I participated in:
- LC 65 - The Great Library! Books found: 38
- Lucidity Challenge 60: Special Awards Ceremony
- Lucid Challenge 59 - Winner - Tggtt
- Lucidity Challenge 54 Winner DTDownUnder!
- Lucidity Challenge 53 - winner GenghisKhan!
- Lucidity Challenge 52 winner Obfusc8!
- Lucidity Challenge 51 - Winner: Thorn!
- Lucidity Challenge 50—obfusc8 wins!
- Lucidity Challenge 49 - winner: drd!
- Lucidity Challenge 48 - Task 3 - VampireVolfGame
- Lucidity Challenge 47 - Winner Rhewin
- Lucidity Challenge 45 - Winner - Thorn!
- Lucidity Challenge 44—Winner: drd
- Lucidity Challenge 43: Winner - drd!
- Lucidity Challenge 42—Winner: Wyvern!
- LC #41 - Congratulations Thorn!
- LC 40 - Congratulations Wyvern!
- Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!
- Lucidity Challenge 35 > winner Koharo!
- LC #31: Congratulations Limitles!
- LC #30: Congratulations Wega!
There were at least 2 or 3 I signed up for, but never posted so I didn’t count those… and going back through them all was a bit… saddening…
EDIT: Also… I think I won LC 65? I think I had the highest score, but it might have been someone else. The host for that LC kinda fell off the map.