. Solaris | 5 minutes | Make a planet explode
  8. ZRVera | 5 minutes | Defeat a Dalek; Defeat a Cyberman
  9. Siiw | 3-5 minutes | Hear or sing a song, and remember it

Somebody join before Friday. I`m starting to get impatient!! =O

TM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

  1. Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
  2. Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs
  3. Rhewin | 5-7 minutes | Defeat Xander in lucid duel (man it’s been going on a while)
  4. elnaureth | 4-6 minutes | sing opera on stage
  5. Limitles | 3-5 minutes | Invent something
  6. OlegEqualzName | 5-8 minutes | Go into Zelda World :B
  7. Solaris | 5 minutes | Make a planet explode
  8. ZRVera | 5 minutes | Defeat a Dalek; Defeat a Cyberman
  9. Siiw | 3-5 minutes | Hear or sing a song, and remember it
  10. Thorn | 3-5 minutes | Use a TV as a portal

Yay! Does this mean it’s going to start tomorrow?

TM Nicklebrick
LC #33 Sign-up List:

1- Scipio Xaos | DJ | Make it to the Portal
2- Leijona | 2-5 minutes | meet my MCs
3- Rhewin | 5-7 minutes | Defeat Xander in lucid duel (man it’s been going on a while)
4-elnaureth | 4-6 minutes | sing opera on stage
5-Limitles | 3-5 minutes | Invent something
6-OlegEqualzName | 5-8 minutes | Go into Zelda World :B
7-Solaris | 5 minutes | Make a planet explode
8-ZRVera | 5 minutes | Defeat a Dalek; Defeat a Cyberman
9-Siiw | 3-5 minutes | Hear or sing a song, and remember it
10-Thorn | 3-5 minutes | Use a TV as a portal
11-ghanemhaithem|2-5min| grow angel wings and fly!!!
wow,i almost forget to sign

Well it looks like the slots are filled :smile:
Its late now but i will update for you guys

Design your very own DREAMSCAPE!!!
Yes! You too can live out your dreams in a world that YOU made…

Try to be original, do something you like, maybe even add a house for you to live in, will your world have roads? Will it have houses? Will it be a giant snow park? The options are endless….

Rules and points:
+5 Have a basic idea of what you want BEFORE you go to sleep

+20 The fun part, (become lucid) then spin or walk through a door and imagine your dreamscape on the otherside. (unless you were already in your dreamscape.)

+20 The dreamscape was successfully created and you are in a stable dream.

+50 Explore, is it what you imagined? is it different?


+50 re-visit the SAME dreamscape (can only be accomplished once)

Hope you guys enjoy and have fun with the first task of the LC #33!

awesoem! i have this alll planned out! :grin:

EDIT: had a medium LD last night, couldn’t remember the task though.

What? Already? There’s places I’d like to revisit that I’ve been to in FLDs, and I tried teleporting in some low lucid that I didn’t remember any goals in and still acted mostly like an FLD until I lost lucidity. Never been to someplace I wanted to create though. I’d have to draw it first, which’ll take forever… anyhow. I remember trying to keep myself remembering that it was a dream but that failed once I reached the end of a road and ended up at a treeline back in time or something.

Slept 20 1/2 hours again today, anyhow… Yay for hibernating on weekends off?