Lucidity Challenge 53 - winner GenghisKhan!


The purpose of the LC in its current form is to serve as a motivator for good lucid dream practices, to create an atmosphere of both competition and cooperation, to create a challenge for lucid dreamers of all levels, and to provide fun to all participants. I hope that everybody gets to experience all of these while participating!

Week 1 - Pandora
Week 2 - Wizard Wheezes
Week 3 - Spy Games
Week 4 - Playtime!
Week 5 - Laughter and Love

Side Mission descriptions

Previous Challenges

[spoiler]LC 1 — TM and initiator: eMander (formerly ian1) — winner: -=JaSoN=-
LC 2 — TM: Magnus — winner: Q
LC 3 — TM: Q — winner: Bravsein
LC 4 — TM: Bravsein — winner: WritersCube
LC 5 — TM: WritersCube — winner: dimsya
LC 6 — TM: dimsya — winner: Queen SD
LC 7 — TM: Ysim — winner: Mugiwara
LC 8 — TM: Mugiwara — winner: Ysim
LC 9 — TM: Ysim — winner: Tundra
LC 10 — TM: Tundra — winner: ebilshrimp
LC 11 — TM: ebilshrimp — winner: Tundra
LC 12 — TM: HebrewB — winner: mattiasdavis
LC 13 — TM: Blue&White — winner: relV
LC 14 — TM: relV — winner: GHOSTIE11
LC 15 — TM: GHOSTIE11 — winner: unknownuser33
LC 16 — TM: Danielns13 — winner: rkr7
LC 17 — TM: Angelmouse — winner: pasQuale
LC 18 — TM: Magnus — winner: Amaryllis
LC 19 — TM: Amaryllis — winner: Dryalantha
LC 20 — TM: Dryalantha — winners: Shadow Dreamer and Amaryllis
LC 21 — TM: Shadow Dreamer — winner: probably Wyvern
LC 22 — TM: Danilens13 — winner: tosxyChor
LC 23 — TM: tosxyChor — winner: Wyvern
LC 24 — TM: Wyvern — winner: tosxyChor
LC 25 — TM: Rhewin — winner: Solaris
LC 26 — TM: Solaris — winner: Rhewin
LC 27 — TM: tosxyChor — winner: Rhewin
LC 28 — TM: Rhewin — winner: Siiw
LC 29 — TM: Siiw — winner: Rhewin
LC 30 — TM: Puce — winner: Wega
LC 31 — TM: Mimmo0 — winner: Limitles
LC 32 — TM: Limitles — winner: Nicklebrick
LC 33 — TM: Nicklebrick — winner: elnaureth
LC 34 — TM: elnaureth — winner: DreamSailor
LC 35 — TM: Ysim — winner: Koharo
LC 36 — TM: Rhewin — winner: HeadInTheClouds
LC 37 — TM: HeadInTheClouds — winner: Scipio Xaos
LC 38 — TM: Scipio Xaos — winner: Thorn
LC 39 — TM: Thorn — winner: Koharo
LC 40 — TM: HeadInTheClouds — winner: Wyvern
LC 41 — TM: Wyvern — winner: Thorn
LC 42 — TM: Thorn — winner: Wyvern
LC 43 — TM: Rhewin — winner: drd
LC 44 — TM: Thorn — winner: drd
LC 45 — TM: obfusc8 — winner: Thorn
LC 46 — TM: Thorn — winner: obfusc8
LC 47 — TM: Mew151 — winner: Rhewin
LC 48 — TM: Rhewin — winner: probably obfusc8
LC 49 — TM: obfusc8 — winner: drd
LC 50 — TM: Thorn — winner: obfusc8
LC 51 — TM: Jer — winner: Thorn
LC 52 -TM: Susan_Y - winner: obfusc8
Challenge Structure

The LC will consist of five weeks of lucid dreaming tasks. Each task is worth points, and each participant will attempt to accrue as many points as possible via finishing the tasks in lucid dreams and normal dreams, having long lucid dreams, and other means. At the end of the challenge, the participant with the most points wins! He or she can host the next LC if he or she chooses; if not, hosting rights go to second place, and so on and so forth until a host is found.

Scoring (placed in a spoiler for length)

[spoiler]The scoring system includes a high amount of subjectivity and many ways of earning points. This means that each participant can challenge himself or herself appropriately by choosing which points to attempt to earn and by reflecting differently upon his or her own lucid dreams from the past when making length and personal goal decisions. Points will be awarded as follows; I’m being verbose for the sake of covering exceptions to rules, so it’s less complicated than it looks!* Lucid Dreams and Induction Methods[list][*]You get 5 points if you wonder if you are dreaming but do not become lucid.

  • You get 20, 30, 40, or 50 points for a lucid dream you would consider short, medium-length, long, or your longest ever (respectively) based on lucid dreams you have had in the past. If you lose and regain lucidity without fully waking up, either within the dream or via DEILD, consider the combined length of all lucid parts of the dream as the scored length. If you are entering the LC without any past lucid dreams, note that you will get 75 points for your first lucid dream and that your length scale from your second lucid dream onward will be Short ≤ 1 minute < Medium-length ≤ 5 minutes < Long < Longest.
  • You get 50 points for becoming lucid through an induction method for the first time ever as long as the dream is not your first lucid dream ever. Note that I reserve the right to declare slight variants on methods as “not new” if nothing substantial is introduced.
    [/:m][]Actions Within Dreams* You get the listed amount of points for completing a task in most cases. Exceptions to this will be covered as they arise. You also get points for completing additional conditions or variations on tasks as listed
  • You get 30 “Lucid” points, applicable once per week, for completing a task while lucid. Completing a second task for a week for which you already have this bonus will not award a second bonus.
  • You get 20 “Early” or “Combo” points, applicable once per week, for completing a task while it is part of the most recent week or for completing a task alongside a task from another week, respectively. You can earn only one of these two 20 point bonuses per week.
  • You get 75 points for completing the LD4all Monthly Quest while lucid, applicable exactly once per Quest. Note that it does not always update monthly despite the name, but I have no control over this; please don’t direct complaints to me! If you complete the Quest active at the start of the LC before the start, you may “complete” it while lucid during the LC while it is still the most recent Quest to earn the 75 points.
  • You get 100 points for completing a personal goal that you set in your sign-up post (see Sign-Ups for more information) while lucid, and 25 points for completing a second personal goal that you may pick after completing the first one while lucid. You may not change this goal before completing it once the LC starts, so choose wisely.
  • You may get up to 10 points for being creative within your lucid dreams. These are subjective on my part and are thus worth little to keep the LC fair but to encourage doing more than going through the motions in your lucid dreams. I reserve the right to issue a tiebreaker even if there is not a tie if I feel that the winner won only on these subjective creativity points.
    [/*:m][/list:u]Note that the points given in past LCs for lucidity loss/regaining and for DEILDing into a prior LD have been removed. In the past, these served as a point of confusion and also created point differences between people with unstable dreams who could re-enter them and people who could stabilize from within the dream itself. Removing the points removes the confusion and awards re-entering/stabilizing an LD only as it should be rewarded: the dream length is longer, making it worth more points and giving more time to complete tasks. Note that dreams connected via DEILD are counted as one dream.

When you claim points, please be sure to state the length of any lucid dreams you are claiming, which actions you are claiming for points, and which actions were done non-lucidly and lucidly. I highly suggest linking your dream journal or describing relevant parts, as this allows me to judge your point claims accurately, award creativity points if applicable, or find points that you may not have known you could claim.

You are free to calculate points to check your standing, but I am the official scorekeeper. If you feel I made an error in points, please PM me immediately and I will either explain or correct my scoring. We are here to have fun, so if you and I disagree on how many points you have earned, please do not make a scene in public. It sounds childish to say this, but it’s been a longtime LC rule: if you don’t like how the TM awards points, then win the LC so you can make up your own rules! :tongue:[/spoiler]


  1. Thorn — Breathe fire.
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size.
  3. Oleg — Travel through space.
  4. Pedro Sponchiado — meet my deceased grandmother and talk to her.
  5. Cornelia Xaos — Finally have that flight with Cardia. :tongue:
  6. Mew151 — Sing in front of an audience
  7. Jer — Fly with an LC participant
  8. Koal44 — Freeze Time
  9. drd — Ride Smokey
  10. GenghisKhan — Become water
  11. Susan_Y - Wear some new clothes
  12. Lumessence - Make constructive contact with Noehl.
  13. En’enra - Meet a familiar DC (Sikain, Atton, the nameless guide, or Simor)

The LC traditionally needs 10 participants before it starts.

When signing up, please quote the sign-up list from the most recent post containing it and add your entry to the bottom of the list. Your sign up should include your username and your personal goal worth 100 points when completed lucidly.

Sign-Up List [Name — Personal Goal]

Scores will be visible online once the challenge begins.

One Final Thing…

I will read any dreams you want me to read. Feel free to post dreams here or in your DJ. I will only score and read your DJ posts if you link them here. Also, if you do link a DJ post, please also summarize what you did for the LC.

There might be some team events during the challenge, but you will pick/end up on a team based on the tasks that you complete during that week. There might also be a distracting ‘Side Mission’ that will run for the whole length of the LC designed to test your dream incubation and recall skills. :tongue:

Yeah I know there isn’t the character creation bit from the previous couple of challenges. There will be a few more transformation tasks because that’s something I find really fun in lucid dreams, so you can fulfil your character aspirations for task points at some time during the challenge… :smile:

  1. Thorn — Breathe fire
    Okay, let’s desperately try to get out of this rut I’m in. I’m absolutely sick of it.

Also, I’m totally cool with character points disappearing. There hasn’t really been a justification for them lately what with the LC stories fading away (for better or worse! :tongue:).

I’m also OK with the “character” aspect disappearing. Hardly anyone did it in the last LC.

  1. Thorn — Breathe fire
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size

^ You’re speaking my language again, James. I still have to get my big, dream-dragon self breathing fire, and you’re still aiming to be big. I knew there was a reason we tied last LC. Let’s scratch each other’s backs and be big monsters together. You and me, bud… we’re going places. :smile:

  1. Thorn — Breathe fire.
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size.
  3. Oleg - Travel through space.

I am going to win this .=. /unjustified arrogance

Lucidity Challenge 53 Signups!

  1. Thorn — Breathe fire.
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size.
  3. Oleg — Travel through space.
  4. Pedro Sponchiado — meet my deceased grandmother and talk to her.
  5. Cornelia Xaos — Finally have that flight with Cardia. :tongue:


Lucidity Challenge 53 Signups!

  1. Thorn — Breathe fire.
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size.
  3. Oleg — Travel through space.
  4. Pedro Sponchiado — meet my deceased grandmother and talk to her.
  5. Cornelia Xaos — Finally have that flight with Cardia. :tongue:
  6. Mew151 — Sing in front of an audience


Lucidity Challenge 53 Signups!

  1. Thorn — Breathe fire.
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size.
  3. Oleg — Travel through space.
  4. Pedro Sponchiado — meet my deceased grandmother and talk to her.
  5. Cornelia Xaos — Finally have that flight with Cardia. :tongue:
  6. Mew151 — Sing in front of an audience
  7. Jer — Fly with an LC participant

hypee :content:

  1. Thorn — Breathe fire.
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size.
  3. Oleg — Travel through space.
  4. Pedro Sponchiado — meet my deceased grandmother and talk to her.
  5. Cornelia Xaos — Finally have that flight with Cardia. :tongue:
  6. Mew151 — Sing in front of an audience
  7. Jer — Fly with an LC participant
  8. Koal44 — Freeze Time

Well I found the character Transformation quite cool but it is also really hard for me to morph into other creatures so I won t complain that it disappears :smile:

  1. Thorn — Breathe fire.
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size.
  3. Oleg — Travel through space.
  4. Pedro Sponchiado — meet my deceased grandmother and talk to her.
  5. Cornelia Xaos — Finally have that flight with Cardia. :tongue:
  6. Mew151 — Sing in front of an audience
  7. Jer — Fly with an LC participant
  8. Koal44 — Freeze Time
  9. drd — Ride Smokey
  1. Thorn — Breathe fire.
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size.
  3. Oleg — Travel through space.
  4. Pedro Sponchiado — meet my deceased grandmother and talk to her.
  5. Cornelia Xaos — Finally have that flight with Cardia. :tongue:
  6. Mew151 — Sing in front of an audience
  7. Jer — Fly with an LC participant
  8. Koal44 — Freeze Time
  9. drd — Ride Smokey
  10. GenghisKhan — Become water

First time I participate to LC, wish me luck :happy:

Alright! We’ve reached 10 sign ups so the challenge will begin on Wed 6th Jan at around 1pm GMT (or whenever I get my lunch break :tongue:)

Best of luck everyone! :happy:

  1. Thorn — Breathe fire.
  2. James_UK2008 — Grow to Kaiju size.
  3. Oleg — Travel through space.
  4. Pedro Sponchiado — meet my deceased grandmother and talk to her.
  5. Cornelia Xaos — Finally have that flight with Cardia. :tongue:
  6. Mew151 — Sing in front of an audience
  7. Jer — Fly with an LC participant
  8. Koal44 — Freeze Time
  9. drd — Ride Smokey
  10. GenghisKhan — Become water
  11. Susan_Y - Wear some new clothes

For my personal goal: be able to see myself well enough to tell what I’m wearing; and it’s not something I own in waking life.

Week 1 - Pandora

A little introduction…

[spoiler]You awake in utter darkness. Around you are the sounds of other people already moving around.
“Wait… I think I’ve found a…” Someone says.
There is a click, and suddenly the floor gives way and dumps you all unceremoniously out of the darkness onto grass covered ground. In the sudden bright light you can see the underside of a space ship above you. Lying on the grass around you are several other confused looking people. Someone is whistling.

Wondering where that whistling is coming from you start to look around. You spot a tall, skinny guy in a leather jacket. He is strolling off towards the tree line, glances back, sees you all and does a double take.
“Er, what are you…? Oh, right, the lucid challenge… er. Right then. Okay. Well, I’m Obfusc8. Hi.”

Suddenly an arrow whistles past Obfusc8’s head and thunks into the space ship. To your surprise, the ship makes a mechanical squeal of pain. It then shrinks down and transforms into a speeder bike before shooting off into the forest, leaving you all feeling exposed in this grassy clearing.

Looking at where the arrow came from you can see the tree line is bristling with tall, blue skinned aliens brandishing bows, spears and other sharp looking weapons. The ground starts rumbling and the noise of machinery can be heard. From the other side of the clearing several large mech suits stomp out of the tree line. They are accompanied by massive tanks that smash down the trees caught in their path.

“I’ll get the ship… you folks deal with-” Obfusc8 gestures at the two opposing forces lining up for a fight. “…this!” Then he sprints off into the forest following the path the speeder bike took. You look around at the other challengers, wondering who is going to make the first move.

Welcome to Pandora!

Visit a planet or moon other than Earth 10pts
-The planet or moon is deserted +10pts
-The planet or moon has aliens living there +10pts

See people in military uniforms (I will accept sci-fi themed uniforms from TV/films e.g. Starfleet, even if they aren’t technically military.) 20pts

[color=red]Find a rare or expensive element or substance (‘unobtainium’, diamonds, gold, uranium) 20pts
-use the element in some way, melt it, cut it, make something from it, eat it, what happens? +30pts

Change your skin colour to something non-human (blue/purple/green etc) 20pts
-Grow a tail +30pts

Ride in a flying vehicle or space craft (dust off your LC50 hovergear if you like) 20pts
-Pilot the vehicle +30pts
-Perform an aerial stunt +20pts

Control a mech suit or heavy machinery (digger, tank, stuff like that) 30pts
-Lift or smash something heavy +20pts
Explore a forest or jungle 20pts
-Forest parkour: Free run through a forest, using branches, vines and plants. Try swinging from vines. Tarzan impressions optional. +30pts

See a colossal tree (not just any scrawny little tree, a big old one, bigger than a building at least!) 20pts
-Talk to the tree, meditate, pray or sit in quiet contemplation under it. Will it talk back? What insight will it give? +30pts

Talk to an animal/beast (this task doesn’t require a conversation, it doesn’t have to talk back to you) 20pts
-use telepathy to join with the animal’s mind. What is it thinking? +30pts
-control/direct the animal +20pts

Hold a ‘traditional’ weapon e.g. sword, bow and arrow, axe, spear, etc 30pts
-hit something/fire the weapon +20pts

Ignore the fact that some tasks are red and some green, all tasks are worth the listed points. :smile:

Side Mission

This is completely optional. You can ignore it completely and focus on the main lucid challenge tasks, or if you want to work on your dream recall or dream incubation skills, you can attempt to earn some extra points. You do not need to be lucid, any dream that matches the genre you are currently assigned will count. You don’t score the lucid or early bonuses for these, so getting lucid and doing the current tasks should be your main focus.

The side mission is designed to test your abilities to incubate dreams on a specific theme. It consists of a wheel of different film/tv genres. You can score points by having dreams related to the genres described. You have been assigned a random starting point in the wheel. Each time you claim a dream which matched the theme, you advance one place clockwise and gain +10pts. If you complete the entire circle you gain +60pts. The dreams can be lucid or non-lucid but you need to report what you did/saw that matches the current genre you are on in order to be awarded points.

THE DREAM DOESN’T NEED TO PERFECTLY MATCH. If you’re on a spaceship and a crew member gets murdered, then that would count for the Detective/Police genre OR the Science Fiction genre. If you find yourself dreaming about exploring a spooky ghost-haunted castle and suddenly Spider Man shows up, then you could count it for either Horror or Superhero genres.

Of course not everyone likes all the genres down here, so you get the option to SKIP up to 2 times (move over a genre you’d rather not do). You can REPEAT a theme up to 2 times (stay on your current genre rather than move on). Also you can JUMP to any genre you like up to 2 times. You can only use one of these in a row. (And yes, if you have two of your current genre dreams consecutively in one night, I’ll allow you to be extremely cheeky and play a single REPEAT to earn points for both, but I won’t allow you to JUMP or SKIP in the middle of the night, you must declare them before you claim.)

It’s supposed to be a bit of fun, and hopefully encourage you to concentrate on your dream recall even if you aren’t getting lucid as often as you’d like.

The final decision of what matches a particular genre is mine. So please, no drama if I refuse to e.g. grant you Adventure points for your dream about a space station (that’s Sci-Fi!). That said, I’m waaaay too lenient, so post it anyway with the reasons you think it should count. :smile:

I’m on the Fantasy genre. After a few nights trying I get an epic Lord of the Rings dream in which I fight a Balrog, I post and claim 10pts. This moves me on to the Historical/Western genre. Urgh. Can’t think of anything worse. Plus, I’m going to catch up on the latest series of Walking Dead tonight and hopefully end up with some zombie dreams, so I play a SKIP to move onto the Horror genre. Sure enough that night my dreams are plagued by zombies so I post and claim another 10pts. Now I’m on the Musical genre. That’s not really my thing either, so I play a JUMP to move to any genre I choose, and decide to select the Superhero genre because I am Batman, so that’s bound to show up in a dream sooner or later.

Here are the genres:
1. Science Fiction - Futuristic, future tech, space, spaceships, exploring other planets, aliens, mech suits.
2. Medical - doctors and nurses, hospitals, surgery, identifying illnesses and medical conditions, saving the injured.
3. Adventure - exploring exotic locations (jungle, desert, mountains, deep ocean), lost continents, ancient tombs and ruins.
4. Detective/Police - investigating or witnessing a crime, police, forensics, arresting a suspect.
5. Fantasy - magic, supernatural forces, fantasy monsters, exotic fantasy worlds, mythology, folklore
6. Historical/Western - Vikings, Romans, Victorian Era, World Wars, Cowboys and Indians/Frontier towns
7. Horror - macabre, supernatural, fright-fests, vampires, werewolves.
8. Musical - featuring the act of making music, playing instruments, or musicians, dancing, singing, bursting into song for no apparent reason.
9. Crime - organised crime, mobsters, heist, bank robberies, computer crime.
10. Action - challenges and physical feats, chases, pursuits, combat, life threatening situations.
11. Children - talking animals, princes and princesses, cartoon characters.
12. Superhero - super powers, vigilantism, wearing a hero costume, crime fighting using powers or gadgets.

From Superhero you jump back to Science Fiction and go around again. You must complete all 12 genres to earn the 60pt bonus.

Here are your starting locations: (randomly rolled with a d12 based on the order you signed up in)
Thorn - 3 Adventure
James_uk2008 - 10 Action
Oleg - 11 Children
Pedro - 6 Historical/Western
Cornelia - 12 Superhero
Mew151 - 5 Fantasy
Jer - 5 Fantasy
Koal44 - 8 Musical
drd - 7 Horror
GenghisKhan - 1 Science Fiction
Susan_Y - 8 Musical
Lumessence - 4 Detective/Police

Remember you can use a JUMP or SKIP if you don’t like your randomly assigned starting point!

PM me if you have any questions or want clarification on anything. :smile:

I am super excited about this ! :happy:

I know i keep saying I shouldn’t join, due to always seeming to drop out half way through… Though recently i’ve taken on a lucid goal that i’m working on, and I need more of an excuse to write in my dream journal…

If it’s not too late, i’d like to sign up… If you don’t allow that though, then that’s alright.

You are more than welcome to join in, Lumessence. All that is needed is your personal goal worth 100pts if completed while lucid.

Your random start location for the side mission is 4: Detective/Police genre.

@GhenghisKhan: Hype!! :happy:


Lumessence - Make constructive contact with Noehl.

I know that’s a little vague, writing it as “constructive”, but it’s a person problem i need to figure out through contacting this entity (in theory).

If i feel like i’ve spoken to this entity in a constructive manner, then i’ll pass off my goal. This means that simply encountering them, or even speaking to them is not going to be sufficient for me. It must be relevant to my goal, relating to what i’m trying to get figured out.

4, hm?.. I’d like to use my jump to 1. The first 3 are the most interesting in the list to me, and i feel like most of the things past 3 may never be covered in my dreams… Might aswell get what i can :smile: