LC 65 - The Great Library! Books found: 38

Previous Challenges

[spoiler]LC 1 - TM and initiator: eMander (formerly ian1) - winner: -=JaSoN=-
LC 2 - TM: Magnus - winner: Q
LC 3 - TM: Q - winner: Bravsein
LC 4 - TM: Bravsein - winner: WritersCube
LC 5 - TM: WritersCube - winner: dimsya
LC 6 - TM: dimsya - winner: Queen SD
LC 7 - TM: Ysim - winner: Mugiwara
LC 8 - TM: Mugiwara - winner: Ysim
LC 9 - TM: Ysim - winner: Tundra
LC 10 - TM: Tundra - winner: ebilshrimp
LC 11 - TM: ebilshrimp - winner: Tundra
LC 12 - TM: HebrewB - winner: mattiasdavis
LC 13 - TM: Blue&White - winner: relV
LC 14 - TM: relV - winner: GHOSTIE11
LC 15 - TM: GHOSTIE11 - winner: unknownuser33
LC 16 - TM: Danielns13 - winner: rkr7
LC 17 - TM: Angelmouse - winner: pasQuale
LC 18 - TM: Magnus - winner: Amaryllis
LC 19 - TM: Amaryllis - winner: Dryalantha
LC 20 - TM: Dryalantha - winners: Shadow Dreamer and Amaryllis
LC 21 - TM: Shadow Dreamer - winner: probably Wyvern
LC 22 - TM: Danilens13 - winner: tosxyChor
LC 23 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Wyvern
LC 24 - TM: Wyvern - winner: tosxyChor
LC 25 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Solaris
LC 26 - TM: Solaris - winner: Rhewin
LC 27 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Rhewin
LC 28 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Siiw
LC 29 - TM: Siiw - winner: Rhewin
LC 30 - TM: Puce - winner: Wega
LC 31 - TM: Mimmo0 - winner: Limitles
LC 32 - TM: Limitles - winner: Nicklebrick
LC 33 - TM: Nicklebrick - winner: elnaureth
LC 34 - TM: elnaureth - winner: DreamSailor
LC 35 - TM: Ysim - winner: Koharo
LC 36 - TM: Rhewin - winner: HeadInTheClouds
LC 37 - TM: HeadInTheClouds - winner: Cornelia Xaos (formerly Scipio Xaos)
LC 38 - TM: Cornelia Xaos - winner: Thorn
LC 39 - TM: Thorn - winner: Koharo
LC 40 - TM: HeadInTheClouds - winner: Wyvern
LC 41 - TM: Wyvern - winner: Thorn
LC 42 - TM: Thorn - winner: Wyvern
LC 43 - TM: Rhewin - winner: drd
LC 44 - TM: Thorn - winner: drd
LC 45 - TM: obfusc8 - winner: Thorn
LC 46 - TM: Thorn, drd, Scipio - winner: obfusc8
LC 47 - TM: Mew151 - winner: Rhewin
LC 48 - TM: Rhewin - winner: probably obfusc8
LC 49 - TM: obfusc8 - winner: drd
LC 50 - TM: Thorn - winner: obfusc8
LC 51 - TM: Jer - winner: Thorn
LC 52 - TM: Susan_Y - winner: obfusc8
LC 53 - TM: Obfusc8 - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 54 - TM: Susan_Y - Winner: DTDownUnder
LC 55 - TM: DTDownUnder - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 56 - TM: GenghisKhan - Winner: MearaDelia
LC 57 - TM: MearaDelia - Winner: DTDownUnder
LC 58 - TM: Obfusc8 - Winner: Koal44
LC 59 - TM: Koal44 - Winner: Tggtt
LC 60 - TM: Tggtt, Mew151 - Winner: GenghisKhan
LC 61 - TM: GenghisKhan, Koal44 - Winner: Obfusc8
LC 62 - TM: Susan_Y - Winner: James_UK2008
LC 63 - TM: Majah - Winner: Cornelia Xaos
LC 64 - TM: Cornelia Xaos - Winner: Obliverum

:welcome: welcome everyone to the 65th lucidity challenge! :welcome:

the lucidity challenge is here to motivate participants to get back into practice. you can gain points through accomplishing tasks in dreams, as well as some waking activities.

this challenge will be a 3 week workshop that will include points for lucid dreams, points for sightings of certain things in nonlucid dreams, and also points for dream journal entries, reality checks, and even meditation! come work on your skills along with a supportive group, and enjoy the motivation of a little friendly competition if it helps.

new in this challenge is that there will be a collaborative treasure hunt to collectively find a certain number of a certain object (no spoilers yet, there will be a theme to the challenge), where all dreamers lucid and nonlucid can contribute one sighting per day of this thing to our collective goal, so please join and help the team.

if we reach our collective goal, then everyone wins the challenge! the person with the most points will still be given extra honors as well as the option to host the next challenge if they like.


scoring is going to be calculated fairly simply, with most things worth 1 point, and a few things worth 2, 3, or 5. this challenge is about personal growth and habits, so the points are weighted such that hard workers are rewarded. ill explain the items more in the intro once we get started, but heres the basics:

SPOILER - Click to view

1 point items that can be done in waking life and collected once per day:

:writing_hand: dj entry
:stopwatch: 3 minute meditation (yep, just 3 minutes! you can do it!)
:sleeping_bed: reality check upon waking (must be soon enough after waking that you are confident you would catch a false awakening)
:red_car: your chosen 2nd reality check (decide in advance where else in your day or routine a reality check would be useful, and stick with it for all 3 weeks)
:star: your chosen personal goal for waking life (decide in advance something you want to change about your daily habits that would support LDing)

1 point items that can be collected in dreams:

:medal_sports: find one of the challenge objects, actions, or whatever in a nonlucid or lucid dream (each thing can be found once per person, many in one day is fine)
:question: find one of the mystery items for the group challenge (you can contribute one per day)
:thinking: wonder if you are dreaming, think about lucid dreaming, or think about reality checks, but dont become lucid (once per dream)

2 point items:

:zzz::zzz: short ld (includes just realization)
:thinking::thinking: do a reality check in a dream (you get these points even if you dont become lucid)

3 point items:

:zzz::zzz::zzz: medium or long ld (long lds are their own reward!)
:crown::crown::crown: achieve the special weekly challenge quest, in a lucid or nonlucid dream
:art::art::art: dream art (create and share art of any kind based on a dream you or someone else had in the challenge, one per day)

5 point items:

:trophy::trophy::trophy::trophy::trophy: achieve your personal goal in a lucid dream
:stopwatch::stopwatch::stopwatch::stopwatch::stopwatch: achieve the current LD4ALL quest 129, which is to pause time
:tada::tada::tada::tada::tada: have the longest LD you have had in at least a year
:heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat: have your first LD


signups start now, aug 3 2019! if people sign up fast enough, we can start in a week, otherwise we might wait another. either way you can start getting in good habits now so by the time we start you will be ready to get those points!

please add your name to a list that includes your name and a personal goal to be completed in a lucid dream, like this:

  1. obliverum - get advice from a dc

also: decide one place in your daily routine you would like to challenge yourself to do a reality check. at work or school, in the car or on the train, when getting the mail, when checking facebook. just make sure you also decide on an alternative for weekends or whatever. anything is fine as long as you decide in advance and stick to it during the challenge! you dont have to share this publicly, but if you want to share it could help inspire others and keep yourself accountable.

finally, decide on a personal daily goal that would help lucid dreaming. maybe you want to get to bed earlier, or drink less, or eat more vegetables. maybe you want to try WBTB, or exercise, or read a book about lucid dreaming. whatever it is, decide now and either share with us to inspire everyone else or keep it private if you like.

i hope you will join us!

LC 65 Signups (Name - Personal Goal)

  1. Cornelia Xaos - Engage L.E.A.F. Extras for the VALGEAR.

Reality Check: I tend to have a lot of game dreams so whenever I play any videogame I’d like to do a reality check.

Personal Goal: Have a cup of tea right before bed. Preferably chamomile. I love that stuff. :tongue:

First post!! I’m excited for this LC! I can’t wait to see what it brings! My only confusion is that dream art is worth three points (quite a lot by comparison) and is listed under “things to do in dreams” when it seems like something you’d do while awake. The only real concern about the point value is how easy it is to spam art… past LCs have had… issues, but we’ll see. :tongue:

LC 65 Signups (Name - Personal Goal)

  1. Cornelia Xaos - Engage L.E.A.F. Extras for the VALGEAR.
  2. Susan_Y - Visit the castle of Respiral

:wave: Cornelia and Susan :smile:

video game rc is a good one, i should probably do that since i have a lot of video game dreams too. and i always approve of more tea!

i made dream art worth a lot on purpose because in the lcs ive been a part of i havent seen many people doing it, and it is so much fun for everyone to see or read. art makes us engage deeply with the feelings and ideas around dreams in an important way. but obviously i havent seen the times when art spam has been a problem! it sounds like an oxymoron to me, my gut instinct is “bring on the art spam!”

i guess for now ill just trust everyone to be good… or else :devil:

LC 65 Signups (Name - Personal Goal)

  1. Cornelia Xaos - Engage L.E.A.F. Extras for the VALGEAR.
  2. Susan_Y - Visit the castle of Respiral
  3. Koal44 - Dive in a volcano

Reality Check: I will try to do reallity checks whenever I arrive into a new place. I guess this should be super effective if I can do it properly :smile:

Personal goal: find time to take a nap every week end.

I love the ideas of reality check and personal goals like this! This really can change things :smile:
I guess the scoring part can be a bit weird though. If one does a personal reality check, a RC when one wakes up, 3 minutes meditation and writes a DJ entry, one would start with a daily 4 points?

That s quite huge huh?
Well I m still open for new things so let’s try :smile:

yep! if it sounds easy now in theory, i challenge you to see how many days you can get all four :grin:

Haha Challenge accepted, can’t wait to see the impact on my LDs!

And dont’t forget to do some dream art as well… :smile:

Seriously, I think it will be interesting to see how the new scoring system works out. Giving points for doing things that make LD more likely (but we’re too lazy to do unless there’s points on offer) might encourage people.

I really want to do some more dream art, but I’ve tended to be too busy with other things to get around to it.

LC 65 Signups (Name - Personal Goal)

  1. Cornelia Xaos - Engage L.E.A.F. Extras for the VALGEAR.
  2. Susan_Y - Visit the castle of Respiral
  3. Koal44 - Dive in a volcano
  4. James_UK2008 - Shape shift myself.

Reality Check: Whenever I get the chance to. Admittedly have really been slacking off on this mainly due to lack of time and intensity of my workload at work :meh:

Personal goal: No idea right now…

LC 65 Signups (Name - Personal Goal)

  1. Cornelia Xaos - Engage L.E.A.F. Extras for the VALGEAR.
  2. Susan_Y - Visit the castle of Respiral
  3. Koal44 - Dive in a volcano
  4. James_UK2008 - Shape shift myself.
  5. Mew151 - Meet Randy

Reality Check: I will RC whenever I meet up with friends, since meeting up with friends and things becoming weird and awkward has becoming a consistent theme in my dreams lately.

Personal goal: Read Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming every night before bed. It’ll help me relax and just be nostalgic… I think it’s been about 10 years since I last gave that book a real read.

I… was concerned at first because I thought you meant read the entire book each night before bed. :tongue:

LC 65 Signups (Name - Personal Goal)

  1. Cornelia Xaos - Engage L.E.A.F. Extras for the VALGEAR.
  2. Susan_Y - Visit the castle of Respiral
  3. Koal44 - Dive in a volcano
  4. James_UK2008 - Shape shift myself.
  5. Mew151 - Meet Randy
  6. Obfusc8 - Transform into a tree and put down roots

Reality Check: Whenever I get on/in or out of a vehicle.

Personal goal: 30+ mins of exercise every day. I generally do way more than this during the week, but the weekends tend to be 0… because computer games. :tongue:

LC 65 Signups (Name - Personal Goal)

  1. Cornelia Xaos - Engage L.E.A.F. Extras for the VALGEAR.
  2. Susan_Y - Visit the castle of Respiral
  3. Koal44 - Dive in a volcano
  4. James_UK2008 - Shape shift myself.
  5. Mew151 - Meet Randy
  6. Obfusc8 - Transform into a tree and put down roots
  7. Letaali - Visit an alien world

Reality Check: Whenever I wake up.

Personal goal: Actually WBTB. I’ve been too lazy to do this for a while.

LC 65 Signups (Name - Personal Goal)

  1. Cornelia Xaos - Engage L.E.A.F. Extras for the VALGEAR.
  2. Susan_Y - Visit the castle of Respiral
  3. Koal44 - Dive in a volcano
  4. James_UK2008 - Shape shift myself.
  5. Mew151 - Meet Randy
  6. Obfusc8 - Transform into a tree and put down roots
  7. Letaali - Visit an alien world
  8. PremiumOtter - Shoot a fireball from my mouth

Reality Check: Whenever I enter a different room.

Personal goal: Cut down on daydreaming and become more aware of my actions and surroundings.

its so interesting to read everyones goals and reality checks, i am feeling inspired! “shoot a fireball out of my mouth” is one ive never heard before, i love it :smile:

  1. Cornelia Xaos - Engage L.E.A.F. Extras for the VALGEAR.
  2. Susan_Y - Visit the castle of Respiral
  3. Koal44 - Dive in a volcano
  4. James_UK2008 - Shape shift myself.
  5. Mew151 - Meet Randy
  6. Obfusc8 - Transform into a tree and put down roots
  7. Letaali - Visit an alien world
  8. PremiumOtter - Shoot a fireball from my mouth
  9. GenghisKhan - Manage to discuss with A about one thing

Reality check: at work or at the beach

Personal goal: daily meditation

For this LC, I might only post weekly or so (with dated dreams from my paper diary).

I have recently had the thought that logging on to a forum (e.g. to post dreams) every morning is potentially a slightly bad habit.

P.S. I love you all! This is such a great community! But I have reservations about the Internet in general … one of the greatest enablers of procrastination/avoidance that humanity has ever devised.

So I may be doing an " I am not an addict" demonstration this time.

Susan’s comment hit a nerve… enough to make me want to change my personal goal. As this seems to be a challenge about habits, then breaking probably my worst habit seems like a good shout. (Not that exercise isn’t an important habit, but blah blah something something rest days.) So I’d like to change my personal goal to be: No mindless phone browsing while watching TV.

This is gonna be tough. :help:

To be explicit about my waking life personal goal - i’ll claim the points for each day I don’t read ld4all or do any other non-work related web surfing.

Am I right in thinking we start this coming Saturday?